草业学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (12): 73-83.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024037
曹秭琦1,2(), 赵小庆1,3, 张向前1,3, 伍建辉3, 张帆3, 刘丹3, 路战远1,3(
), 任永峰1,3(
Zi-qi CAO1,2(), Xiao-qing ZHAO1,3, Xiang-qian ZHANG1,3, Jian-hui WU3, Fan ZHANG3, Dan LIU3, Zhan-yuan LU1,3(
), Yong-feng REN1,3(
Zhan-yuan LU,Yong-feng REN
探究不同施钾水平对北方风沙区油莎豆生长、生理生化、块茎品质及产量的影响,将为油莎豆科学施钾提供理论依据和技术支撑。采用盆栽试验,以中油莎1号为供试材料,设置0(K0)、0.15(K1)、0.30(K2)和0.45 g·kg-1(K3)4个钾肥水平,对其生长、生理生化、块茎品质及产量进行了观测和分析。结果表明:与不施钾肥水平相比,施钾可以显著提高油莎豆株高、茎蘖数、单片叶面积、最大根长、根体积。在施钾量为0.15 g·kg-1(K1)时,乙酰辅酶A羧化酶、可溶性淀粉合成酶活性达到最大值,同时促进了块茎淀粉、粗脂肪的积累达到最大值,分别为229.03 mg·g-1、21.98%,但均与K2水平无显著差异。在施钾量为0.30 g·kg-1(K2)时,不饱和脂肪酸及总脂肪酸含量达到最大值,分别为16.53、20.07 g·100 g-1。总糖含量在施钾量为0.45 g·kg-1(K3)时达到最大值,为217.86 mg·g-1。油莎豆整株干重和产量随着施钾量的增加均有所增加,且在施钾0.45 g·kg-1(K3)水平下达到最大,但与K2无显著差异。因此,综合油莎豆品质、产量及养分利用率,认为施钾量为0.30 g·kg-1时,可促进北方风沙区油莎豆生长发育,提高其品质相关酶活性,促进品质形成,增加干物质积累及块茎产量。
曹秭琦, 赵小庆, 张向前, 伍建辉, 张帆, 刘丹, 路战远, 任永峰. 施钾水平对北方风沙区油莎豆生长、块茎品质及产量的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2024, 33(12): 73-83.
Zi-qi CAO, Xiao-qing ZHAO, Xiang-qian ZHANG, Jian-hui WU, Fan ZHANG, Dan LIU, Zhan-yuan LU, Yong-feng REN. Effects of potassium application level on the growth, tuber quality, and yield of Cyperus esculentus in the Northern wind-sand area[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(12): 73-83.
图1 不同施钾水平下油莎豆株高、茎蘖数、单片叶面积、最大根长和根体积K0~K3: 施钾量分别为0、0.15、0.30、0.45 g·kg-1 Potassium application rates were 0, 0.15, 0.30, 0.45 g·kg-1; 不同小写字母表示不同施钾水平间差异显著(P<0.05) Different lowercase letters indicated that there were significant differences among different potassium application levels (P<0.05); 下同The same below.
Fig.1 The plant height, tiller number, single leaf area, maximum root length and root volume of C. esculentus under different potassium application levels
项目 Item | K0 | K1 | K2 | K3 |
十四碳酸(肉蔻酸)Myristic acid | 0.0094±0.0004b | 0.0082±0.0005b | 0.0143±0.0026a | 0.0141±0.0007a |
十六碳酸(棕榈酸)Palmitic acid | 1.9283±0.0715b | 1.9299±0.1280b | 2.3422±0.1699a | 2.3311±0.0937a |
顺-9-十六碳一烯酸(棕榈油酸)Palmitoleic acid | 0.0197±0.0020b | 0.0332±0.0036a | 0.0262±0.0073ab | 0.0254±0.0043ab |
十七碳酸(珠光脂酸)Margaric acid | 0.0097±0.0003c | 0.0095±0.0003c | 0.0122±0.0006a | 0.0111±0.0007b |
顺-10-十七碳一烯酸Heptadecenoic acid | 0.0075±0.0002b | 0.0072±0.0005b | 0.0112±0.0036a | 0.0091±0.0001ab |
十八碳酸(硬脂酸)Stearic acid | 0.5730±0.0288c | 0.5842±0.0277c | 0.9100±0.0526a | 0.6536±0.0294b |
顺-9-十八碳一烯酸(油酸)Oleic acid | 10.7614±0.4259b | 11.3937±0.6778b | 13.4113±0.8017a | 13.5707±0.6152a |
顺,顺-9,12-十八碳二烯酸(亚油酸)Linoleic acid | 1.7620±0.0657c | 1.7719±0.1237c | 2.9317±0.1840a | 2.0487±0.1007b |
顺,顺,顺-6,9,12-十八碳三烯酸(γ-亚麻酸)γ-Linolenic acid | 0.0280±0.0025b | 0.0436±0.0042a | 0.0287±0.0029b | 0.0172±0.0006c |
顺,顺,顺-9,12,15-十八碳三烯酸(α-亚麻酸)α-Linolenic acid | 0.0480±0.0013ab | 0.0450±0.0034bc | 0.0418±0.0028c | 0.0526±0.0020a |
二十碳酸(花生酸)Arachidic acid | 0.0874±0.0023c | 0.0909±0.0038c | 0.1246±0.0122a | 0.1067±0.0075b |
顺-11-二十碳一烯酸(花生一烯酸)Gadoleic acid | 0.0421±0.0031c | 0.0417±0.0031c | 0.0742±0.0056a | 0.0507±0.0032b |
