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    20 October 2014, Volume 23 Issue 5
    Orginal Article
    Antioxidant properties of plants on different sites in the hilly-gullied Loess Plateau
    HU Shu,JIAO Ju-ying,DU Hua-dong,MIAO Fang
    2014, 23(5):  1-12.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140501
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    This study investigated antioxidant properties of main plant species on 5 different site classes (sunny or shady gully and inter-gully land or hilltops)) in the hilly-gullied Loess Plateau. From field sampling, the activities of the antioxidant enzymes-superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT), the contents of two non-enzymatic antioxidants-reduced glutathione (GSH) and carotenoid (Car), and the malondialdehyde (MDA) levels of leaf tissues of nineteen species were determined. There were highly significant differences in MDA accumulation among species on each site (P<0.01). This indicated that the test species suffered varying degrees of membrane lipid peroxidation, with Buddleja alternifolia and Artemisia scoparia being highest and lowest respectively. There were significant differences in antioxidant enzyme activity or non-enzymatic antioxidant levels among sites for each test species, except for Bothriochloa ischcemum, Lespedeza davurica, Heteropappus altaicus and Sophora davidii, which suggests that these four species possessed upregulation of antioxidant enzymes and non-enzymatic antioxidant synthesis regardless of different site stresses, while Cleistogenes chinensis, Cleistogenes squarrosa, Stipa bungeana, Astragalus melilotoides, Astragalus scaberrimus, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Potentilla tanacetifolia, A. scoparia, Artemisia vestita, Artemisia giraldii, Hippophae rhamnoides, Periploca sepium and B. alternifolia regulated their antioxidant enzymes or non-enzymatic antioxidant levels. From the botanical family perspective, antioxidant properties of the test species were distinct. CAT and SOD were respectively produced by five composite and five leguminous plant species to reduce damage from reactive oxygen species. Four graminaceous plants were able to attain high SOD, POD activities and Car contents to maintain a low level of membrane lipid peroxidation. Because of different carbon assimilation pathways, antioxidant properties of the test species were also distinct. In particular, C4 plants had higher GSH and Car contents than C3 plants. As assessed by a multivariate ‘subordinate function value’ method, the overall ranking for antioxidant capacity of the nineteen species was as follows: C. chinensis>C. squarrosa>A. melilotoides>S. davidii>A. scaberrimus>B. ischcemum>S. bungeana>L. davurica>P. tanacetifolia>H. altaicus>C. lancifolia>H. rhamnoides>P. sepium>G. uralensis>A. scoparia>D. indicum>A. vestita>A. giraldii>B. alternifolia.

    Nitrogen dynamics under plastic mulching on the Loess Plateau
    QI Jing-hua,ZHANG Feng,WANG Ying,SUN Guo-jun
    2014, 23(5):  13-23.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140502
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    Plastic mulch is often used in maize production systems on the Loess Plateau. The effect of plastic mulch on plant and soil nitrogen (N) (inorganic and total N) of maize in semi-arid farmland was investigated in a field experiment. There were two mulching treatments; mulching and no mulching. No fertilizer N was applied to any plots. The trial was a randomized block design with 3 replicates. The results showed that: 1) Soil NO3--N increased as the season progressed with little mulch effect on seasonal variation. 2) No mulching resulted in more N allocated to the vegetative organs at physiological maturity compared to mulched, whereas the mulched treatment resulted in more N being transferred from the vegetative organs to the grains during the grain filling period. 3) Mulching increased soil moisture. During the grain filling period the total N content of the aerial parts of the plants were closely related to soil N status. It is concluded that mulching significantly improved the yield and nutritional quality of maize.

    Factors influencing soil respiration in a pea field in the Loess Plateau
    LI Xu-dong,SHEN Xiao-kun,ZHANG Chun-ping,FU Hua
    2014, 23(5):  24-30.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140503
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    Effects of long-term grazing exclusion on soil organic carbon fractions in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia
    WANG Chun-yan,ZHANG Jin-jing,LV Yu-liang,WANG Li,HE Nian-peng
    2014, 23(5):  31-39.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140504
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    The response of root characteristics of Stipa grandis to nitrogen addition in degraded grassland
    QIN Jie,BAO Ya-jing,LI Zheng-hai,HU Zhi-chao,GAO Wei
    2014, 23(5):  40-48.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140505
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    Stipa grandis forms zonal plant communities widely distributed in the typical steppe region of the Mongolian plateau. In recent decades, due to the over-utilization, the S. grandis grassland has shown different degrees of degradation. Nitrogen is a limiting factor for plant growth in semi-arid grassland. N addition is beneficial to the recovery of degraded grassland, but research on the influence of N addition to root characteristics of grassland plants is rarely undertaken. In order to study the response of root characteristics of S. grandis to N addition in grassland with different degrees of degradation, two sites (lightly degraded and heavily degraded grassland) were selected in Xilingol typical grassland region of Inner Mongolia, and a 2-year N addition experiment was performed (0,30,50,80 g/m2 NH4NO3). In the heavily degraded grassland, N addition led to a significant increase in root growth of S. grandis. Root length, surface area, volume, root depth and above-ground height were all significantly increased with increased nitrogen input rates, and these measures of plant response were all significantly correlated. In the lightly degraded grassland, however, the root characters of S. grandis were not responsive to N. Comparing the two sites, root diameter in heavily degraded grassland was significantly lower than that in lightly degraded grassland when no N was added. Root length, area, volume, above-ground height and root depth in heavily degraded grassland was significantly higher than that in lightly degraded grassland under high N (80 g/m2) conditions. In heavily degraded grassland, with increased level of soil N, the root system of S. grandis acquires N for development by increasing root length to colonise a greater soil volume.

    Effects of additional nitrogen on litter decomposition in Stipa baicalensis grassland
    YU Wen-chao,SONG Xiao-long,XIU Wei-ming,ZHANG Gui-long,ZHAO Jian-ning,YANG Dian-lin
    2014, 23(5):  49-60.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140506
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    In grassland sites dominated by Stipa baicalensis grassland, we imposed six nitrogen levels: N0, N15, N30, N50, N100 and N150, respectively. At the various levels of nitrogen deposition, we placed litterbag with leaf, stalk and root litter of S. baicalensis (Sb), Leymus chinensis (Lc), Artemisia frigida (Af) on the experiment plots. Plots were sprayed NH4NO3 in the middle of June and July. The dynamics of C and N during litter decomposition were different. Different decomposition and nitrogen exchange patterns were observed among the three dominant plants studied. The current paradigm suggests close relationships between decomposition rates, C and N content and , C/N ratio. The results contrasted with that. Decomposition time for 95% degradation of litter was 3.79-5.75 years for Sb, 3.12-6.34 years for Lc, and 2.69-6.82 years for Af. The initial nutrient element concentration of litter determined the nutrient release pattern and the amount of the final net element release ratio. Through correlation analysis of litter decomposition and soil physical and chemical properties, we found: litter decomposition to be weakly correlated with NH4--N , NO3--N and soil moisture content. The carbon and nitrogen content of soil microbial biomass was significantly correlated with litter decomposition rate of Af. Thus, microorganisms are the key factor controlling litter decomposition rate of Af. Therefore, in the short term, nitrogen deposition had no significant effect on litter decomposition, only individual level of nitrogen promoting or inhibiting effect on different litter decomposition rate and nutrient releasing. It implied that the effects of N addition on litter decomposition depended on time, organs, and also N addition levels.

