草业学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 186-197.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023157
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
张瑞1,2,3(), 安雪姣1,2,3, 李建烨1,2,3, 卢曾奎1,2,3, 牛春娥1,2,3, 徐振飞4, 张金霞4, 耿智广4, 岳耀敬1,2,3(
), 杨博辉1,2,3(
E-mail: yangbohui@caas.cn基金资助:
Rui ZHANG1,2,3(), Xue-jiao AN1,2,3, Jian-ye LI1,2,3, Zeng-kui LU1,2,3, Chun-e NIU1,2,3, Zhen-fei XU4, Jin-xia ZHANG4, Zhi-guang GENG4, Yao-jing YUE1,2,3(
), Bo-hui YANG1,2,3(
Yao-jing YUE,Bo-hui YANG
旨在比较湖羊及其与南丘羊和无角陶塞特羊杂交F1代生长性能、产肉性能及肌肉品质的差异。在相同营养水平和饲养管理条件下单栏饲养3月龄左右的湖羊(♂湖羊×♀湖羊,HH)、陶湖F1代羊(♂陶赛特羊×♀湖羊,TH)和南湖F1代羊(♂南丘羊×♀湖羊,NH)公羔各16只。饲喂试验共95 d,包括15 d预试期。正试期开始后每天记录每只羊的采食量,每20 d测定一次体重及体尺指标。饲喂试验结束后,每个群体选择接近组内平均体重的7只试验羊屠宰,测定屠宰性能、胴体性状和肌肉品质,并计算育肥效益。结果表明:1)整个试验期间,陶湖F1代和南湖F1代羊的体重显著高于湖羊(P<0.05);试验结束时,与湖羊相比,陶湖F1代羊的日增重显著升高,而饲料转化率显著降低,陶湖F1代和南湖F1代羊的体高显著降低,而胸围和管围均显著升高(P<0.05)。2)与湖羊相比,陶湖F1代和南湖F1代羊的宰前活重、胴体重和净肉重显著升高,南湖F1代羊的屠宰率显著升高,胴体脂肪含量值(GR值)显著降低,而陶湖F1代羊的眼肌面积显著升高(P<0.05)。3)与湖羊相比,南湖F1代羊肌肉失水率显著降低;南湖F1代羊肌肉熟肉率显著高于湖羊和陶湖F1代羊(P<0.05);南湖F1代和陶湖F1代羊肌肉蛋白质含量显著高于湖羊(P<0.05)。4)陶湖F1代和南湖F1代羊育肥效益(320.72和318.05元)分别比湖羊(249.33元)高出71.39和68.72元。综上所述,杂交促进了后代的生长速度,降低了饲料转化率,改善了肌肉品质,增加了肌肉适口性和营养价值,进而提高了育肥效益,增加了当地肉羊养殖的竞争力。
张瑞, 安雪姣, 李建烨, 卢曾奎, 牛春娥, 徐振飞, 张金霞, 耿智广, 岳耀敬, 杨博辉. 湖羊及其不同杂交组合生长性能、产肉性能及肌肉品质比较分析[J]. 草业学报, 2024, 33(3): 186-197.
Rui ZHANG, Xue-jiao AN, Jian-ye LI, Zeng-kui LU, Chun-e NIU, Zhen-fei XU, Jin-xia ZHANG, Zhi-guang GENG, Yao-jing YUE, Bo-hui YANG. Comparative analysis of growth performance, meat productivity, and meat quality in Hu sheep and its hybrids[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(3): 186-197.
原料Ingredients | 含量Contents | 营养水平Nutrient levels | 含量Contents |
燕麦草Oat hay | 6.08 | 干物质Dry matter | 61.68 |
羊草Leymuschinensis | 13.04 | 粗蛋白Crude protein | 13.19 |
青贮玉米Corn silage | 13.53 | 酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber | 12.75 |
玉米Corn | 32.78 | 中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber | 23.60 |
美加力Megalac1) | 6.08 | 脂肪Fat | 3.19 |
Lamb93032) | 28.49 | 淀粉Starch | 23.01 |
合计 Total | 100.00 | 钙Calcium | 0.52 |
磷Phosphorus | 0.29 |
表1 基础饲粮组成和营养水平(干物质基础)
Table 1 Ingredient composition and nutrient levels of experimental diets (dry matter basis, %)
原料Ingredients | 含量Contents | 营养水平Nutrient levels | 含量Contents |
燕麦草Oat hay | 6.08 | 干物质Dry matter | 61.68 |
羊草Leymuschinensis | 13.04 | 粗蛋白Crude protein | 13.19 |
青贮玉米Corn silage | 13.53 | 酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber | 12.75 |
玉米Corn | 32.78 | 中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber | 23.60 |
美加力Megalac1) | 6.08 | 脂肪Fat | 3.19 |
Lamb93032) | 28.49 | 淀粉Starch | 23.01 |
合计 Total | 100.00 | 钙Calcium | 0.52 |
磷Phosphorus | 0.29 |
图2 湖羊及其不同杂交组合生长性能比较分析不同小写字母表示在0.05水平差异显著。HH表示♂湖羊×♀湖羊后代,TH表示♂无角陶赛特羊×♀湖羊F1代,NH表示♂南丘羊×♀湖羊F1代。下同。Different lowercase letters mean significant differences at the 0.05 level. HH means ♂Hu×♀Hu offspring, TH means ♂Poll Dorset×♀Hu F1 generation sheep, NH means ♂Southdown×♀Hu F1 generation sheep. The same below.
