草业学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (7): 105-118.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023317
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
杨得玉(), 黄文植, 冯宇哲, 薛斌, 张晓卫, 崔占鸿(
E-mail: cuizhanhong@126.com基金资助:
De-yu YANG(), Wen-zhi HUANG, Yu-zhe FENG, Bin XUE, Xiao-wei ZHANG, Zhan-hong CUI(
Zhan-hong CUI
为探讨放牧条件下补饲矿物质盐砖对牦牛生产力的影响,选取12头2.5岁体重接近[(139±6) kg]的健康公牦牛,随机等分为2组,每组6个重复,开展了全放牧组(CG组)和放牧+补饲矿物质盐砖组(SG组)2个控制性放牧试验,研究了暖季补饲矿物质盐砖对放牧牦牛生长性能、瘤胃发酵、血液及被毛矿物质含量的影响。结果表明: CG组牦牛总增重为20.75 kg,平均日增重为244 g·d-1;SG组牦牛总增重为39.45 kg,平均日增重为464 g·d-1,较CG组提高90.12%。SG组牦牛对牧草的干物质消化率(DMD)显著高于CG组(P<0.05),试验第30和90天SG组对牧草粗蛋白消化率(CPD)和中性洗涤纤维消化率(NDFD)显著高于CG组(P<0.05),试验第30和60天SG组对牧草酸性洗涤纤维消化率(ADFD)显著高于CG组(P<0.05)。SG组牦牛瘤胃丁酸、异戊酸和总挥发性脂肪酸以及NH3-N的产量显著高于CG组(P<0.05),试验第30天CG和SG组的pH差异不显著(P>0.05),试验第60和90天SG组的pH显著低于CG组(P<0.05)。试验第30天CG组牦牛血清中Ca、P、Mg、K、Fe含量与SG组差异不显著(P>0.05),CG组Na、Co含量显著高于SG组(P<0.05),SG组血清Cu、Zn、Mn含量显著高于CG组(P<0.05);试验第60和90天CG组血清Ca、P、Na含量与SG组差异不显著(P>0.05),SG组血清Mg、K、Fe、Cu、Zn、Mn、Co含量显著高于CG组(P<0.05)。试验第30天CG组被毛中Ca、Mg、Na、K、Mn含量与SG组差异不显著(P>0.05),CG组被毛Fe含量显著高于SG组(P<0.05),SG组被毛中Cu、Zn含量显著高于CG组(P<0.05);试验第60和90天CG组被毛中Ca、Na、K含量与SG组差异不显著(P>0.05),SG组被毛中Mg、Fe、Cu、Zn、Mn含量显著高于CG组(P<0.05)。综上,暖季补饲矿物质盐砖能提高牦牛体增重,以及对牧草的养分消化率,促进瘤胃发酵,增加矿物质元素在血液的代谢以及被毛的沉积,改善暖季放牧牦牛矿物质营养平衡状况,挖掘牦牛的生长潜力。
杨得玉, 黄文植, 冯宇哲, 薛斌, 张晓卫, 崔占鸿. 暖季补饲矿物质盐砖对放牧牦牛生长性能、瘤胃发酵、血液和被毛矿物质含量的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2024, 33(7): 105-118.
De-yu YANG, Wen-zhi HUANG, Yu-zhe FENG, Bin XUE, Xiao-wei ZHANG, Zhan-hong CUI. Effects of mineral salt brick supplementation in the warm season on growth performance, rumen fermentation, blood, and hair mineral content of grazing yaks[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(7): 105-118.