二十二碳酸(山嵛酸)Docosanoic acid | 0.0183±0.0037b | 0.0178±0.0026b | 0.0760±0.0066a | 0.0245±0.0026b |
二十四碳酸(木腊酸)Tetracosanoic acid | 0.0321±0.0002c | 0.0309±0.0006c | 0.0683±0.0050a | 0.0454±0.0073b |
饱和脂肪酸总量Total saturated fatty acids | 2.6582±0.1020c | 2.6713±0.1603c | 3.5477±0.2456a | 3.1866±0.1307b |
不饱和脂肪酸总量Total unsaturated fatty acids | 12.6686±0.4899b | 13.3365±0.8134b | 16.5251±0.9953a | 15.7746±0.7206a |
脂肪酸总量Total fatty acids | 15.3268±0.5911b | 16.0079±0.9736b | 20.0728±1.2389a | 18.9612±0.8500a |
表1 不同施钾水平下油莎豆脂肪酸组分含量
Table 1 Fatty acid content of C. esculentus under different potassium application levels (g·100 g-1)
项目 Item | K0 | K1 | K2 | K3 |
十四碳酸(肉蔻酸)Myristic acid | 0.0094±0.0004b | 0.0082±0.0005b | 0.0143±0.0026a | 0.0141±0.0007a |
十六碳酸(棕榈酸)Palmitic acid | 1.9283±0.0715b | 1.9299±0.1280b | 2.3422±0.1699a | 2.3311±0.0937a |
顺-9-十六碳一烯酸(棕榈油酸)Palmitoleic acid | 0.0197±0.0020b | 0.0332±0.0036a | 0.0262±0.0073ab | 0.0254±0.0043ab |
十七碳酸(珠光脂酸)Margaric acid | 0.0097±0.0003c | 0.0095±0.0003c | 0.0122±0.0006a | 0.0111±0.0007b |
顺-10-十七碳一烯酸Heptadecenoic acid | 0.0075±0.0002b | 0.0072±0.0005b | 0.0112±0.0036a | 0.0091±0.0001ab |
十八碳酸(硬脂酸)Stearic acid | 0.5730±0.0288c | 0.5842±0.0277c | 0.9100±0.0526a | 0.6536±0.0294b |
顺-9-十八碳一烯酸(油酸)Oleic acid | 10.7614±0.4259b | 11.3937±0.6778b | 13.4113±0.8017a | 13.5707±0.6152a |
顺,顺-9,12-十八碳二烯酸(亚油酸)Linoleic acid | 1.7620±0.0657c | 1.7719±0.1237c | 2.9317±0.1840a | 2.0487±0.1007b |
顺,顺,顺-6,9,12-十八碳三烯酸(γ-亚麻酸)γ-Linolenic acid | 0.0280±0.0025b | 0.0436±0.0042a | 0.0287±0.0029b | 0.0172±0.0006c |
顺,顺,顺-9,12,15-十八碳三烯酸(α-亚麻酸)α-Linolenic acid | 0.0480±0.0013ab | 0.0450±0.0034bc | 0.0418±0.0028c | 0.0526±0.0020a |
二十碳酸(花生酸)Arachidic acid | 0.0874±0.0023c | 0.0909±0.0038c | 0.1246±0.0122a | 0.1067±0.0075b |
顺-11-二十碳一烯酸(花生一烯酸)Gadoleic acid | 0.0421±0.0031c | 0.0417±0.0031c | 0.0742±0.0056a | 0.0507±0.0032b |
二十二碳酸(山嵛酸)Docosanoic acid | 0.0183±0.0037b | 0.0178±0.0026b | 0.0760±0.0066a | 0.0245±0.0026b |
二十四碳酸(木腊酸)Tetracosanoic acid | 0.0321±0.0002c | 0.0309±0.0006c | 0.0683±0.0050a | 0.0454±0.0073b |
饱和脂肪酸总量Total saturated fatty acids | 2.6582±0.1020c | 2.6713±0.1603c | 3.5477±0.2456a | 3.1866±0.1307b |
不饱和脂肪酸总量Total unsaturated fatty acids | 12.6686±0.4899b | 13.3365±0.8134b | 16.5251±0.9953a | 15.7746±0.7206a |
脂肪酸总量Total fatty acids | 15.3268±0.5911b | 16.0079±0.9736b | 20.0728±1.2389a | 18.9612±0.8500a |
图6 不同施钾水平下油莎豆生理生化、品质及产量的相关性分析PAL: 施钾水平Potassium application level; SPAD: 相对叶绿素含量Relative chlorophyll content; ACCase: 乙酰辅酶A羧化酶活性Acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity; SSS; 可溶性淀粉合成酶活性Soluble starch synthase activity; FC: 粗脂肪含量Crude fat content; FAC: 脂肪酸含量Fatty acid content; SC: 淀粉含量Starch content; TSC: 总糖含量Total sugar content; TY: 块茎产量Tuber yield; *: P<0.05; **: P<0.01.
Fig.6 Correlation analysis of physiological and biochemical, quality and yield of C. esculentus under different potassium application levels
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