草业学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 41-53.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024126
骆欣怡1,2,3,4(), 邱开阳1,2,3,4(
), 金涛5, 鲍平安1,2,3,4, 黄业芸1,2,3,4, 何毅1,2,3,4, 谢应忠1,2,3,4
E-mail: kaiyangqiu@nxu.edu.cn基金资助:
Xin-yi LUO1,2,3,4(), Kai-yang QIU1,2,3,4(
), Tao JIN5, Ping-an BAO1,2,3,4, Ye-yun HUANG1,2,3,4, Yi HE1,2,3,4, Ying-zhong XIE1,2,3,4
Kai-yang QIU
凋落物分解是草地生态系统能量流动和物质循环的重要过程,而荒漠草原凋落物分解如何响应碳(C)、氮(N)、钾(K)添加尚不清楚,揭示这一关系对深入理解荒漠草原养分循环过程具有重要意义。本研究选用网袋分解法,进行随机区组设计,在试验样地分别设置C1 (0 g·m-2·a-1)、C2 (52.54 g·m-2·a-1)、C3 (705.09 g·m-2·a-1);N1 (0 g·m-2·a-1)、N2 (5 g·m-2·a-1)、N3 (20 g·m-2·a-1);K1 (0 g·m-2·a-1)、K2 (9.0 g·m-2·a-1)、K3 (18.0 g·m-2·a-1) 3个C、N、K浓度梯度,研究外源C、N、K添加对宁夏荒漠草原优势种短花针茅和赖草凋落物分解特征的影响。结果表明:1)C、N、K添加对荒漠草原两个物种凋落物分解的影响具有显著差异(P<0.05),短花针茅和赖草凋落物分解速率进程不同,分别在分解至120和240 d时,分解速率开始减缓;2)不同物种对C、N、K养分添加的响应不同。K3、K3+N3+C2处理下赖草凋落物分解速率较快,但CK、K2+N2处理下短花针茅凋落物分解速率较快。依据指数衰减模型预测分解速率结果为:赖草>短花针茅;3)短花针茅和赖草凋落物均在秋季分解较快。综上,同一生境不同物种凋落物分解速率存在差异,高添加量的K、N和低添加量的C相较于其他养分添加梯度,对凋落物分解速率的促进作用更明显。
骆欣怡, 邱开阳, 金涛, 鲍平安, 黄业芸, 何毅, 谢应忠. 碳、氮、钾添加对荒漠草原凋落物分解特征的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2025, 34(2): 41-53.
Xin-yi LUO, Kai-yang QIU, Tao JIN, Ping-an BAO, Ye-yun HUANG, Yi HE, Ying-zhong XIE. The effects of carbon, nitrogen, and potassium addition on the decomposition characteristics of litter in desert grasslands[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2025, 34(2): 41-53.
pH | 含水量 Moisture content (%) | 有机碳 Organic carbon (g·kg-1) | 全氮 Total nitrogen (g·kg-1) | 全磷 Total phosphorus (g·kg-1) | 碱解氮 Alkaline nitrogen (mg·kg-1) | 速效磷 Available phosphorus (mg·kg-1) | 速效钾 Available potassium (mg·kg-1) |
8.53 | 8.10 | 2.93 | 0.59 | 0.20 | 21.69 | 9.73 | 63.62 |
表1 研究区土壤理化性质
Table 1 Physicochemical properties of soil in the study area
pH | 含水量 Moisture content (%) | 有机碳 Organic carbon (g·kg-1) | 全氮 Total nitrogen (g·kg-1) | 全磷 Total phosphorus (g·kg-1) | 碱解氮 Alkaline nitrogen (mg·kg-1) | 速效磷 Available phosphorus (mg·kg-1) | 速效钾 Available potassium (mg·kg-1) |
8.53 | 8.10 | 2.93 | 0.59 | 0.20 | 21.69 | 9.73 | 63.62 |
处理 Treatment | 分解模型 Decomposition model | R2 | T0.5(Month) | T0.95(Month) | 处理 Treatment | 分解模型 Decomposition model | R2 | T0.5(Month) | T0.95(Month) |