    Vegetation succession and ecological changes in the Heihe River watershed over the past 50 years
    ZHAO Jun,MA Xiao-ping,WEI Wei
    2014, 23(5):  61-68.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140507
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    Potential vegetation succession processes in the Heihe River watershed were simulated over a 50 year period from 1961 to 2010 using integrated sequence classification. The simulation was supported by GIS information and climate data from 14 weather stations covering this time period. Linking the dynamic response of vegetation to climate change was achieved by analyzing the potential ecological environment changes in the Heihe River watershed under different climate conditions. The results show that: 1) Potential vegetation types gradually reduced in the Heihe River watershed with only 11 types remaining by the 1991 to 2010 period, and with significant differences in spatial distribution. 2) In the upper and middle reaches of the Heihe River watershed the climate is predicted to become wetter and warmer and the potential vegetation influence indicates a change toward warm and wet adapted species but with a more rapid change to warm than wet adapted species. In contrast, the climate becomes drier and warmer with a corresponding change in the potential vegetation type to warm and dry in the downstream mesozoic-cenozoic region, aggravating desertification. 3) As the climate changes, vegetation types gradually reduce in the entire drainage basin and the potential ecological damage increases. Climate change and human factors have resulted in serious deterioration of the ecological environment in downstream mesozoic-cenozoic areas.

    Plant root N and P levels and their relationship to geographical and climate factors in a Chinese grassland transect
    FAN Jiang-wen,ZHANG Liang-xia,ZHANG Wen-yan,ZHONG Hua-ping
    2014, 23(5):  69-76.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140508
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    120 plant root samples were collected from 132 sample plots along a 4000 km Chinese grassland transect from Inner Mongolia to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Plant root N and P content and their relationship to geographical and climate factors were analyzed. The aims are to understand grassland plant root stoichiometry for these two elements, in order to provide a basis for studies of grassland C, N, and P circulation under conditions of global climate change, to study the grassland ecosystem responses to global climate change. In addition, the research may provide fundamental data for relevant ecologic models. The coefficient of variation for P content is higher than that of N in plant roots. The coefficients of variation of both P and N contents in plant roots collected from the Qinghai-Tibet area are higher than those for samples collected from the Inner Mongolia area. There is significant correlation between N and P levels in plant roots. In addition, the correlation between P and N/P is more significant than the correlation between N and N/P. From the grassland type perspective, highest and lowest values for the N content of plant root were both found in samples from the temperate steppe. From the perspective of correlation between biological and environment factors, plant root N content decreased with increasing altitude, increased with increasing of annual mean temperature, and decreased with increasing of annual precipitation. However, these correlation relation are not strong. Thus it indicate that the element content in plant root may be affected by various combination factors such as vegetation composition and environmental factors.

    Investigation and analysis of application prospects of Lagerstroemia indica germplasm resources in Hunan Province
    WANG Ye-she,HOU Bo-xing,YANG Qiang-fa,ZHOU Hai-ping,CHEN Li-jun,YANG Xian-jun
    2014, 23(5):  77-91.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140509
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    In order to obtain further knowledge about the status of Lagerstroemia indica germplasm resources in Hunan Province, this study made a systematic appraisal of L. indica germplasm resources based on field investigation and collections and on analysis of herbarium specimens and published literature. Six kinds of L. indica species were identified including L. indica, L. subcostata, L. limii, L. caudata, L. excelsa and L. tomentosa, and 111 varieties including 36 L. indica Amabilis Group, 30 L. indica Rubra Group, 14 L. indica Alba Group, 23 L. indica Bicolor Group and 8 L. indica Dwarf Group. Red and blue are the most common colors of L. indica with , 36 and 37 varieties respectively. There are also 14 white varieties and 24 combined colour varieties. With respect to evolution of plant characters blue-violet or red is the primitive color of L. indicawith transition to white and combined color, while the evolution of plant type is from arbor and shrub to dwarf shrub. The general characteristics are single plant type, many straight branches and a few hanger branches. All are deciduous shrubs, and there is no evergreen L. indica. Few colorful leaves, especially red leaf and floral leaf character. The color is humdrum, purple and red take the most part. It lacks of the variety with many big flowers which are fragrant flowers. L. indica has high ornamental value, nutritional value, medicinal value and ecological value, comprehensive benefits, which has great potential and broad market prospect.

    Species composition and characterization of weed communities in wheat fields in Shandong Province
    GAO Xing-xiang,LI Mei,FANG Feng,ZHANG Yue-li,SUN Zuo-wen,QI Jun-shan
    2014, 23(5):  92-98.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140510
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    A weed survey was conducted using inverted W-pattern sampling methods to determine the species composition and structure of weed communities in wheat fields in Shandong Province. The taxa found included 69 weed species belonging to 21 families and 54 genera. Among these, 10 species were considered dominant weeds, including Descurainia sophia, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Galium aparine, Bromus japonicus, Silene conoidea, Erysimum cheiranthoides, Lithospermum arvense, Alopecurus aequalis, Aegilops squarrosa, and Calystegin hederacea; 15 species were regional dominant weeds and 44 were normal weed species. Fields in the plain regions of southwest Shandong possessed highest species richness, Shannon-wiener index and Evenness index,while the highest Simpson’s index was found in the plain regions of northwest Shandong and coastal regions of north Shandong. Hierarchical cluster analysis revealed that weeds in Shandong Province fall into 4 regional groups: hill regions of east Shandong with plain and mountain regions of mid Shandong; mountain regions of south Shandong and plain regions of southwest Shandong; plain regions of northwest Shandong ; and coastal regions of north Shandong.

    A comprehensive evaluation of nutritional value of nine shrubs in the karst area of northwest Guizhou
    SUN Hong,YU Ying-wen,MA Xiang-li,MU Xiao-ming,LIAO Jia-fa
    2014, 23(5):  99-106.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140511
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    Shrubs are one kind of diet for goats and can provide energy, protein, minerals and multivitamins for grazing animals. Information about the feeding value off wild shrubs is useful to graziers. The mineral element content and nutritional value of nine shrubs in the karst region of northwest Guizhou were quantitatively analyzed and further evaluated using fuzzy membership function, grey correlation degree and cluster analysis methods. The mineral content of the nine shrubs was 0.56%-1.10% for Ca, 0.08%-0.21% for P, 0.26%-0.36% for Na, 0.7%-1.8% for K, 0.25%-1.00% for Mg, 0.03%-0.06% for Fe, 15.2-24.1 mg/kg for Cu, 76.5-114.0 mg/kg for Mn, 33.2-113.1 mg/kg for Zn, respectively. The nutritional value was 7.5%-17.1% for CP (crude protein), 7.8%-13.6% for WSC (water-soluble sugars, excluding of Elaeagnus pungens), 11.2%-26.5% for ADF (acid detergent fiber), 16.2%-45.1% for NDF (neutral detergent fiber), 5.9-7.9 MJ/kg for ME (metabolic energy) and 37.1%-49.4% for OMD (digestibility of organic matter), respectively. The results for mineral elements, for nutritional value and for comprehensive feeding value of nine shrubs were similar for fuzzy membership function value, grey correlation degree and cluster analysis. The ranking for mineral element content of the shrubs was Rubus corchorifolius and Cotoneaster horizontalis>Dendrobenthamia capitata and Salix cathayana>Elaeagnus pungens and Rosa mairei>Hypericum patulum, Buddleja officinalis and Pyracantha fortuneana, while the nutritional values was P. fortuneana>E. pungens>D. capitata>H. patulum, B. officinalis, S. cathayana, R. mairei, R. corchorifolius and C. horizontalis. The results of comprehensive nutritional value and cluster analysis showed that the feeding value of R. corchorifolius and C. horizontalis was excellent, D. capitata, S.cathayana, E. pungen, R. mairei and P. fortuneana was good, and H. patulum and B. officinalis was medium. When evaluating the feeding value of shrubs, their mineral elements, nutritional values, biologically active substances and the preferential feeding behavior of livestock should be considered.