Fig.2 The growth performance comparative analysis of Hu sheep and its hybrid combinations
指标Items | 湖羊HH | 陶湖F1代TH | 南湖F1代NH |
宰前活重Live weight (kg) | 41.23±2.53b | 45.53±2.80a | 43.94±1.50a |
屠宰率Dressing percentage (%) | 53.47±2.14b | 54.42±0.68ab | 55.37±1.40a |
表2 湖羊及其不同杂交组合屠宰性能比较分析
Table 2 Slaughter performance comparative analysis of Hu sheep and its hybrid combinations
指标Items | 湖羊HH | 陶湖F1代TH | 南湖F1代NH |
宰前活重Live weight (kg) | 41.23±2.53b | 45.53±2.80a | 43.94±1.50a |
屠宰率Dressing percentage (%) | 53.47±2.14b | 54.42±0.68ab | 55.37±1.40a |
指标Items | 湖羊HH | 陶湖F1代TH | 南湖F1代NH |
胴体重Carcass weight (kg) | 22.01±1.00b | 24.79±1.68a | 24.33±1.00a |
净肉重Net meat weight (kg) | 17.63±0.40b | 20.67±0.72a | 20.50±0.46a |
净肉率Net meat percentage (%) | 43.17±3.70 | 44.78±1.46 | 46.65±1.41 |
背膘厚Thickness of backfat (mm) | 5.17±2.14 | 4.35±0.59 | 4.37±0.45 |
GR值GR value (mm) | 10.10±1.36a | 8.39±2.77ab | 7.13±1.75b |
眼肌面积Loin eye area (cm2) | 15.34±1.97b | 18.38±1.41a | 18.03±3.46ab |
骨重Bone weight (kg) | 3.34±0.12 | 2.96±0.66 | 3.32±0.18 |
肉骨比Meat-bone ratio | 5.29±0.24 | 7.21±1.61 | 6.19±0.26 |
头重Head weight (kg) | 1.78±0.34 | 1.98±0.42 | 1.76±0.58 |
蹄重Hoof weight (kg) | 0.84±0.23 | 0.95±0.33 | 0.94±0.19 |
皮重Leather weight (kg) | 3.50±0.62b | 4.15±0.39a | 4.02±0.32ab |
心重Heart weight (kg) | 0.22±0.04 | 0.24±0.03 | 0.19±0.05 |
肝重Liver weight (kg) | 0.73±0.12 | 0.75±0.11 | 0.66±0.08 |
脾重Spleen weight (kg) | 0.08±0.02 | 0.08±0.04 | 0.07±0.01 |
肺重Lung weight (kg) | 0.63±0.13ab | 0.79±0.06a | 0.60±0.03b |
肾重Kidney weight (kg) | 0.23±0.30 | 0.14±0.02 | 0.28±0.18 |
睾丸重Testis weight (kg) | 0.29±0.09b | 0.41±0.11a | 0.26±0.10b |
表3 湖羊及其不同杂交组合胴体性状比较分析
Table 3 Carcass traits comparative analysis of Hu sheep and its hybrid combinations
指标Items | 湖羊HH | 陶湖F1代TH | 南湖F1代NH |
胴体重Carcass weight (kg) | 22.01±1.00b | 24.79±1.68a | 24.33±1.00a |
净肉重Net meat weight (kg) | 17.63±0.40b | 20.67±0.72a | 20.50±0.46a |
净肉率Net meat percentage (%) | 43.17±3.70 | 44.78±1.46 | 46.65±1.41 |
背膘厚Thickness of backfat (mm) | 5.17±2.14 | 4.35±0.59 | 4.37±0.45 |
GR值GR value (mm) | 10.10±1.36a | 8.39±2.77ab | 7.13±1.75b |
眼肌面积Loin eye area (cm2) | 15.34±1.97b | 18.38±1.41a | 18.03±3.46ab |
骨重Bone weight (kg) | 3.34±0.12 | 2.96±0.66 | 3.32±0.18 |
肉骨比Meat-bone ratio | 5.29±0.24 | 7.21±1.61 | 6.19±0.26 |
头重Head weight (kg) | 1.78±0.34 | 1.98±0.42 | 1.76±0.58 |
蹄重Hoof weight (kg) | 0.84±0.23 | 0.95±0.33 | 0.94±0.19 |
皮重Leather weight (kg) | 3.50±0.62b | 4.15±0.39a | 4.02±0.32ab |
心重Heart weight (kg) | 0.22±0.04 | 0.24±0.03 | 0.19±0.05 |