K1+N1+C1 | y=0.94710e-0.00216t | 0.876 | 9.85 | 45.39 | K2+N2+C3 | y=0.91837e-0.00191t | 0.821 | 10.61 | 50.80 |
K1+N1+C2 | y=0.92219e-0.00135t | 0.802 | 15.12 | 71.97 | K2+N3+C1 | y=0.94643e-0.00197t | 0.845 | 10.80 | 49.76 |
K1+N1+C3 | y=0.93659e-0.00210t | 0.882 | 9.96 | 46.51 | K2+N3+C2 | y=0.92422e-0.00197t | 0.855 | 10.40 | 49.36 |
K1+N2+C1 | y=0.98703e-0.00207t | 0.910 | 10.95 | 48.03 | K2+N3+C3 | y=0.96869e-0.00181t | 0.856 | 12.18 | 54.58 |
K1+N2+C2 | y=0.92993e-0.00191t | 0.792 | 10.83 | 51.01 | K3+N1+C1 | y=0.94194e-0.00219t | 0.874 | 9.64 | 44.69 |
K1+N2+C3 | y=0.90056e-0.00177t | 0.881 | 11.08 | 54.44 | K3+N1+C2 | y=0.91022e-0.00206t | 0.818 | 9.69 | 46.95 |
K1+N3+C1 | y=0.91858e-0.00116t | 0.701 | 17.54 | 83.93 | K3+N1+C3 | y=0.92522e-0.00416t | 0.847 | 4.93 | 23.38 |
K1+N3+C2 | y=0.92294e-0.00179t | 0.882 | 11.41 | 54.29 | K3+N2+C1 | y=0.97824e-0.00200t | 0.896 | 11.19 | 49.56 |
K1+N3+C3 | y=0.93670e-0.00166t | 0.780 | 12.61 | 58.84 | K3+N2+C2 | y=0.93927e-0.00206t | 0.846 | 10.20 | 47.46 |
K2+N1+C1 | y=0.94759e-0.00199t | 0.916 | 10.71 | 49.28 | K3+N2+C3 | y=0.96153e-0.00217t | 0.833 | 10.04 | 45.41 |
K2+N1+C2 | y=0.92587e-0.00216t | 0.808 | 9.51 | 45.04 | K3+N3+C1 | y=0.99318e-0.00191t | 0.699 | 11.98 | 52.16 |
K2+N1+C3 | y=0.87007e-0.00163t | 0.718 | 11.33 | 58.42 | K3+N3+C2 | y=1.00549e-0.00220t | 0.919 | 10.59 | 45.47 |
K2+N2+C1 | y=0.96601e-0.00202t | 0.891 | 10.87 | 48.86 | K3+N3+C3 | y=0.91724e-0.00166t | 0.781 | 12.18 | 58.42 |
K2+N2+C2 | y=0.93898e-0.00202t | 0.850 | 10.40 | 48.40 |
表2 赖草凋落物分解模型
Table 2 L. secalinus litter decomposition model
处理 Treatment | 分解模型 Decomposition model | R2 | T0.5(Month) | T0.95(Month) | 处理 Treatment | 分解模型 Decomposition model | R2 | T0.5(Month) | T0.95(Month) |
K1+N1+C1 | y=0.94710e-0.00216t | 0.876 | 9.85 | 45.39 | K2+N2+C3 | y=0.91837e-0.00191t | 0.821 | 10.61 | 50.80 |
K1+N1+C2 | y=0.92219e-0.00135t | 0.802 | 15.12 | 71.97 | K2+N3+C1 | y=0.94643e-0.00197t | 0.845 | 10.80 | 49.76 |
K1+N1+C3 | y=0.93659e-0.00210t | 0.882 | 9.96 | 46.51 | K2+N3+C2 | y=0.92422e-0.00197t | 0.855 | 10.40 | 49.36 |
K1+N2+C1 | y=0.98703e-0.00207t | 0.910 | 10.95 | 48.03 | K2+N3+C3 | y=0.96869e-0.00181t | 0.856 | 12.18 | 54.58 |
K1+N2+C2 | y=0.92993e-0.00191t | 0.792 | 10.83 | 51.01 | K3+N1+C1 | y=0.94194e-0.00219t | 0.874 | 9.64 | 44.69 |