项目Items | 含量Content |
钙Calcium (Ca, %) | 0.63 |
磷Phosphorus (P, %) | 0.51 |
钠Sodium (Na, %) | 33.97 |
镁Magnesium (Mg, mg·kg-1) | 200.00 |
铜Copper (Cu, mg·kg-1) | 150.00 |
铁Iron (Fe, mg·kg-1) | 1200.00 |
锌Zinc (Zn, mg·kg-1) | 1000.00 |
锰Manganese (Mn, mg·kg-1) | 500.00 |
碘Iodine (I, mg·kg-1) | 45.00 |
硒Selenium (Se, mg·kg-1) | 15.00 |
钴Cobalt (Co, mg·kg-1) | 20.00 |
表1 矿物质盐砖成分
Table 1 The main nutrient components of mineral salt brick
项目Items | 含量Content |
钙Calcium (Ca, %) | 0.63 |
磷Phosphorus (P, %) | 0.51 |
钠Sodium (Na, %) | 33.97 |
镁Magnesium (Mg, mg·kg-1) | 200.00 |
铜Copper (Cu, mg·kg-1) | 150.00 |
铁Iron (Fe, mg·kg-1) | 1200.00 |
锌Zinc (Zn, mg·kg-1) | 1000.00 |
锰Manganese (Mn, mg·kg-1) | 500.00 |
碘Iodine (I, mg·kg-1) | 45.00 |
硒Selenium (Se, mg·kg-1) | 15.00 |
钴Cobalt (Co, mg·kg-1) | 20.00 |
组别 Groups | 初始重 Initial weight (kg) | 试验第30天体重 Weight on the 30th day of the trial (kg) | 试验第60天体重 Weight on the 60th day of the trial (kg) | 试验第90天体重 Weight on the 90th day of the trial (kg) | 总增重 Total gain (kg) | 平均日增重 Average daily gain (g·d-1) |
CG | 137.75±5.19a | 149.55±11.43a | 156.55±9.05b | 158.50±11.21b | 20.75±10.34b | 244.12±121.65b |
SG | 136.75±5.44a | 152.20±5.38a | 170.25±5.62a | 176.20±7.85a | 39.45±7.33a | 464.12±86.25a |
表2 暖季补饲矿物质盐砖对放牧牦牛生长性能的影响
Table 2 Effect of mineral salt brick supplement on growth performance of grazing yak in warm season
组别 Groups | 初始重 Initial weight (kg) | 试验第30天体重 Weight on the 30th day of the trial (kg) | 试验第60天体重 Weight on the 60th day of the trial (kg) | 试验第90天体重 Weight on the 90th day of the trial (kg) | 总增重 Total gain (kg) | 平均日增重 Average daily gain (g·d-1) |
CG | 137.75±5.19a | 149.55±11.43a | 156.55±9.05b | 158.50±11.21b | 20.75±10.34b | 244.12±121.65b |
SG | 136.75±5.44a | 152.20±5.38a | 170.25±5.62a | 176.20±7.85a | 39.45±7.33a | 464.12±86.25a |
项目Item | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
平均日采食量Average daily feed intake | 16.00±4.74a | 15.19±8.00a | 16.10±5.93a |
表3 矿物质盐砖采食量
Table 3 Weight of mineral salt bricks (g)
项目Item | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
平均日采食量Average daily feed intake | 16.00±4.74a | 15.19±8.00a | 16.10±5.93a |
项目 Items | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
粗蛋白质Crude protein (CP) | 7.78±0.16a | 6.74±0.01b | 5.20±0.01c |
粗脂肪Ether extract (EE) | 2.28±1.77a | 2.29±0.05a | 1.82±0.12b |
中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) | 56.99±0.45b | 60.88±0.72a | 59.75±1.78a |
酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber (ADF) | 30.56±0.97b | 34.73±1.35a | 34.77±1.15a |
粗灰分Crude ash (Ash) | 6.53±0.04a | 6.41±0.14a | 6.46±0.23a |
表4 天然牧草常规营养成分含量(干物质基础)
Table 4 Conventional nutrient content of natural forage (dry matter basis, %)
项目 Items | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
粗蛋白质Crude protein (CP) | 7.78±0.16a | 6.74±0.01b | 5.20±0.01c |