    The effect of planted Caragana density on the spatial distribution of soil nutrients in desert steppe
    YANG Yang,LIU Bing-ru,SONG Nai-ping,YANG Xin-guo
    2014, 23(5):  107-115.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140512
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    This paper reports the results of an experiment undertaken to determine the effect of the density of planted Caragana shrubs on the spatial distribution of soil nutrients in desert steppe. Study sites were planted with three densities of Caragana HD (high), MD (medium), LD (low) and the density of natural steppe was also determined. Soil samples have been taken from six soil layers (0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm) and from the root of shrubs, the margin of shrubs and from the space between shrubs. The results show that total soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, alkali-hydro nitrogen and available phosphorus all increased with the density of Caragana. The largest increments occurred in the 0-10 cm soil layer and the lowest increments were found in the 80-100 cm layer. Available phosphorus demonstrated the highest sensitivity to Caragana, and high density planting was associated with the most significant improvements in soil nutrients in terms of both spatial depth and horizontal location. The most significant horizontal nutrient increases were located in the shrub root zones. Taken as a whole, the results suggest that Caragana can improve soil nutrients in desert steppe. This improvement increases with plant density but weakens with soil depth and horizontal distance from the root zone. Caragana plantings do not affect the vertical distribution of soil nutrients in desert steppe.

    Changes in grassland yield and grazing pressure in the Three Rivers headwater region before and after the implementation of the eco-restoration project
    ZHANG Liang-xia,FAN Jiang-wen,SHAO Quan-qin,TANG Feng-pei,ZHANG Hai-yan,LI Yu-zhe
    2014, 23(5):  116-123.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140513
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    This paper reports on the impact of the Ecological Protection and Construction project in the Three Rivers headwater region. Grassland yield and grazing pressure have been calculated using the Global Production Efficiency Model (GLO-PEM) model and the Grazing Pressure Index. Data have been analysed and compared for the years before and after the project was initiated. Results indicate that the region’s mean grassland yield from 2005 to 2012, after project implementation, was 30.31% higher (694 kg/ha) than from 1988 to 2004, before the project began (533 kg/ha). Following the introduction of the livestock reduction program, the mean index of grazing pressure from 2003 to 2012 was 36.1% lower (1.46) than for the years 1988 to 2002 (2.49). The reasons for grassland recovery and grazing pressure reduction may be due to a combination of the Ecological Protection and Construction project and climate change. However, the ecological effectiveness of the project has clearly emerged.

    Evaluating of eco-environment benefits in Beijing Honghua Golf Course
    PUYANG Xue-hua,GAO Chen-hao,LUO Hong-song,HAN Lie-bao
    2014, 23(5):  124-132.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140514
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    The daily variation, difference of various site conditions and correlation of temperature, humidity, atmospheric particulate matter of 2.5 μm diameter or less and 10 μm diameter or less (PM 2.5, PM 10), negative air ions and noise were monitored for 14 days, at sites both on and off the golf course. The level of every factor in the golf course was better than outside the golf course, and the purification efficiency of compound green space with arbor-shrub-grass was superior to arbor-grass and grass. Daily variation of temperature and relative humidity showed a single peak and trough pattern, respectively. Compared with the outside, the daily average temperature in the golf course was 2.1℃ lower, the relative humidity increased by 9.2%. The daily variation of PM 2.5 and PM 10 showed a bimodal trend, rising in the morning, falling to a minimum in afternoon, and then gradually increasing. The daily purification rates of them were 25.9% and 26.6%, respectively, on the golf course. These two measures had a highly significant correlation, and also had a highly significant positive correlation with temperature and negative correlation with humidity. The level of negative air ions in the golf course was 4.95 times higher than outside the golf course, which had a similar but opposite diurnal pattern and correlation with temperature and humidity to that of particulate matter. The noise in the golf course was significantly (11.8%) lower than outside the golf course.

    The anatomical structure responses in alfalfa to salinity-alkalinity stress of NaHCO3
    TIAN Chen-xia,ZHANG Yong-mei,WANG Kai,ZHANG Wan
    2014, 23(5):  133-142.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140515
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    Seedlings of alfalfa were treated with NaHCO3 solution at three different concentrations levels (0, 100 and 150 mmol/L) and anatomical structure characteristics of three organs (roots, stems and leaflets) were observed using paraffin section techniques and photomicrograpy. There was an obvious difference in the vascular system of alfalfa at different NaHCO3 levels. Vascular tissue throughout the roots, stems and leaflets was reduced compared to controls, conductive capability of phloem and xylem was also much reduced and in particular, transportation of water and dissolved ions absorbed by roots was greatly restrained. Changes in other tissues of vegetative organs were also observed. The NaHCO3 treatments made leaflets thin, with more influence on spongy tissue than on palisade tissues. Stem cross section became irregular in shape, epidermis cells became smaller and thinner, and cell wall cutinization appeared. Parenchyma cells of pith located in the center of stems were decreased in diameter, increased in number and the concentration of their inclusion was rasied. Saline and alkaline stress of NaHCO3 promoted growth of roots, root diameter of treated plants was significantly greaterthan controls, and the diameter of xylem vessels became smaller but number of xylem vessels was increased.

    Genetic diversity and phylogeny of rhizobia isolated from white clover in Sichuan Province
    PAN Ming-hong,LING Yao,JING Wen,MA Hong-ping,PENG Yan
    2014, 23(5):  143-152.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140516
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    The objective of this study was to determine the genetic diversity and phylogeny of 69 isolates of symbiotic bacteria associated with wild white clover obtained from six sites in Sichuan Province, China: Ya’an, Kangding, Luding, Xichang, Chengdu and Leshan. Polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rDNA gene, housekeeping genes (recA, glnII and atpD), nodulation gene (nodC) and nitrogen-fixing gene (nifH) were conducted in the research. Four PCR-RFLP fingerprint patterns were identified among the 69 isolates from the 16S rDNA analysis, indicating relatively high genetic diversity. The results of phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA and housekeeping genes were similar; nine representative strains mainly belonged to the genus Rhizobium in Alpha-Proteobacteria were identified. In addition, nodC and nifH genes from strains from the Rhizobium genus were successfully amplified by PCR, but strains belonging to the Agrobacterium genus were not able to be amplified. All of the isolates could be identified by species with sixty-eight strains confirmed as white clover rhizobia. The diversity of white clover rhizobia differed at different sites, indicating the potential to increase the availability of beneficial rhizobia strains.

    Testing two methods to detect voltage-gated sodium channels gene mutations in Tetranychus urticae
    YANG Shun-yi,YUE Xiu-li,WANG Jin-jun,SHEN Hui-min,GUO Jin-mei,SHEN Yi-fan,ZHOU Xing-long
    2014, 23(5):  153-160.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140517
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    Target mutation produces high levels of resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae. However, as there are many techniques for detecting target mutations it would be advantageous to identify methods that are both economical and effective. Three mutations (L1022V, A1215D and F1538I) have been identified in the voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) of T. urticae. We have tested the ability of two different methods, PCR product direct sequencing and polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), to detect these VGSC gene mutations in two field strains (WW-R and LZ-R) of T. urticae. The results of PCR product direct sequencing showed that the A1215D and F1538I mutations existed in the VGSC genes of both the WW-R and LZ-R strains, but that the F1022V mutation was not detected. The A1215D mutation was located between domains IIS6 and IIIS1 of the VGSCs, while the F1538I mutation was identified in domain IIIS6. The PCR-RFLP method, however, proved able to identify only the A1215D mutation. Our testing of these two methods shows that detecting VGSC mutations in field strains of T. urticae has the potential to develop molecular-based monitoring that can be used to manage the species’ resistance to pyrethroid insecticides.