K1+N2+C3 | y=0.90056e-0.00177t | 0.881 | 11.08 | 54.44 | K3+N1+C2 | y=0.91022e-0.00206t | 0.818 | 9.69 | 46.95 |
K1+N3+C1 | y=0.91858e-0.00116t | 0.701 | 17.54 | 83.93 | K3+N1+C3 | y=0.92522e-0.00416t | 0.847 | 4.93 | 23.38 |
K1+N3+C2 | y=0.92294e-0.00179t | 0.882 | 11.41 | 54.29 | K3+N2+C1 | y=0.97824e-0.00200t | 0.896 | 11.19 | 49.56 |
K1+N3+C3 | y=0.93670e-0.00166t | 0.780 | 12.61 | 58.84 | K3+N2+C2 | y=0.93927e-0.00206t | 0.846 | 10.20 | 47.46 |
K2+N1+C1 | y=0.94759e-0.00199t | 0.916 | 10.71 | 49.28 | K3+N2+C3 | y=0.96153e-0.00217t | 0.833 | 10.04 | 45.41 |
K2+N1+C2 | y=0.92587e-0.00216t | 0.808 | 9.51 | 45.04 | K3+N3+C1 | y=0.99318e-0.00191t | 0.699 | 11.98 | 52.16 |
K2+N1+C3 | y=0.87007e-0.00163t | 0.718 | 11.33 | 58.42 | K3+N3+C2 | y=1.00549e-0.00220t | 0.919 | 10.59 | 45.47 |
K2+N2+C1 | y=0.96601e-0.00202t | 0.891 | 10.87 | 48.86 | K3+N3+C3 | y=0.91724e-0.00166t | 0.781 | 12.18 | 58.42 |
K2+N2+C2 | y=0.93898e-0.00202t | 0.850 | 10.40 | 48.40 |
处理 Treatment | 分解模型 Decomposition model | R2 | T0.5(Month) | T0.95(Month) | 处理 Treatment | 分解模型 Decomposition model | R2 | T0.5(Month) | T0.95(Month) |
K1+N1+C1 | y=0.94715e-0.00198t | 0.876 | 10.76 | 49.52 | K2+N2+C3 | y=0.95998e-0.00149t | 0.670 | 14.59 | 66.11 |
K1+N1+C2 | y=0.94188e-0.00135t | 0.711 | 15.64 | 72.49 | K2+N3+C1 | y=0.92832e-0.00103t | 0.835 | 20.03 | 94.54 |
K1+N1+C3 | y=0.95050e-0.00136t | 0.850 | 15.78 | 72.18 | K2+N3+C2 | y=0.93147e-0.00132t | 0.695 | 15.71 | 73.86 |
K1+N2+C1 | y=0.91925e-0.00126t | 0.802 | 16.11 | 77.02 | K2+N3+C3 | y=0.92818e-0.00140t | 0.738 | 14.73 | 69.55 |
K1+N2+C2 | y=0.91790e-0.00120t | 0.740 | 16.87 | 80.84 | K3+N1+C1 | y=0.93901e-0.00120t | 0.808 | 17.51 | 81.47 |
K1+N2+C3 | y=0.91020e-0.00119t | 0.623 | 16.78 | 81.28 | K3+N1+C2 | y=0.91293e-0.00148t | 0.666 | 13.56 | 65.42 |
K1+N3+C1 | y=0.89790e-0.00110t | 0.724 | 17.74 | 87.52 | K3+N1+C3 | y=0.91028e-0.00131t | 0.672 | 15.25 | 73.84 |
K1+N3+C2 | y=0.94508e-0.00139t | 0.870 | 15.27 | 70.49 | K3+N2+C1 | y=0.92698e-0.00110t | 0.795 | 18.71 | 88.48 |
K1+N3+C3 | y=0.90856e-0.00114t | 0.595 | 17.46 | 84.79 | K3+N2+C2 | y=0.92766e-0.00113t | 0.826 | 18.23 | 86.15 |
