草业学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 118-134.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024082
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
宋晋辉1(), 韩云杰2(
), 张继宗2, 王志辉1, 张立峰2(
), 李会彬2
E-mail: zlf@hebau.edu.cn基金资助:
Jin-hui SONG1(), Yun-jie HAN2(
), Ji-zong ZHANG2, Zhi-hui WANG1, Li-feng ZHANG2(
), Hui-bin LI2
Li-feng ZHANG
About author:
First author contact:These authors contributed equally to this work.
水土资源匮乏背景下的农田精准水肥管理,需要以作物根系时空建成规律为基础。本研究结合分层挖掘与扫描成像分析技术,对两种栗钙土田菜用架芸豆不同生育时期的根系生物量、长度、表面积、体积和直径进行了监测和分析。结果表明:两种栗钙土田菜用架芸豆根系生物量的建成规律一致,大致分为缓慢增长、线性增长和缓慢下降3个时期,线性增长期为初花期~结荚盛期,此阶段轻壤质栗钙土田芸豆根系鲜重与干重的日增长速率分别为2.46 与0.24 g·2株-1,沙壤质栗钙土田分别为1.79与0.20 g·2株-1;芸豆根系长度、表面积、体积与根系鲜干重间呈正相关增长。从垂直分布上看,沙壤质栗钙土田芸豆根系分布较浅,82.68%以上的根系分布在0~30 cm土层内;轻壤质栗钙土田芸豆在结荚初期之后86.24%以上的根系分布在0~60 cm土层。从侧向分布上看,轻壤质栗钙土田芸豆全生育期内77%以上的根系分布在植株两侧30 cm范围内,而沙壤质栗钙土田该范围内根系占比随生育期推移呈下降趋势,至结荚末期降至66%以上。根系的等值线图表明,轻壤质栗钙土田芸豆根系的总体分布呈“瘦长型”,沙壤质栗钙土田呈“扁宽型”。本研究为坝上地区菜用架芸豆依根创新水肥高效利用技术奠定了基础。
宋晋辉, 韩云杰, 张继宗, 王志辉, 张立峰, 李会彬. 栗钙土田菜用架芸豆根系的建成[J]. 草业学报, 2025, 34(1): 118-134.
Jin-hui SONG, Yun-jie HAN, Ji-zong ZHANG, Zhi-hui WANG, Li-feng ZHANG, Hui-bin LI. Phaseolus vulgaris root system formation in chestnut soil[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2025, 34(1): 118-134.
轻壤质栗钙土 Light loamy chestnut soil | ||
土层 Soil layer (cm) | 容重 Bulk density (g·cm-3) | 土层特征 Soil layer characteristics |
0~10 | 1.4 | 土壤松软Soft soil |
10~20 | 1.3 | 土壤松软Soft soil |
20~30 | 1.5 | 土壤紧实Soil compaction |
30~40 | 1.4 | 土壤紧实Soil compaction |
40~50 | 1.3 | 土壤紧实Soil compaction |
50~60 | 1.1 | 黑土层,土壤紧实Black soil layer, soil compaction |
60~70 | 1.2 | 黑土层,土壤紧实Black soil layer, soil compaction |
70~80 | 1.4 | 黑土层,土壤紧实Black soil layer, soil compaction |
沙壤质栗钙土Sandy loamy chestnut soil | ||
土层 Soil layer (cm) | 容重 Bulk density (g·cm-3) | 土层特征 Soil layer characteristics |
0~10 | 1.5 | 土壤松软Soft soil |
10~20 | 1.6 | 土壤松软Soft soil |
20~30 | 1.8 | 土壤紧实Soil compaction |
30~40 | 1.8 | 砂砾增多,土壤紧实Gravel increases, soil compacts |
40~50 | 1.7 | 砂砾增多,土壤紧实Gravel increases, soil compacts |
50~60 | 1.7 | 砂砾增多,土壤紧实Gravel increases, soil compacts |
表1 供试土壤类型与土壤物理性状
Table 1 Tested soil types and physical properties
轻壤质栗钙土 Light loamy chestnut soil | ||
土层 Soil layer (cm) | 容重 Bulk density (g·cm-3) | 土层特征 Soil layer characteristics |
0~10 | 1.4 | 土壤松软Soft soil |
10~20 | 1.3 | 土壤松软Soft soil |
20~30 | 1.5 | 土壤紧实Soil compaction |
30~40 | 1.4 | 土壤紧实Soil compaction |
40~50 | 1.3 | 土壤紧实Soil compaction |
50~60 | 1.1 | 黑土层,土壤紧实Black soil layer, soil compaction |
60~70 | 1.2 | 黑土层,土壤紧实Black soil layer, soil compaction |
70~80 | 1.4 | 黑土层,土壤紧实Black soil layer, soil compaction |
沙壤质栗钙土Sandy loamy chestnut soil | ||