肝重Liver weight (kg) | 0.73±0.12 | 0.75±0.11 | 0.66±0.08 |
脾重Spleen weight (kg) | 0.08±0.02 | 0.08±0.04 | 0.07±0.01 |
肺重Lung weight (kg) | 0.63±0.13ab | 0.79±0.06a | 0.60±0.03b |
肾重Kidney weight (kg) | 0.23±0.30 | 0.14±0.02 | 0.28±0.18 |
睾丸重Testis weight (kg) | 0.29±0.09b | 0.41±0.11a | 0.26±0.10b |
指标Items | 湖羊HH | 陶湖F1代TH | 南湖F1代NH |
pH值pH value | 6.45±0.21 | 6.52±0.25 | 6.36±0.10 |
失水率Pressing loss (%) | 15.76±1.93a | 12.87±2.74ab | 11.99±3.30b |
熟肉率Cooking percentage (%) | 57.91±1.43b | 59.21±2.19b | 61.79±2.72a |
剪切力Shear force (N) | 50.49±12.43 | 52.21±13.37 | 48.93±5.85 |
表4 湖羊及其不同杂交组合肌肉品质比较分析
Table 4 Meat quality comparative analysis of Hu sheep and its hybrid combinations
指标Items | 湖羊HH | 陶湖F1代TH | 南湖F1代NH |
pH值pH value | 6.45±0.21 | 6.52±0.25 | 6.36±0.10 |
失水率Pressing loss (%) | 15.76±1.93a | 12.87±2.74ab | 11.99±3.30b |
熟肉率Cooking percentage (%) | 57.91±1.43b | 59.21±2.19b | 61.79±2.72a |
剪切力Shear force (N) | 50.49±12.43 | 52.21±13.37 | 48.93±5.85 |
指标Items | 湖羊HH | 陶湖F1代TH | 南湖F1代NH |
水分Moisture | 76.04±0.89 | 76.23±1.00 | 75.40±1.31 |
蛋白质Protein | 19.77±1.22b | 20.89±0.64a | 21.81±0.77a |
粗脂肪Crude fat | 2.84±1.05 | 2.39±0.66 | 2.87±0.60 |
灰分Ash | 1.10±0.06 | 1.10±0.06 | 1.13±0.05 |
表5 湖羊及其不同杂交组合肌肉营养成分比较分析
Table 5 Meat nutrition ingredients comparative analysis of Hu sheep and its hybrid combinations (%)
指标Items | 湖羊HH | 陶湖F1代TH | 南湖F1代NH |
水分Moisture | 76.04±0.89 | 76.23±1.00 | 75.40±1.31 |
蛋白质Protein | 19.77±1.22b | 20.89±0.64a | 21.81±0.77a |
粗脂肪Crude fat | 2.84±1.05 | 2.39±0.66 | 2.87±0.60 |
灰分Ash | 1.10±0.06 | 1.10±0.06 | 1.13±0.05 |
指标Items | 湖羊HH | 陶湖F1代TH | 南湖F1代NH |
全期干物质采食量Total dry matter intake (kg) | 68.94±1.03b | 70.58±0.47a | 70.97±0.68a |
全期饲料成本Total feed cost (Yuan) | 233.70 | 239.26 | 240.58 |
全期增重 Total weight gain (kg) | 17.89±2.25b | 20.74±1.74a | 20.69±0.78a |
活羊价格Live sheep price (Yuan·kg-1) | 27.00 | 27.00 | 27.00 |
增重收益Weight gain benefit (Yuan) | 483.03 | 559.98 | 558.63 |
育肥效益Fattening benefit (Yuan) | 249.33 | 320.72 | 318.05 |
表6 湖羊及其不同杂交组合育肥效益比较分析
Table 6 Fatting benefits comparative analysis of Hu sheep and its hybrid combinations
指标Items | 湖羊HH | 陶湖F1代TH | 南湖F1代NH |
全期干物质采食量Total dry matter intake (kg) | 68.94±1.03b | 70.58±0.47a | 70.97±0.68a |
全期饲料成本Total feed cost (Yuan) | 233.70 | 239.26 | 240.58 |
全期增重 Total weight gain (kg) | 17.89±2.25b | 20.74±1.74a | 20.69±0.78a |
活羊价格Live sheep price (Yuan·kg-1) | 27.00 | 27.00 | 27.00 |
增重收益Weight gain benefit (Yuan) | 483.03 | 559.98 | 558.63 |
育肥效益Fattening benefit (Yuan) | 249.33 | 320.72 | 318.05 |
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