K2+N1+C1 | y=0.92441e-0.00110t | 0.711 | 18.62 | 88.40 | K3+N2+C3 | y=0.93520e-0.00121t | 0.773 | 17.25 | 80.68 |
K2+N1+C2 | y=0.91706e-0.00128t | 0.725 | 15.80 | 75.76 | K3+N3+C1 | y=0.96269e-0.00121t | 0.613 | 18.05 | 81.48 |
K2+N1+C3 | y=0.92413e-0.00132t | 0.822 | 15.51 | 73.66 | K3+N3+C2 | y=0.92374e-0.00119t | 0.759 | 17.19 | 81.69 |
K2+N2+C1 | y=0.89925e-0.00095t | 0.741 | 20.51 | 101.06 | K3+N3+C3 | y=0.93029e-0.00107t | 0.773 | 19.34 | 91.07 |
K2+N2+C2 | y=0.93599e-0.00128t | 0.735 | 16.33 | 76.29 |
表3 短花针茅凋落物分解模型
Table 3 S. breviflora litter decomposition model
处理 Treatment | 分解模型 Decomposition model | R2 | T0.5(Month) | T0.95(Month) | 处理 Treatment | 分解模型 Decomposition model | R2 | T0.5(Month) | T0.95(Month) |
K1+N1+C1 | y=0.94715e-0.00198t | 0.876 | 10.76 | 49.52 | K2+N2+C3 | y=0.95998e-0.00149t | 0.670 | 14.59 | 66.11 |
K1+N1+C2 | y=0.94188e-0.00135t | 0.711 | 15.64 | 72.49 | K2+N3+C1 | y=0.92832e-0.00103t | 0.835 | 20.03 | 94.54 |
K1+N1+C3 | y=0.95050e-0.00136t | 0.850 | 15.78 | 72.18 | K2+N3+C2 | y=0.93147e-0.00132t | 0.695 | 15.71 | 73.86 |
K1+N2+C1 | y=0.91925e-0.00126t | 0.802 | 16.11 | 77.02 | K2+N3+C3 | y=0.92818e-0.00140t | 0.738 | 14.73 | 69.55 |
K1+N2+C2 | y=0.91790e-0.00120t | 0.740 | 16.87 | 80.84 | K3+N1+C1 | y=0.93901e-0.00120t | 0.808 | 17.51 | 81.47 |
K1+N2+C3 | y=0.91020e-0.00119t | 0.623 | 16.78 | 81.28 | K3+N1+C2 | y=0.91293e-0.00148t | 0.666 | 13.56 | 65.42 |
K1+N3+C1 | y=0.89790e-0.00110t | 0.724 | 17.74 | 87.52 | K3+N1+C3 | y=0.91028e-0.00131t | 0.672 | 15.25 | 73.84 |
K1+N3+C2 | y=0.94508e-0.00139t | 0.870 | 15.27 | 70.49 | K3+N2+C1 | y=0.92698e-0.00110t | 0.795 | 18.71 | 88.48 |
K1+N3+C3 | y=0.90856e-0.00114t | 0.595 | 17.46 | 84.79 | K3+N2+C2 | y=0.92766e-0.00113t | 0.826 | 18.23 | 86.15 |
K2+N1+C1 | y=0.92441e-0.00110t | 0.711 | 18.62 | 88.40 | K3+N2+C3 | y=0.93520e-0.00121t | 0.773 | 17.25 | 80.68 |
K2+N1+C2 | y=0.91706e-0.00128t | 0.725 | 15.80 | 75.76 | K3+N3+C1 | y=0.96269e-0.00121t | 0.613 | 18.05 | 81.48 |
K2+N1+C3 | y=0.92413e-0.00132t | 0.822 | 15.51 | 73.66 | K3+N3+C2 | y=0.92374e-0.00119t | 0.759 | 17.19 | 81.69 |
K2+N2+C1 | y=0.89925e-0.00095t | 0.741 | 20.51 | 101.06 | K3+N3+C3 | y=0.93029e-0.00107t | 0.773 | 19.34 | 91.07 |
K2+N2+C2 | y=0.93599e-0.00128t | 0.735 | 16.33 | 76.29 |
影响因子Influence factor | F | P |