    Expression of the Ta6-SFT gene in Brassica napus under drought stress
    LI Shu-jie,ZHANG Zheng-ying
    2014, 23(5):  161-167.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140518
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    Fructan is thought to be one of the important regulators involved in plant tolerance to various abiotic stresses. In this study the Triticum aestivum gene for sucrose: fructan 6-fructosyltransferase synthesis (Ta6-SFT) was transferred into Brassica napus, driven by the rd29A promoter and mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Subsequently, transgenic plants were identified using PCR, southern blot and northern dot blot tests. In order to test the effect of the Ta6-SFT gene on transgenic plants under drought stress, non-transgenic plants (control) and 7 transgenic plants (T1 generation) were exposed to 36 days of moisture stress. Expression of Ta6-SFT was tested using a semi-quantitative RT-PCR 36 days after treatment and 2 days after re-watering. Fructan concentration and physiological traits including relative conductivity and MDA content were analyzed at the same times. The results showed Ta6-SFT expression level is positively associated with fructan content and resistance to drought stress, indicating that the Ta6-SFT gene could enhance resistance to drought in transgenic plants.

    Clone and sequence analysis of 5’RACE of PvVP1 in Paspalum vaginatum
    SONG Hui,NAN Zhi-biao,CAI Xiao-ning,ZHONG Xiao-xian,GU Hong-ru
    2014, 23(5):  168-174.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140519
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    A pair of degenerated primers were designed based on previously cloned homologous cDNA segments. The middle segment of PvVP1 was cloned, then the PvVP1 5’cDNA sequence also obtained using 5’RACE. The open reading frame (ORF) of this sequence was 1605 bp, encoding 534 amino acids. The codon and amino acid sequences of the 5’ends of the PvVP1 gene shared 93% and 99% similarity, respectively, with those of Zea mays.

    Effects of Na+ on antioxidant defence and accumulation of osmoregulatory substances in white clover under water deficit stress
    LI Zhou,WANG Xiao-juan,PENG Dan-dan,PENG Yan
    2014, 23(5):  175-183.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140520
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    Effects of NaCl on relative water content, root viability, chlorophyll content, reactive oxygen species, relative membrane permeability and membrane lipid peroxidation, antioxidant defence and accumulation of osmoregulatory substances in white clover (Trifolium repens) under water stress induced by PEG-6000 were analyzed. Under water stress, exogenous NaCl significantly improved relative water content and root viability, and effectively reduced the decomposition of chlorophyll in leaves. The treatment of exogenous NaCl improved SOD, POD, CAT activities and the key enzymes of AsA-GSH cycle activities and maintained significantly lower electrolyte leakage and MDA content, thereby reducing water deficit stress injury to plants. 50 mmol/L NaCl also can improve the growth of white clover under normal water availability, but the accumulation of soluble sugar and free proline was significantly lower in the exogenous NaCl treatment under water deficit stress. The results suggested that exogenous NaCl can effectively improve water deficit stress tolerance of white clover with mechanisms including enhanced antioxidant defence, but not accumulation of more osmoregulatory substances. The reason maybe that white clover is like other xerophytes which accumulate Na+ as an osmoregulatory solute under drought stress.

    Isolation and identification of the potential allelochemicals in the aqueous extract of yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis)
    WU Cai-xia,LIU Su-jiao,ZHAO Guo-qi
    2014, 23(5):  184-192.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140521
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    This study aimed to isolate and identify the main allelochemicals of aqueous extract of yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis). Chromatographic separation, TLC analysis and bioassay test were conducted to isolate the potential allelochemicals of the aqueous extract of yellow sweet clover. GC-MS were used to identify the potential allelochemicals of the aqueous extracts of yellow sweet clover. The results showed that the ethyl acetate phase of yellow sweet clover aqueous extracts containing a variety of allelochemicals, in which coumarin had the highest relative content, then followed by 6-(3-Hydroxy-but-1-enyl)-1,5,5-trimethyl-7-oxabicyclo-[4,1,0]heptan-2-ol, chromanone,2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol, 2-Bromo-1,1,3-trimethyl cyclopropane, trimethyl phosphate, and other substances. The ethyl acetate phase was further separated into three fractions, which were the upper layer, middle layer and lower layer. The chemical which had the highest relative content of the upper layer is also coumarin. In the middle layer, 2-Bromo-1,1,3-trimethyl cyclopropane, 6-(3-Hydroxy-but-1-enyl)-1,5,5-trimethy-7-oxabicyclo[4,1,0]heptan-2-ol, 1-Methylcyclopentanol, trimethyl phosphate and 2-Bromo-1,1,3-trimethyl cyclopropane had higher relative contents. In the lower layer, 2-Bromo-1,1,3-trimethyl cyclopropane, 1-Methylcyclopentanol and cyclohexyl-phosphonous dibromide had higher relative contents. The ethyl acetate phase and the fractions separated from it all showed allelopathic effect on the seed germination and seedling growth of Italian ryegrass, in which the ethyl acetate phase treatment showed the strongest inhibition on seed germination and seedling growth of Italian ryegrass, and significantly stronger than all the treatments of the fractions separated from it (P<0.05). The upper layer treatment showed the second strongest inhibition and significantly stronger than the other two layers (P<0.05). While the lower layer treatment showed significant promoting effects on seed germination and seedling growth of Italian ryegrass (P<0.05). These results suggested that many allelochemicals existing in the aqueous extract of yellow sweet clover, in which coumarin had the highest relative content, and the treatments with higher content of coumarin concentration showed stronger inhibition effect on Italian ryegrass, which also suggested that coumarin should be one of the main allelochemicals in the aqueous extract of yellow sweet clover.

    Physiological and biochemical response of pea seedlings to endogenous and exogenous NO under salt stress
    SHI Zhen-zhen,LI Sheng,YANG Ke,MA Shao-ying,LIU Hui-jie,ZHANG Pin-nan,YANG Xiao-ming
    2014, 23(5):  193-200.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140522
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    A pea variety ‘longwan1’ was used as the experimental material to study the effect of endogenous and exogenous NO on the growth of pea seedlings under NaCl stress with NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP), NO scavenger c-PTIO and sodium nitroprusside analogues sodium ferrocyanide. It was found that adding exogenous NO increased the plumule and radicle length, seedling dry weight, root-shoot ratio, chlorophyll content, soluble protein and sugar levels, and the activities of SOD, POD and CAT of the pea seedlings. The content of proline was also increased under salt stress. Meanwhile, exogenous NO also alleviated the accumulation of MDA and decreased the membrane relative permeability in leaves of pea seedlings under salt stress. Endogenous NO had a significant effect on growth of germ, seedling dry weight, soluble sugar content, and MDA, SOD and CAT activity. In summary, exogenous and endogenous NO both alleviated the damage to pea seedlings caused by salt stress.