土层 Soil layer (cm) | 容重 Bulk density (g·cm-3) | 土层特征 Soil layer characteristics |
0~10 | 1.5 | 土壤松软Soft soil |
10~20 | 1.6 | 土壤松软Soft soil |
20~30 | 1.8 | 土壤紧实Soil compaction |
30~40 | 1.8 | 砂砾增多,土壤紧实Gravel increases, soil compacts |
40~50 | 1.7 | 砂砾增多,土壤紧实Gravel increases, soil compacts |
50~60 | 1.7 | 砂砾增多,土壤紧实Gravel increases, soil compacts |
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 生育时期 Growth stage | 根系鲜重Fresh root weight | 根系干重Root dry weight | ||
重量 Weight (g·2 plant-1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | 重量 Weight (g·2 plant -1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | ||
07-01 | 抽蔓期Sprouting stage | 29.25±0.19f | 27.80 | 1.891±0.08g | 19.67 |
07-08 | 初花期Initial flowering stage | 31.38±0.24f | 29.82 | 2.421±0.09f | 25.18 |
07-16 | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 63.77±0.54e | 60.61 | 5.093±0.08e | 52.97 |
07-23 | 结荚初期Initial podding stage | 82.76±0.96d | 78.65 | 6.999±0.13d | 72.80 |
07-31 | 结荚前期Early podding stage | 101.33±1.45b | 96.30 | 8.193±0.11c | 85.22 |
08-07 | 结荚盛期Full podding stage | 105.22±1.11a | 100.00 | 9.614±0.09a | 100.00 |
08-14 | 结荚后期Late podding stage | 89.15±0.86c | 84.73 | 9.082±0.09b | 94.47 |
08-21 | 结荚末期Last podding stage | 83.34±0.51d | 79.21 | 9.005±0.05b | 93.67 |
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 生育时期 Growth stage | 叶面积Leaf area | 地上部干重Shoot dry weight | ||
面积 Area (cm2·2 plant -1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | 重量 Weight (g·2 plant -1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | ||
07-01 | 抽蔓期Sprouting stage | 614.9±10.56g | 3.28 | 6.12±0.07h | 2.64 |
07-08 | 初花期Initial flowering stage | 1727.0±13.07f | 9.22 | 12.26±0.11g | 5.30 |
07-16 | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 5207.1±98.57e | 27.80 | 43.09±0.75f | 18.62 |
07-23 | 结荚初期Initial podding stage | 6355.7±82.30d | 33.93 | 56.47±0.94e | 24.40 |
07-31 | 结荚前期Early podding stage | 12727.9±78.61c | 67.96 | 98.22±0.93d | 42.45 |
08-07 | 结荚盛期Full podding stage | 12621.0±93.19c | 67.30 | 115.85±0.87c | 50.06 |
08-14 | 结荚后期Late podding stage | 15780.5±37.93b | 84.25 | 181.03±1.20b | 78.23 |
08-21 | 结荚末期Last podding stage | 18729.6±112.14a | 100.00 | 231.40±0.81a | 100.00 |
表2 轻壤质栗钙土田芸豆根系与地上部生物量的累积动态
Table 2 Cumulative dynamics of P. vulgaris’s root and above-ground biomass in light loamy chestnut soil
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 生育时期 Growth stage | 根系鲜重Fresh root weight | 根系干重Root dry weight | ||
重量 Weight (g·2 plant-1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | 重量 Weight (g·2 plant -1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | ||