钾添加K addition (K) | 0.300 | 0.741 |
氮添加N addition (N) | 12.630 | <0.001** |
碳添加C addition (C) | 7.348 | <0.001** |
时间Time (T) | 1853.805 | <0.001** |
物种Species (S) | 378.788 | <0.001** |
钾添加×氮添加K×N | 1.356 | 0.249 |
钾添加×碳添加K×C | 0.474 | 0.755 |
钾添加×时间K×T | 0.435 | 0.856 |
钾添加×物种K×S | 1.565 | 0.210 |
钾添加×氮添加×碳添加K×N×C | 0.141 | 0.997 |
钾添加×氮添加×时间K×N×T | 0.780 | 0.671 |
钾添加×氮添加×物种K×N×S | 0.726 | 0.575 |
钾添加×氮添加×碳添加×时间K×N×C×T | 0.824 | 0.757 |
钾添加×氮添加×碳添加×物种K×N×C×S | 1.278 | 0.228 |
钾添加×氮添加×碳添加×时间×物种 K×N×C×T×S | 1.029 | 0.423 |
氮添加×碳添加N×C | 0.912 | 0.457 |
氮添加×时间N×T | 3.569 | 0.002** |
氮添加×物种N×S | 2.249 | 0.107 |
氮添加×碳添加×时间N×C×T | 0.623 | 0.823 |
氮添加×碳添加×物种N×C×S | 1.173 | 0.322 |
氮添加×碳添加×时间×物种N×C×T×S | 0.855 | 0.634 |
碳添加×时间C×T | 3.080 | 0.006** |
碳添加×物种C×S | 0.707 | 0.494 |
碳添加×时间×物种C×T×S | 0.931 | 0.472 |
时间×物种T×S | 43.677 | <0.001** |
表4 C、N、K添加对两种凋落物质量残余率影响的多因素方差分析
Table 4 Multivariate ANOVA for the effects of C, N, and K additions on the mass residue rates of the two litters
影响因子Influence factor | F | P |
钾添加K addition (K) | 0.300 | 0.741 |
氮添加N addition (N) | 12.630 | <0.001** |
碳添加C addition (C) | 7.348 | <0.001** |
时间Time (T) | 1853.805 | <0.001** |
物种Species (S) | 378.788 | <0.001** |
钾添加×氮添加K×N | 1.356 | 0.249 |
钾添加×碳添加K×C | 0.474 | 0.755 |
钾添加×时间K×T | 0.435 | 0.856 |
钾添加×物种K×S | 1.565 | 0.210 |
钾添加×氮添加×碳添加K×N×C | 0.141 | 0.997 |
钾添加×氮添加×时间K×N×T | 0.780 | 0.671 |
钾添加×氮添加×物种K×N×S | 0.726 | 0.575 |
钾添加×氮添加×碳添加×时间K×N×C×T | 0.824 | 0.757 |
钾添加×氮添加×碳添加×物种K×N×C×S | 1.278 | 0.228 |
钾添加×氮添加×碳添加×时间×物种 K×N×C×T×S | 1.029 | 0.423 |
氮添加×碳添加N×C | 0.912 | 0.457 |
氮添加×时间N×T | 3.569 | 0.002** |
氮添加×物种N×S | 2.249 | 0.107 |
氮添加×碳添加×时间N×C×T | 0.623 | 0.823 |
氮添加×碳添加×物种N×C×S | 1.173 | 0.322 |
氮添加×碳添加×时间×物种N×C×T×S | 0.855 | 0.634 |
碳添加×时间C×T | 3.080 | 0.006** |
碳添加×物种C×S | 0.707 | 0.494 |
碳添加×时间×物种C×T×S | 0.931 | 0.472 |
时间×物种T×S | 43.677 | <0.001** |
图4 养分添加与季节变化下的凋落物分解率不同小写字母表示同一物种同一处理下不同季节的凋落物分解率在P<0.05水平上差异显著。Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in litter decomposition rates in different seasons of the same species under the same treatment at the P<0.05 level.
Fig.4 Nutrient addition and litter decomposition rate under seasonal variation
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