粗脂肪Ether extract (EE) | 2.28±1.77a | 2.29±0.05a | 1.82±0.12b |
中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) | 56.99±0.45b | 60.88±0.72a | 59.75±1.78a |
酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber (ADF) | 30.56±0.97b | 34.73±1.35a | 34.77±1.15a |
粗灰分Crude ash (Ash) | 6.53±0.04a | 6.41±0.14a | 6.46±0.23a |
项目Items | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
钙Calcium (Ca) | 8860.34±636.24b | 4700.49±184.23c | 13305.12±1142.07a |
磷Phosphorus (P) | 960.00±5.00a | 780.00±8.00a | 730.00±35.00a |
镁Magnesium (Mg) | 787.52±8.56b | 927.99±21.41a | 484.25±116.33c |
钠Sodium (Na) | 650.30±29.05b | 943.92±20.44a | 630.89±68.21b |
钾Potassium (K) | 25460.27±1036.30a | 15402.62±582.92b | 3615.16±393.56c |
锰Manganese (Mn) | 33.22±1.35a | 13.93±4.96b | 8.02±0.44c |
铁Iron (Fe) | 146.90±1.53b | 206.19±22.30a | 188.49±24.51a |
铜Copper (Cu) | 6.34±0.39a | 4.08±0.52b | 2.47±0.35c |
锌Zinc (Zn) | 19.00±0.60b | 22.63±1.15a | 15.85±2.84c |
钴Cobalt (Co) | 0.86±0.06 | 1.20±0.75a | 0.31±0.78a |
表5 天然牧草矿物质含量(干物质基础)
Table 5 Mineral content of natural forage (dry matter basis, mg·kg-1)
项目Items | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
钙Calcium (Ca) | 8860.34±636.24b | 4700.49±184.23c | 13305.12±1142.07a |
磷Phosphorus (P) | 960.00±5.00a | 780.00±8.00a | 730.00±35.00a |
镁Magnesium (Mg) | 787.52±8.56b | 927.99±21.41a | 484.25±116.33c |
钠Sodium (Na) | 650.30±29.05b | 943.92±20.44a | 630.89±68.21b |
钾Potassium (K) | 25460.27±1036.30a | 15402.62±582.92b | 3615.16±393.56c |
锰Manganese (Mn) | 33.22±1.35a | 13.93±4.96b | 8.02±0.44c |
铁Iron (Fe) | 146.90±1.53b | 206.19±22.30a | 188.49±24.51a |
铜Copper (Cu) | 6.34±0.39a | 4.08±0.52b | 2.47±0.35c |
锌Zinc (Zn) | 19.00±0.60b | 22.63±1.15a | 15.85±2.84c |
钴Cobalt (Co) | 0.86±0.06 | 1.20±0.75a | 0.31±0.78a |
养分Nutrients | 组别Groups | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
干物质消化率Dry matter digestibility (DMD) | CG | 73.60±1.11b | 64.06±1.00b | 52.69±6.18b |
SG | 79.05±4.07a | 67.33±0.91a | 59.74±1.59a | |
粗蛋白消化率Crude protein digestibility (CPD) | CG | 59.57±3.75b | 49.72±2.46a | 25.50±0.42b |
SG | 70.03±4.99a | 50.22±0.57a | 30.51±2.29a | |
粗脂肪消化率Ether extract digestibility (EED) | CG | 53.33±3.03a | 40.19±3.35a | 27.50±3.27a |
SG | 59.42±5.13a | 42.47±2.80a | 30.80±0.99a | |
中性洗涤纤维消化率Neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFD) | CG | 73.55±1.28b | 67.42±1.72a | 56.01±4.10b |
SG | 77.07±2.50a | 67.56±0.22a | 63.96±1.97a | |
酸性洗涤纤维消化率Acid detergent fiber digestibility (ADFD) | CG | 67.49±2.29b | 77.05±0.90b | 69.53±3.64a |
SG | 74.97±4.08a | 79.60±0.25a | 75.37±0.19a |
表6 暖季补饲矿物质盐砖对放牧牦牛表观消化率的影响(干物质基础)
Table 6 Effect of mineral salt brick supplement on apparent digestibility of grazing yak in warm season (dry matter basis, %)
养分Nutrients | 组别Groups | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