07-01 | 抽蔓期Sprouting stage | 29.25±0.19f | 27.80 | 1.891±0.08g | 19.67 |
07-08 | 初花期Initial flowering stage | 31.38±0.24f | 29.82 | 2.421±0.09f | 25.18 |
07-16 | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 63.77±0.54e | 60.61 | 5.093±0.08e | 52.97 |
07-23 | 结荚初期Initial podding stage | 82.76±0.96d | 78.65 | 6.999±0.13d | 72.80 |
07-31 | 结荚前期Early podding stage | 101.33±1.45b | 96.30 | 8.193±0.11c | 85.22 |
08-07 | 结荚盛期Full podding stage | 105.22±1.11a | 100.00 | 9.614±0.09a | 100.00 |
08-14 | 结荚后期Late podding stage | 89.15±0.86c | 84.73 | 9.082±0.09b | 94.47 |
08-21 | 结荚末期Last podding stage | 83.34±0.51d | 79.21 | 9.005±0.05b | 93.67 |
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 生育时期 Growth stage | 叶面积Leaf area | 地上部干重Shoot dry weight | ||
面积 Area (cm2·2 plant -1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | 重量 Weight (g·2 plant -1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | ||
07-01 | 抽蔓期Sprouting stage | 614.9±10.56g | 3.28 | 6.12±0.07h | 2.64 |
07-08 | 初花期Initial flowering stage | 1727.0±13.07f | 9.22 | 12.26±0.11g | 5.30 |
07-16 | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 5207.1±98.57e | 27.80 | 43.09±0.75f | 18.62 |
07-23 | 结荚初期Initial podding stage | 6355.7±82.30d | 33.93 | 56.47±0.94e | 24.40 |
07-31 | 结荚前期Early podding stage | 12727.9±78.61c | 67.96 | 98.22±0.93d | 42.45 |
08-07 | 结荚盛期Full podding stage | 12621.0±93.19c | 67.30 | 115.85±0.87c | 50.06 |
08-14 | 结荚后期Late podding stage | 15780.5±37.93b | 84.25 | 181.03±1.20b | 78.23 |
08-21 | 结荚末期Last podding stage | 18729.6±112.14a | 100.00 | 231.40±0.81a | 100.00 |
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 生育时期 Growth stage | 根系长度 Root length (cm·2 plant -1) | 根系表面积 Root surface area (cm2·2 plant -1) | 根系体积 Root volume (cm3·2 plant -1) | 根系平均直径 Roots average diameter (mm·2 plant -1) |
07-01 | 抽蔓期Sprouting stage | 10886.32±105.53g | 1553.95±30.88h | 25.49±0.14h | 0.46±0.006d |
07-08 | 初花期Initial flowering stage | 14862.51±72.65f | 2074.69±47.51g | 32.80±0.23g | 0.49±0.010bc |
07-16 | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 28659.71±54.42e | 4356.51±50.16f | 72.27±0.25f | 0.53±0.006a |
07-23 | 结荚初期Initial podding stage | 39553.86±58.57d | 5880.52±60.15c | 99.76±0.36c | 0.51±0.006b |
07-31 | 结荚前期Early podding stage | 43994.34±160.91b | 6438.69±60.18b | 105.02±1.19b | 0.49±0.010bc |
08-07 | 结荚盛期Full podding stage | 50138.62±76.32a | 6947.82±61.33a | 108.11±1.15a | 0.47±0.006cd |
08-14 | 结荚后期Late podding stage | 39748.10±114.45d | 5627.86±59.21d | 87.09±0.50d | 0.47±0.010cd |
08-21 | 结荚末期Last podding stage | 41524.18±133.81c | 5326.29±46.55e | 79.55±0.55e | 0.42±0.010e |
表3 轻壤质栗钙土田芸豆根系相关指标的动态变化