    Effects of different doses of bensulfuron-methyl·butachlor and quinclorac on the growing environment and nutrient accumulation of Chinese milk vetch
    XIE Zhi-jian,XU Chang-xu,LIU Guang-rong,CAO Wei-dong
    2014, 23(5):  201-207.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140523
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    A pot-culture experiment was conducted to study the effects of different doses of bensulfuron-methyl·butachlor and quinclorac on red paddy soil environment and growth of Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus) plants. Applying bensulfuron-methyl·butachlor and quinclorac in paddy soil decreased the dry matter weight of Chinese milk vetch by 13.1%-52.8%, and the more doses applied the more dry matter decreased. The lower dose of bensulfuron-methyl·butachlor applied in paddy soil significantly decreased N accumulation by 10.6%, while the quinclorac decreased the N and K accumulation in milk vetch plants by 15.0% and 15.2% respectively. The higher doses of bensulfuron-methyl·butachlor and quinclorac decreased the N, P and K accumulation in milk vetch plant by 32.7%-37.9% and 49.6%-56.6%. Applying with either a lower or a higher dose of both bensulfuron-methyl·butachlor and quinclorac decreased the availability of soil N and K by 9.2%-28.7% and 11.4%-29.6%. A higher dose of bensulfuron-methyl·butachlor and quinclorac, remarkably, decreased the available P content in soil by 5.4% and 6.1% respectively. Furthermore, applying a lower dose of bensulfuron-methyl·butachlor did not have noticeable influence on the activity of catalase, sucrase and urease in soil, while the activity of catalase was markedly restricted by applying a lower dose of quinclorac. The activity of sucrase was not significantly changed even at a higher dose of bensulfuron-methyl·butachlor and quinclorac which greatly restricted the activity of catalase and urease. Furthermore, applying a lower or higher dose of bensulfuron-methyl·butachlor increased the amount of bacteria, and an adverse effect of quinclorac was observed. The amount of actinomyces decreased by applying a lower or higher dose of bensulfuron-methyl·butachlor and quinclorac, though the incidence of fungi was not changed remarkably. To sum up, in order to meet the requirement of nutrients for growth of Chinese milk vetch, it is necessary to supply additional N or N and K nutrients to soil when applying a lower dose (i.e. the recommended dose in paddy soil) of bensulfuron-methyl·butachlor or quinclorac respectively, while additional N, P and K nutrients should be added to soil when applying a higher dose of bensulfuron-methyl·butachlor and quinclorac in paddy fields.

    Seedling growth and physiological characteristics of different sweet sorghum genotypes in Takyric Solonetz soils
    LIU Ji-li,WU Na
    2014, 23(5):  208-213.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140524
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    To explore the response of sweet sorghum seedlings to stress when grown on Takyric Solonetz soils, growth and physiological characteristics of five different sweet sorghum genotypes were studied in a pot trial. Takyric Solonetz inhibited seedling growth of sweet sorghum, and significantly reduced plant height, root length and plant dry weight of sweet sorghum seedlings. The chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate of different sweet sorghum genotypes were greatly reduced, while the plasma membrane relative permeability, MDA levels and SOD, POD, and CAT activities were significantly increased under stress conditions induced by Takyric Solonetz. There were significant differences in salt or alkalinity tolerance among 5 genotypes of sweet sorghum. Variety ZNH05 showed least tolerance to Takyric Solonetz stress, while ZNH07 and ZNH18 showed stronger resistance to Takyric Solonetz stress.

    Characteristics of vegetation and soil microorganisms of molehill grassland in an ecologically vulnerable alpine region
    LU Hu,LI Xian-gang,YAO Tuo,PU Xiao-peng
    2014, 23(5):  214-222.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140525
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    In order to better define the soil dynamics of the black beach soil, in grassland dynamics and provide theory and techniques for grassland restoration informed by microbiology, we researched the soil of molehills in an ecologically vulnerable alpine region of Tianzhu County, Gansu Province. We detected and analyzed the microbial population of 3 main categories of soil microorganisms (fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes) and the bacteria groups involved in nitrogen transformation (ammonifiers, nitrifiers, denitrifying bacteria, aerobic and anaerobic nitrogen fixing bacteria). Taxa were cataloged by soil depth and season of sample collection using plate colony count and MPN methods. In addition, the above-ground plant biomass and total Soil N content were investigated by regular methods. Key results are: the dominant species in molehill grassland was Microula sikkimensis, the vegetation coverage and above-ground plant biomass was low. The seasonal dynamic of microbial population was well defined. The maximum number of taxa of fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes and N-transforming bacteria was observed in the 0-20 cm soil layer in August, and the minimum in the 20-40 cm layer in April, except for the ammonifier and aerobic N-fixing soil bacteria for which the number was observed in October. There was a positive correlation between both soil N and plant biomass and the microbial population of nitrifiers and aerobic N-fixing bacteria. By contrast, there was a negative correlation between soil N and denitrifying bacteria.

    Combined effects of bio-fertilizer and citric acid on turf quality and soil biology on a calcareous soil
    LIU Qiang,YAO Tuo,MA Hui-ling
    2014, 23(5):  223-230.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140526
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    Nutrient management is an essential part of turf management; nitrogen (N) and phosphate (P) fertilizers are commonly applied to improve turf quality. However, little research on the effect of supplementary fertilizers, such as citric acid and bio-fertilizer, on turf quality has been carried out. This study was initiated to examine the effects of the combined application of citric acid and bio-fertilizer on the turf quality and soil biological characteristics on a calcareous soil. The results revealed that the combination of citric acid and bio-fertilization significantly increased the population of soil microorganisms, especially actinomycetes in the lower soil profile. Citric acid significantly improved the level of available phosphorus and the combination of citric acid and bio-fertilizer significantly improved turf quality provided N & P fertilizer application was adequate.

    The inoculant potential of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria strains to improve the yield and quality of Trifolium pratense cv. Minshan
    RONG Liang-yan,YAO Tuo,MA Wen-bin,LI De-ming,LI Ru-ren,ZHANG Jie,LU Sa
    2014, 23(5):  231-240.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140527
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    Interest in plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) has increased due to their potential contribution to sustainable agricultural systems by reducing environmental impact, the consumption of non-renewable resources and input costs. This paper investigates the inoculant effect of PGPR on the hay yield and nutrient quality of Trifolium pratense cv. Minshan. Six PGPR and one rhizobia strains were identified by screening for phosphate solubilization, 3-indoleacetic acid (IAA) secretion and antagonism to plant pathogens. A PGPR inoculant was produced by mixing these strains and pot tests have been conducted to investigate its effects on the growth and quality of T. pratense cv. Minshan when combined with different amounts of chemical fertilizer. The results showed that the nitrogenase activity of the rhizobia strain was 488.2 C2H4 nmol/(mL·h). The phosphate solubilization and IAA secreting ability of the five PGPR strains was distributed across the ranges 50.34-229.5 mg/L and 0.86-12.01 μg/mL respectively. The PGPR compound bio-fertilizer demonstrated strong antagonism to the pathogens Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. cucumerinum, Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum f. niveum. The composite microbial inoculant complies with the quality standard for microbiological fertilizer in China (NY227-94). Applying the inoculant in combination with 75% of the control’s chemical fertilizers increased total hay yield by 4.76%. Nutrient quality also improved. The amount of crude protein, crude ash, calcium and phosphorus increased while the amount of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber declined. Applying the inoculant in combination with 50% of the control’s chemical fertilizers did not increase total hay yield, quality, or the isoflavone content of clover. The experiment has thus shown how the PGPR compound bio-fertilizer can be combined with chemical fertilizers to increase not only the yield and quality of T. pratense cv. Minshan but also the sustainability of agricultural systems.

    Assessment of rhizobacteria strains for Vicia sativa
    MA Wen-bin,YAO Tuo,WANG Guo-ji,ZHANG Yu-xia,RONG Liang-yan
    2014, 23(5):  241-248.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140528
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    To investigate the effect of rhizobacteria inoculants on the growth of Vicia sativa, four rhizobacteria strains (J3-1, J1-15, Y16 and J3) were assessed for potentially useful characteristics with the potential to enhance the growth and yield of V. sativa; high nitrogenase activity, high phosphate solubilisation and ability to secrete 3-indoleacetic acid (IAA) into the rhizosphere. Strains J3-1, J1-15 and Y16 had the ability to solubilize phosphate and secrete IAA. J1-15, Y16, J3-1 had the strongest phosphate solubilizing capacity (548.9 mg/L), IAA secreting ability (17.8 μg/mL), and nitrogenase activity (366.51 C2H4 nmol/mL·h), respectively. Y16 increased the aboveground biomass and underground biomass of V. sativa by 104.5% and 254.1%, respectively, compared to the non-inoculated control. An inoculant mixture of all four strains increased the aboveground biomass and underground biomass of V. sativa by 76.1% and 192.3%, respectively, relative to the control. This resulted from an increase in plant height, root length, root surface area, root volume and root activity of 29.4%, 70.0%, 174.0%, 194.6% and 38.3%, respectively. The results suggest that inoculants including mixtures of rhizobacteria strains may have significant benefits for V. sativa cultivation.