干物质消化率Dry matter digestibility (DMD) | CG | 73.60±1.11b | 64.06±1.00b | 52.69±6.18b |
SG | 79.05±4.07a | 67.33±0.91a | 59.74±1.59a | |
粗蛋白消化率Crude protein digestibility (CPD) | CG | 59.57±3.75b | 49.72±2.46a | 25.50±0.42b |
SG | 70.03±4.99a | 50.22±0.57a | 30.51±2.29a | |
粗脂肪消化率Ether extract digestibility (EED) | CG | 53.33±3.03a | 40.19±3.35a | 27.50±3.27a |
SG | 59.42±5.13a | 42.47±2.80a | 30.80±0.99a | |
中性洗涤纤维消化率Neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFD) | CG | 73.55±1.28b | 67.42±1.72a | 56.01±4.10b |
SG | 77.07±2.50a | 67.56±0.22a | 63.96±1.97a | |
酸性洗涤纤维消化率Acid detergent fiber digestibility (ADFD) | CG | 67.49±2.29b | 77.05±0.90b | 69.53±3.64a |
SG | 74.97±4.08a | 79.60±0.25a | 75.37±0.19a |
项目 Items | 组别Groups | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
pH | CG | 7.54±0.14a | 7.59±0.06a | 7.70±0.08a |
SG | 7.67±0.09a | 7.41±0.05b | 7.54±0.10b | |
氨态氮 NH3-N (mg·100 mL-1) | CG | 7.00±0.18b | 6.56±0.30b | 3.83±0.23b |
SG | 8.73±0.22a | 8.26±0.24a | 5.55±0.18a |
表7 暖季补饲矿物质盐砖对放牧牦牛瘤胃pH和NH3-N的影响
Table 7 Effect of mineral salt brick supplement on pH and NH3-N in the rumen of grazing yak in warm season
项目 Items | 组别Groups | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
pH | CG | 7.54±0.14a | 7.59±0.06a | 7.70±0.08a |
SG | 7.67±0.09a | 7.41±0.05b | 7.54±0.10b | |
氨态氮 NH3-N (mg·100 mL-1) | CG | 7.00±0.18b | 6.56±0.30b | 3.83±0.23b |
SG | 8.73±0.22a | 8.26±0.24a | 5.55±0.18a |
项目Items | 组别Groups | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
乙酸Acetate (mmol·L-1) | CG | 34.47±3.46a | 37.22±1.15b | 28.82±3.21b |
SG | 39.66±4.69a | 44.75±3.37a | 39.21±5.35a | |
丙酸Propionate (mmol·L-1) | CG | 9.54±0.73a | 10.75±1.45a | 7.55±0.86b |
SG | 10.56±1.00a | 12.15±1.36a | 9.81±1.38a | |
异丁酸Isobutyric (mmol·L-1) | CG | 0.77±0.08a | 0.90±0.09a | 0.54±0.06a |
SG | 0.98±0.37a | 0.94±0.15a | 0.56±0.03a | |
丁酸Butyrate (mmol·L-1) | CG | 5.13±0.20b | 6.40±0.10b | 3.83±0.70b |
SG | 8.37±0.20a | 9.53±1.28a | 5.60±0.21a | |
异戊酸Isovaleric (mmol·L-1) | CG | 0.86±0.10b | 0.79±0.08b | 0.53±0.02b |
SG | 1.03±0.05a | 1.10±0.08a | 1.05±0.10a | |
戊酸Valerate (mmol·L-1) | CG | 3.90±0.36b | 4.15±0.48b | 3.98±0.40b |
SG | 4.60±0.43a | 4.91±0.16a | 3.91±0.27a | |
总挥发性脂肪酸TVFA (mmol·L-1) | CG | 54.67±4.00b | 60.21±2.79b | 45.24±4.59b |
SG | 65.19±4.30a | 73.37±5.19a | 60.13±5.27a | |
乙丙比Acetate∶propionate | CG | 3.62±0.36a | 3.51±0.44a | 3.84±0.45a |
SG | 3.80±0.74a | 3.70±0.25a | 4.06±3.95a |
表8 暖季补饲矿物质盐砖对放牧牦牛瘤胃VFA的影响
Table 8 Effect of mineral salt brick supplement on VFA in the rumen of grazing yak in warm season
项目Items | 组别Groups | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
乙酸Acetate (mmol·L-1) | CG | 34.47±3.46a | 37.22±1.15b | 28.82±3.21b |
SG | 39.66±4.69a | 44.75±3.37a | 39.21±5.35a | |