    Identification and determination of biological functions of endophytic bacteria from Achnatherum inebrians in Alpine grassland of East Qilian Mountains
    YANG Cheng-de,WANG Ying,WANG Yu-qin,YAO Yu-ling,XUE Li,XU Chang-lin,CHEN Xiu-rong
    2014, 23(5):  249-255.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140529
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    6 endophytic bacteria of Achnatherum inebrians collected from Alpine grassland on East Qilian Mountains were isolated using a surface disinfection method, and named 261MG1, 261MG2, 261MG3, 261MG4, 261MY5 and 261MY6, respectively. Of these, 5 strains had strong antifungal activity against Colletotrichum coccodes and Phoma foveata, and 4 strains were active against Fusarium avenaceum. In addition, 261MG2, 261MG3, 261MG4 and 261MY6 had inhibitory activity against 3 other pathogens. Except for 261MG4, the endophytic bacteria had the nitrogen-fixing ability and IAA (indole acetic acid) secreting. Based on the culture characteristics, morphological characteristics and 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis, 261MG1, 261MG2, 261MG3, 261MY6, 261MG4 and 261MY5 were identified as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus axarquiensis, Bacillus mojavensis, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Brevibacterium michiganensis, and Clavibacter sp., respectively. The study provides the evidence for the existence of endophytic bacteria of A. inebrians in East Qilian Mountains Alpine grassland, and the initial exploration of their identity and properties.

    Isolation and identification of lucerne seed-borne growth promoting Paenibacillus polymyxa in Gansu Province, China
    ZHANG Zhen-fen,NAN Zhi-biao
    2014, 23(5):  256-262.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140530
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    Thirty nine seed samples from 13 lucerne growing areas of Gansu Province were collected and isolated for seed-borne bacteria. According to phenotypic characteristics and Biolog identification, HTBRC1, HTBRC2, HTBRC3, HTBRC4, HTBRC5, HTBRC6, HTBRC7 and HTBRC8 were preliminarily identified as Paenibacillus polymyxa. A growth promotion function following soaking with strains HTBRC1 was found in a lucerne seed germination experiment. This experiment ascertained the distribution of lucerne seed-borne P. polymyxa in different production regions of Gansu Province and discovered P. polymyxa isolated from the epidermis and internally from lucerne seed with high salt tolerance.

    Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization on broad bean straw degradation in a split root experiment
    GUO Tao,SHI Xiao-jun,ZHU Min,LUO Zhen
    2014, 23(5):  263-270.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140531
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    The decomposition of plant residues plays an important role in the cycling of nutrients and substrates, especially the carbon-nitrogen cycle, which is influenced by many microorganisms that act in a role of consumer or decomposer and directly or indirectly accelerate the degradation process. The group of microorganisms known as, mycorrhizae are recognized as being of special importance as they have a special microhabitat and a unique role. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi can form mutualistic symbiosis with more than 80% of the higher plant species. The contribution of AM to the process of degradation of plant residues varied at different hierarchical levels (plant root, mycorrhizae within the root and the soil mycelium), although hit should be noted that accompanying bacteria also affect the process. In previous studies, most experiments were carried out with pot or other single compartment techniques, and this made it difficult to clarify the effects of mycorhizal symbiosis on degradation of plant residues. In the present study, a split-root technique with four compartments was used to quantitatively compare the degradation process.. In this experiment, maize (Zea mays) was used as the host plant and was inoculated with the AM fungus, Glomus mosseae (G. m) and cultivated in the split root device with four compartments which were the mycorrhizosphere (M), rhizosphere (R), hyphasphere (H) and bulk soil (S). Broad bean (Vicia faba) straw was used as a test plant residue and embedded in the four compartments. Plants were harvested respectively at 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 days and plant residue degradation rate, soil enzymatic activity, soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, and soil respiration were measured in the four compartments. Inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi accelerated the broad bean straw degradation in R, M and H with 15.61%, 20.54% and 7.74% compare with in the S compartment. The catalase, protease, and acid phosphatase activities were higher in the R, M and H compartments than the S compartment, as was soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and soil respiration. The higher microbial activity in the compartments with AM fungi facilitated and accelerated the process of plant residue degradation. Enchancement of residue decomposition by mycorrhizae has significant implications for understanding of soil C and plant N acquisition in future research.

    Effect of adding acetic acid on fermentation quality and aerobic stability of mixed oat and alfalfa silage in Tibet
    LI Jun-feng,SUN Xiao-hui,YUAN Xian-jun,GUO Gang,XIAO Shen-hua,BA Sang,YU Cheng-qun,SHAO Tao
    2014, 23(5):  271-278.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140532
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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of adding acetic acid on the fermentation qualities and aerobic stability of mixed silage of oat and alfalfa. The treatments were as follows: control (CA) and three treatments of different acetic acid addition ratios (0.3%, 0.4%, 0.5% of fresh weight). These silos were opened 30, 45 and 60 days after ensiling and the fermentation quality was analyzed. Then other silos were opened 60 days after ensiling and exposed to the air, and the aerobic stability was analyzed. Addition of acetic acid significantly (P<0.05) decreased the pH value of mixed silage, and the pH values of 0.4% and 0.5% acetic acid addition silages were significantly (P<0.05) lower than that of 0.3% acetic acid addition silages. Lactic acid (LA) contents of all acetic acid addition silages were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of control after 60 days from ensiling, however, there was no significant (P>0.05) difference among all acetic acid silages. Acetic acid addition significantly (P<0.05) decreased the ratio of ammonia nitrogen/total nitrogen (AN/TN), and there was a pH decline (P>0.05) with increased of acetic acid addition. Water soluble carbohydrate (WSC) contents of all silages with acetic acid added were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of the control, and 0.4% acetic acid addition silages showed the highest WSC content. During the first 10 days of aerobic exposure, the values of pH and AN/TN were stable in all silages, and those of silages with acetic acid added remained lower than these of control. After 10 days of aerobic exposure, the pH value of all silages increased, and that of the control significantly (P<0.05) increased. The contents of LA and WSC decreased generally during the aerobic exposure process; all acetic-acid-treated silages showed significantly (P<0.05) higher LA and WSC than control, and the silage with 0.4% acetic acid added always had the highest lactic acid content. From the above results it is suggested that 0.4% acetic acid addition is appropriate.

    Effects of sublethal dosage of imidacloprid, abamectin and beta-cypermethrin on the development and reproduction of green of the morph of pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum)
    WANG Xiao-qiang,LIU Chang-zhong,XING Ya-tian,SHI Zhou
    2014, 23(5):  279-286.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140533
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    To understand the effects of sublethal dosage of imidacloprid, abamectin and beta-cypermethrin on the experimental population parameter of green morph of pea aphid [Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: aphidiae)], and to investigate the relationship between the development, reproduction of A. pisum and sublethal dosage, which can provide a theoretical basis for comprehensive control of A. pisum. Sublethal dosage of imidacloprid, abamectin and beta-cypermethrin on A. pisum were examined by leaf with insect dipping method and disc leaf dipped method respectively under constant temperature (22-24)℃, relative humidity (70%-80%) and a 16∶8 (L∶D) hours photoperiod. The results showed that mean longevity and fecundity of the adults treated by two concentrations (LC20 and LC10) of three kinds of insecticides were significantly lower than those of the control (P<0.05). Both the mean longevity and the fecundity of the adults treated by abamectin (LC20) and beta-cypermethrin (LC20) reached its minimum, which were 3.34 days and 14.30 heads, respectively. However, no significant regulations were found on the durations of different developmental stages of F1 generation nymphs except that the third instar had no significant differences (P>0.05), while the adult stage, mean longevity, survival rate, mean fecundity, net reproductive rate (R0) and mean generation time (T) of F1 generation treated by concentrations (LC10) were larger than concentrations (LC20) of three kinds of insecticides. Especially, the adult stage, mean fecundity of adults, net reproductive rate (R0) and mean generation time (T) of F1 generation treated by abamectin (LC10) reached its manimum value, which were 9.76, 77.76, 65.32, 12.41 respectively, were larger than those of the control. All these results showed that both of the mean longevity and fecundity of adults were decreased, while most life table parameters of F1 generation improved with decrease of sublethal dosage after the adults were treated by different sublethal dosages of imidacloprid, abamectin and beta-cypermethrin.

    Nitrogen metabolism in sika deer on a low protein diet supplemented with lysine and methionine
    HUANG Jian,ZHANG Tie-tao,BAO Kun,YANG Fu-he,LI Guang-yu,WANG Kai-ying
    2014, 23(5):  287-294.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140534
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    The effect of a low crude protein (CP) diet supplemented with amino acids on nitrogen metabolism in four three month old sika deer fawns [mean live weight (30±0.12) kg] was investigated using a 4×4 Latin square design experiment. Four diets were compared; control (groupⅠ) fed a 16.28% crude protein diet, a group fed 13.40 % CP diet supplemented with 0.23% lysine and 0 (group Ⅱ), 0.06% (group Ⅲ), 0.12% (group Ⅳ) methionine. The results show that the CP digestibility of the control group was significantly greater than group Ⅱ (P<0.01), Ⅲ and Ⅳ (P<0.05) but ether extract digestibility was lower than group Ⅱ (P<0.01). No treatment differences for other nutrients were found (P>0.05). Methionine digestibility in the control group and group Ⅳ was significantly greater than group Ⅱ and group Ⅲ (P<0.05); digestibility of other amino acids (except lysine and cystine) in the control group was significantly greater than all other groups (P<0.05). Nitrogen (N) absorption in the control group was significantly greater than group Ⅱ (P<0.01), Ⅲ and Ⅳ (P<0.05) while urine N emissions were significantly greater and N utilization lower than other groups (P<0.05). Total urine purine emissions in the control group were significantly greater than group Ⅱ (P<0.01) and Ⅲ (P<0.05) and allantoin emissions significantly greater than group Ⅱ (P<0.01), Ⅲ and Ⅳ (P<0.05). Xanthine and hypoxanthine emissions in group Ⅱ was significantly lower than the control group (P<0.01), groups Ⅲ and Ⅳ (P<0.05). Supplementing with lysine and methionine improved the apparent digestibility of a low CP diet, approaching the digestibility of diets with a normal protein content and improving N retention and N utilization, reducing N emissions and helping to protect the environment.

    Effect of long-term feeding of high concentrate diet on plasma biochemical parameters and expression of genes involved in glucose metabolism in lactating goats
    DONG Hai-bo,WANG Shao-qing,JIA Yuan-yuan,DUANMU Yong-qian,TAO Shi-yu,NI Ying-dong,ZHANG Yuan-shu,ZHUANG Su,SHEN Xiang-zhen,ZHAO Ru-qian
    2014, 23(5):  295-302.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140535
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    In order to investigate the effect of feeding high concentrate diets for a long-term on plasma biochemical parameters and expression of genes involved in glucose metabolism in different tissues, 8 healthy multiparous goats in mid-lactation were rumen-cannulated in and were randomly allocated to two groups, one receiving a diet with low concentrate (LC, concentrate∶roughage, %=40∶60) as the LC group (n=4), and another receiving high concentrate diet (HC, concentrate∶roughage, %=60∶40) as the HC group (n=4). The experiment lasted for 8 weeks. At the end of experiment, tissues including liver, muscle and fat were sampled and immediately immersed in liquid nitrogen and then stored at -70℃ for later gene expression analysis. After feeding the high-concentrate diet for 2 weeks, the mean ruminal pH value of HC group had declined to less than 5.8, with low pH persisting 3 hours after feeding. However, after being fed the high concentrate diet for 8 weeks, the HC goats showed an increase in ruminal pH (mean pH>6.0), although this value was still significantly lower than that of LC goats (P<0.05). Among the biochemical parameters detected in plasma, the level of glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (AST) showed a tendency to increase (P=0.09), and the level of glucose (P<0.05) and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA, P=0.071) was increased in HC goats compare to control. The gene expression of Glut4, pyruvate carboxylase (PC) and mitochondrial type phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PCK2) in liver, fat and muscle, respectively, showed a tendency to increase (P=0.06, P=0.066 and P=0.069, respectively). These results suggest that prolonged feeding of a high concentrate diet increased plasma NEFA, glucose and AST, and up-regulated gene expression involved in glucose metabolism.

    Integrated biocontrol of insect pests during the last 10 years in China: Research and practice
    HONG Jun,DU Gui-lin,YUN Xu-jiang,HE Xin-tian,ZHANG Huan-qiang,LIN Jun
    2014, 23(5):  303-311.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140536
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    Control of Grassland insect pests is an example of important early disaster prevention and mitigation work by the Ministry of Agriculture, China. The grassland insect pest control policy was based on prevention first followed by integrated control. The long-term practice was to use biocontrol as the primary means of control with chemical control used in a complimentary role. The establishment of biocontrol techniques for insect pests has been undertaken by the China Animal Industry Station since 2002. Ecosystem balance was used as the main driver of policy in the program. Insect pest monitoring and early warning, biocontrol and pesticide application technology was utilized, and insect pest density maintained below the economic threshold level during this time. The achievements of the program have been recognized in the National Agricultural Harvest Awards. The background, progress and major achievements of the program are introduced with the aim of informing people about the current status of grassland insect pest control in China.

    Induction of plant disease resistance and its application for disease control in creeping bentgrass
    MA Hui-ling,FANG Yuan-yuan
    2014, 23(5):  312-320.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140537
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    Induction of disease resistance was utilized to improve disease prevention and control in the turf grass, creeping bentgrass. This paper expounds the changes occurring after induced disease resistance (IDR) in plants, including gene expression signals, gene expression levels, cell defense mechanisms and physiological responses, and systematically reveals the mechanism of induction of disease resistance based on systematic acquired resistance (SAR) and induced systematic resistance (ISR) pathways. The application of IDR theory in plants to creeping bentgrass disease control and associated research achievements are reviewed with the aim of providing a theoretical basis for new and environment-friendly disease management methods for turf grass.

    A review of grassland carrying capacity: perspective and dilemma for research in China on “forage-livestock balance”
    XU Min-yun
    2014, 23(5):  321-329.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140538
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    Ascertaining the correct balance between forage supply and livestock demand is a critical issue for grassland animal husbandry in China. Calculations are typically based on theoretical models that balance energy availability and requirement, and adoption has been hindered by disagreement as to the size and response to various factors of the theoretical coefficients used. In this article we summarize progress in China in livestock feed budgeting research. Adoption of forage-livestock supply and demand calculations based on average net primary productivity and animal feed intake for arid and semi-arid rangeland characterised by uneven precipitation and wide seasonal temperature fluctuation may not deal with the complexity and uncertainty arising from seasonal imbalance between supply and demand within the ecosystem. Despite considerable progress in solving temporal-spatial disequilibrium between grassland productivity and livestock requirement, major challenges remain for “seasonal animal husbandry” and “key pasture”. Parameter estimates commonly used as a basis for forage-livestock balance decision-making require standardisation. In particular, there is no consensus as to the application or method of determining parameters such as livestock substitution rate, livestock numbers, and appropriate stocking rate, among others. In future, research into forage production-livestock demand balance should focus on exploring opportunities to reduce seasonal imbalance between forage supply and livestock demand, and on coordination of the ecological, social and economic functions of grassland.