丙酸Propionate (mmol·L-1) | CG | 9.54±0.73a | 10.75±1.45a | 7.55±0.86b |
SG | 10.56±1.00a | 12.15±1.36a | 9.81±1.38a | |
异丁酸Isobutyric (mmol·L-1) | CG | 0.77±0.08a | 0.90±0.09a | 0.54±0.06a |
SG | 0.98±0.37a | 0.94±0.15a | 0.56±0.03a | |
丁酸Butyrate (mmol·L-1) | CG | 5.13±0.20b | 6.40±0.10b | 3.83±0.70b |
SG | 8.37±0.20a | 9.53±1.28a | 5.60±0.21a | |
异戊酸Isovaleric (mmol·L-1) | CG | 0.86±0.10b | 0.79±0.08b | 0.53±0.02b |
SG | 1.03±0.05a | 1.10±0.08a | 1.05±0.10a | |
戊酸Valerate (mmol·L-1) | CG | 3.90±0.36b | 4.15±0.48b | 3.98±0.40b |
SG | 4.60±0.43a | 4.91±0.16a | 3.91±0.27a | |
总挥发性脂肪酸TVFA (mmol·L-1) | CG | 54.67±4.00b | 60.21±2.79b | 45.24±4.59b |
SG | 65.19±4.30a | 73.37±5.19a | 60.13±5.27a | |
乙丙比Acetate∶propionate | CG | 3.62±0.36a | 3.51±0.44a | 3.84±0.45a |
SG | 3.80±0.74a | 3.70±0.25a | 4.06±3.95a |
项目 Items | 组别Groups | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
钙Calcium (Ca, mmol·L-1) | CG | 2.42±0.03a | 2.53±0.05a | 2.55±0.09a |
SG | 2.52±0.07a | 2.56±0.05a | 2.58±0.11a | |
磷Phosphorus (P, mmol·L-1) | CG | 1.51±0.14a | 1.52±0.23a | 1.15±0.12a |
SG | 1.47±0.02a | 1.58±0.08a | 1.25±0.03a | |
镁Magnesium (Mg, mg·L-1) | CG | 17.92±1.04a | 14.66±1.56b | 13.24±0.56b |
SG | 18.92±0.42a | 16.80±1.28a | 21.49±2.71a | |
钠Sodium (Na, mg·L-1) | CG | 223.14±2.54a | 216.53±3.19a | 214.25±4.42a |
SG | 214.78±5.27b | 211.44±6.35a | 218.60±6.35a | |
钾Potassium (K, mg·L-1) | CG | 87.32±5.20a | 81.79±6.09b | 87.92±4.13b |
SG | 92.68±0.53a | 90.44±3.13a | 106.86±3.75a | |
铁Iron (Fe, mg·L-1) | CG | 2.54±0.49a | 2.55±0.24b | 3.54±0.35b |
SG | 2.20±0.11a | 3.21±0.06a | 4.79±0.42a | |
铜Copper (Cu, mg·L-1) | CG | 1.03±0.06b | 1.14±0.07b | 1.20±0.08b |
SG | 1.90±0.09a | 1.44±0.23a | 2.15±0.25a | |
锌Zinc (Zn, mg·L-1) | CG | 2.11±0.14b | 1.59±0.09b | 1.92±0.29b |
SG | 3.08±0.09a | 2.09±0.19a | 3.15±0.17a | |
锰Manganese (Mn, mg·L-1) | CG | 0.42±0.07b | 0.55±0.02b | 0.61±0.02b |
SG | 0.55±0.03a | 0.61±0.03a | 0.78±0.05a | |
钴Cobalt (Co, mg·L-1) | CG | 1.06±0.08a | 0.60±0.13b | 1.04±0.09b |
SG | 0.89±0.02b | 1.07±0.15a | 1.55±0.10a |
表9 暖季补饲矿物质盐砖对放牧牦牛血清矿物质含量的影响
Table 9 Effect of mineral salt brick supplement on serum mineral content of grazing yak in warm season
项目 Items | 组别Groups | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
钙Calcium (Ca, mmol·L-1) | CG | 2.42±0.03a | 2.53±0.05a | 2.55±0.09a |
SG | 2.52±0.07a | 2.56±0.05a | 2.58±0.11a | |
磷Phosphorus (P, mmol·L-1) | CG | 1.51±0.14a | 1.52±0.23a | 1.15±0.12a |
SG | 1.47±0.02a | 1.58±0.08a | 1.25±0.03a | |
镁Magnesium (Mg, mg·L-1) | CG | 17.92±1.04a | 14.66±1.56b | 13.24±0.56b |
SG | 18.92±0.42a | 16.80±1.28a | 21.49±2.71a | |
钠Sodium (Na, mg·L-1) | CG | 223.14±2.54a | 216.53±3.19a | 214.25±4.42a |
SG | 214.78±5.27b | 211.44±6.35a | 218.60±6.35a | |
钾Potassium (K, mg·L-1) | CG | 87.32±5.20a | 81.79±6.09b | 87.92±4.13b |
SG | 92.68±0.53a | 90.44±3.13a | 106.86±3.75a | |
铁Iron (Fe, mg·L-1) | CG | 2.54±0.49a | 2.55±0.24b | 3.54±0.35b |
SG | 2.20±0.11a | 3.21±0.06a | 4.79±0.42a | |
铜Copper (Cu, mg·L-1) | CG | 1.03±0.06b | 1.14±0.07b | 1.20±0.08b |
SG | 1.90±0.09a | 1.44±0.23a | 2.15±0.25a | |
锌Zinc (Zn, mg·L-1) | CG | 2.11±0.14b | 1.59±0.09b | 1.92±0.29b |
SG | 3.08±0.09a | 2.09±0.19a | 3.15±0.17a | |
锰Manganese (Mn, mg·L-1) | CG | 0.42±0.07b | 0.55±0.02b | 0.61±0.02b |
SG | 0.55±0.03a | 0.61±0.03a | 0.78±0.05a | |
钴Cobalt (Co, mg·L-1) | CG | 1.06±0.08a | 0.60±0.13b | 1.04±0.09b |
SG | 0.89±0.02b | 1.07±0.15a | 1.55±0.10a |
项目Items | 组别Groups | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
钙Calcium (Ca) | CG | 2873.91±450.60a | 2383.44±166.45a | 1855.49±238.64a |
SG | 2230.34±730.22a | 2103.50±82.79a | 1341.87±98.07a | |
镁Magnesium (Mg) | CG | 326.52±11.65a | 313.00±1.43b | 341.15±5.31b |
SG | 363.29±39.01a | 364.22±27.27a | 376.26±9.94a | |
钠Sodium (Na) | CG | 358.86±14.14a | 396.88±7.39a | 349.18±39.61a |
SG | 374.59±7.95a | 397.55±7.75a | 395.97±29.44a | |
钾Potassium (K) | CG | 506.68±56.27a | 494.34±44.36a | 561.26±35.01a |
SG | 527.61±55.69a | 545.78±54.29a | 587.99±41.15a | |
铁Iron (Fe) | CG | 315.12±51.87a | 164.59±31.82b | 137.49±16.87b |
SG | 191.30±47.19b | 559.00±129.55a | 249.93±37.08a | |
铜Copper (Cu) | CG | 7.58±0.85b | 10.25±0.27b | 14.46±0.89b |
SG | 11.76±1.16a | 11.75±0.20a | 16.38±0.58a | |
锌Zinc (Zn) | CG | 210.99±5.91b | 192.86±3.02b | 191.84±7.76b |
SG | 231.49±7.60a | 218.10±11.59a | 243.70±10.61a | |
锰Manganese (Mn) | CG | 28.81±5.30a | 25.13±0.60b | 15.75±1.42b |
SG | 24.33±0.99a | 30.60±3.33a | 19.35±0.71a |
表10 暖季补饲矿物质盐砖对放牧牦牛被毛矿物质含量的影响
Table 10 Effect of mineral salt brick supplement on mineral content of wool of grazing yak in warm season (mg·kg-1)
项目Items | 组别Groups | 30 d | 60 d | 90 d |
钙Calcium (Ca) | CG | 2873.91±450.60a | 2383.44±166.45a | 1855.49±238.64a |
SG | 2230.34±730.22a | 2103.50±82.79a | 1341.87±98.07a | |
镁Magnesium (Mg) | CG | 326.52±11.65a | 313.00±1.43b | 341.15±5.31b |
SG | 363.29±39.01a | 364.22±27.27a | 376.26±9.94a | |
钠Sodium (Na) | CG | 358.86±14.14a | 396.88±7.39a | 349.18±39.61a |
SG | 374.59±7.95a | 397.55±7.75a | 395.97±29.44a | |
钾Potassium (K) | CG | 506.68±56.27a | 494.34±44.36a | 561.26±35.01a |
SG | 527.61±55.69a | 545.78±54.29a | 587.99±41.15a | |
铁Iron (Fe) | CG | 315.12±51.87a | 164.59±31.82b | 137.49±16.87b |
SG | 191.30±47.19b | 559.00±129.55a | 249.93±37.08a | |
铜Copper (Cu) | CG | 7.58±0.85b | 10.25±0.27b | 14.46±0.89b |
SG | 11.76±1.16a | 11.75±0.20a | 16.38±0.58a | |
锌Zinc (Zn) | CG | 210.99±5.91b | 192.86±3.02b | 191.84±7.76b |
SG | 231.49±7.60a | 218.10±11.59a | 243.70±10.61a | |
锰Manganese (Mn) | CG | 28.81±5.30a | 25.13±0.60b | 15.75±1.42b |
SG | 24.33±0.99a | 30.60±3.33a | 19.35±0.71a |
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