    Progress report on the study of Psathyrostachys huashanica and its application to wheat improvement
    ZHANG Wen-tao,DU Jiu-yuan,CHEN Xin-hong,WU Jun,ZHAO Ji-xin,DU Wan-li,ZHANG Li-jun
    2014, 23(5):  330-337.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140539
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    Psathyrostachys huashanica is an endangered wheat-related species found only on Mount Hua of the Qinling Mountains in the Shaanxi Province of China. It is considered an important germplasm resource for broadening genetic diversity and for developing new cultivars due to its valuable resistance to cold, drought and diseases. This paper reviews existing literature on the species. Most studies have focused on the taxonomy of the biological traits of P. huashanica, its evolution and population ecology. A number of studies have considered its usefulness as a resource for genetic improvement, including how to identify and develop new intermediate plants through crossings with wheat. The paper concludes with a general discussion of the ecological protection of P. huashanica and the species’ application in plant breeding so that new knowledge can be discovered and utilized effectively in practice.

    Effects of simulated acid rain on the growth and antioxidant activity of Zebrina pendula
    ZHANG Yuan-bing,WANG Jian-fei,LIU Ai-rong,XIA Hai-dong
    2014, 23(5):  338-344.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140540
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    Zebrina pendula plants were sprayed with simulated acid rain at different pH values (6.7, 5.6, 4.5, 3.5, 2.5, 1.5) in pot experiments, and the biomass, relative anthocyanin concentration, chlorophyll content, nitrate reductase activity, proline content, antioxidase activity (including superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase), malondialdehyde content, and membrane permeability were determined. With decreased pH value from simulated acid rain, the dry weight, relative anthocyanin concentration, chlorophyll content, nitrate reductase activity and CAT activity decreased. SOD activity showed a trend of initial increase and then decrease. Proline content, POD activity, MDA content and membrane permeability increased with decreasing pH value. An integrated analysis indicated that under simulated acid rain-induced pH values 5.6-3.5, the growth and antioxidant activity of Z. pendula was only slightly inhibited and there was no effect on ornamental quality; under a simulated acid rain-induced pH value 2.5, the inhibition effect on growth and antioxidant activity became heavier and there was a slight effect on ornamental quality; under simulated acid rain-induced stress of pH value 1.5, the inhibition effect was large and there were visible injury symptoms on leaves, with a sharp decline in ornamental quality.

    The genetic variation revealed by SSR markers in crossbreeding groups of annual ryegrass after continuous mass selection
    WANG Shao-fei,HUANG Lin-kai,ZHANG Xin-quan,MA Xiao
    2014, 23(5):  345-351.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140541
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    SSR markers were used to evaluate the genetic diversity in two crossbreeding groups of annual ryegrass after 5 cycles mass selection. With the 20 primer pairs selected, a total of 217 bands were detected in the two populations and the percentage of polymorphic bands was 92.2%. In the two crossbreeding groups, 72.3% or 75.2% of the genetic diversities were estimated intra-populations and 27.7% or 24.8%, respectively, were estimated inter-populations. The genetic diversity of the inter-population was much more than that of the intra-population. After analysis of the bands, it was found from the amplified results that the crossbreeding groups had more bands shared by parents and progeny but fewer non parental specific bands. As mass selection proceeded in the crossbreeding groups, the percentage of polymorphic bands in populations declined as did the Shannon index and Nei’s gene diversity. It is shown that genetic diversity of each population declined under mass selection. The results of this study will provide some basic information for ryegrass crossbreeding.

    Nutritional values of Italian ryegrass for growing rabbits
    SONG Zhong-qi,GAN You-min,TIAN Gang,JIN Hua,BO Zheng-xi,WANG Qiu-shuang,FU Pei-bin,WANG Yong
    2014, 23(5):  352-358.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140542
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    The experiment was carried out to evaluate the nutritional value of early flowering Italian ryegrass for growing rabbits. A total of 24 New Zealand rabbits at 60 days of age with an average weight of (2.20±0.32) kg were used in a completely randomized design, which consisted of 2 groups and 12 replicates in each group. A basal diet was formulated to meet requirements of growing rabbits and the experiment diet was formulated by substituting 20% of the basal diet with Italian ryegrass. Fecal apparent digestibility of major nutrients in Italian ryegrass for growing rabbits was measured. Both pre-trial and trial period was 7 days. The results showed: 1) Gross energy, dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, crude ash, Ca, total P and nitrogen free extract contents of Italian ryegrass were 16.78 MJ/kg, 92.24%, 10.20%, 1.64%, 26.09%, 51.80%, 31.35%, 7.72%, 0.66%, 0.28% and 46.59%, respectively. 2) The apparent digestible energy of Italian ryegrass was 7.21 MJ/kg. Apparent digestibility of gross energy, dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, crude ash, Ca, total P and nitrogen free extract in Italian ryegrass were 33.45%, 48.36%, 44.18%, 84.45%, 25.91%, 22.73%, 22.25%, 26.10%, 62.87%, 13.94% and 61.42%, respectively. In conclusion, contents of crude fiber, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber are higher and contents of ether extract, total P are lower in Italian ryegrass. There are certain differences between the nutrient digestibility of Italian ryegrass for growing rabbits, the apparent digestibility of ether extract, crude fiber, Ca, nitrogen free extract are higher, while the apparent digestibility of total P is lower in the Italian ryegrass for growing rabbits.

    Effect of additive on fermentation quality of mixed silages of oat (Avena sativa) and common vetch (Vicia sativa) in Tibet
    ZHANG Jie,YUAN Xian-jun,GUO Gang,WEN Ai-you,WANG Jian,XIAO Shen-hua,BA Sang,YU Cheng-qun,SHAO Tao
    2014, 23(5):  359-364.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140543
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    This experiment evaluated the effects of adding lactic acid bacteria, potassium sorbate and molasses on the fermentation quality of oat and common vetch (7∶3) mixed silages. The additive treatments were as follows:(1) control (no addition), (2) lactic acid bacteria (L), (3) potassium sorbate addition at 0.15% (S), (4) molasses addition at 3% (M). These silos were opened on 30, 45 and 60 days after ensiling and the fermentation quality was analyzed. Addition of L, M and S were efficient in improving the fermentation quality of mixed silages compared with the control. There were significantly (P<0.05) higher lactic acid content, and lactic acid/acetic acid values in the M and L addition as compared with control and S addition, while the pH values, acetic acid, total volatile fatty acid content and ammonia nitrogen/total nitrogen values of these two silages were significantly (P<0.05) lower than other two groups. M addition was slightly better than L addition for improving the fermentation quality of mixed silages. S addition greatly increased (P<0.05) lactic acid content and lactic acid/acetic acid values, and significantly (P<0.05) reduced the acetic acid, butyric acid content and ammonia nitrogen/total nitrogen values as compared with the control, however there were no significant (P>0.05) differences between control and S-addition silages in pH values or propionic acid content. In conclusion, the improvement in fermentation quality with additives ranked as follows: M>L>S.

    Antagonistic effect of actinomycetes D01 against four strains potato pathogens
    CHEN Shu-qin,WANG Sheng-rong
    2014, 23(5):  365-369.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20140544
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    Fungistatic activity of actinomycetes strain D01 on Fusarium spp., Rhizoctonia solani, Colletotrichum coccodes and Alternaria solani was studied by confronting incubation on PDA plates, and assessing the fungi growth rates. An inhibition ratio of more than 70% to four potato fungal pathogens was gained by D01. Substrate mycelium of target pathogens suppressed with antagonistic actinomycetes had been deformed or lysed. Actinomycetes D01 showed persistent inhibition effects on the target pathogens in different degrees, especially on C. coccodes and R. solani.