Table 3 Dynamic change of P. vulgaris’s root related indexes in light loamy chestnut soil
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 生育时期 Growth stage | 根系长度 Root length (cm·2 plant -1) | 根系表面积 Root surface area (cm2·2 plant -1) | 根系体积 Root volume (cm3·2 plant -1) | 根系平均直径 Roots average diameter (mm·2 plant -1) |
07-01 | 抽蔓期Sprouting stage | 10886.32±105.53g | 1553.95±30.88h | 25.49±0.14h | 0.46±0.006d |
07-08 | 初花期Initial flowering stage | 14862.51±72.65f | 2074.69±47.51g | 32.80±0.23g | 0.49±0.010bc |
07-16 | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 28659.71±54.42e | 4356.51±50.16f | 72.27±0.25f | 0.53±0.006a |
07-23 | 结荚初期Initial podding stage | 39553.86±58.57d | 5880.52±60.15c | 99.76±0.36c | 0.51±0.006b |
07-31 | 结荚前期Early podding stage | 43994.34±160.91b | 6438.69±60.18b | 105.02±1.19b | 0.49±0.010bc |
08-07 | 结荚盛期Full podding stage | 50138.62±76.32a | 6947.82±61.33a | 108.11±1.15a | 0.47±0.006cd |
08-14 | 结荚后期Late podding stage | 39748.10±114.45d | 5627.86±59.21d | 87.09±0.50d | 0.47±0.010cd |
08-21 | 结荚末期Last podding stage | 41524.18±133.81c | 5326.29±46.55e | 79.55±0.55e | 0.42±0.010e |
项目Items | 根系鲜重Fresh root weight | 根系干重Root dry weight | 根系长度Root length | 根系表面积Root surface area |
根系干重Root dry weight | 0.962** | |||
根系长度Root length | 0.990** | 0.973** | ||
根系表面积Root surface area | 0.992** | 0.944** | 0.990** | |
根系体积Root volume | 0.976** | 0.904** | 0.969** | 0.993** |
表4 轻壤质栗钙土田芸豆根系各指标间的相关性
Table 4 Correlation of P. vulgaris’s root indexes in light loamy chestnut soil field
项目Items | 根系鲜重Fresh root weight | 根系干重Root dry weight | 根系长度Root length | 根系表面积Root surface area |
根系干重Root dry weight | 0.962** | |||
根系长度Root length | 0.990** | 0.973** | ||
根系表面积Root surface area | 0.992** | 0.944** | 0.990** | |
根系体积Root volume | 0.976** | 0.904** | 0.969** | 0.993** |
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 生育时期 Growth stage | 根系鲜重 Fresh root weight | 根系干重 Root dry weight | 叶面积 Leaf area | 地上部干重 Shoot dry weight | ||||
重量 Weight (g·2 plant -1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | 重量 Weight (g·2 plant-1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | 面积 Area (cm2·2 plant-1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | 重量 Weight (g·2 plant-1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | ||
07-30 | 抽蔓期Sprouting stage | 20.66±0.20f | 31.72 | 1.769±0.08e | 26.07 | 1603.3±37.62e | 28.57 | 14.69±0.21f | 17.53 |
08-06 | 初花期Initial flowerin stage | 27.51±0.26e | 42.23 | 2.507±0.10d | 36.95 | 2085.7±60.82d | 37.17 | 23.45±0.13e | 27.99 |
08-13 | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 43.36±0.25d | 66.56 | 4.041±0.07c | 59.56 | 3523.1±79.48c | 62.78 | 37.85±0.20d | 45.18 |
08-20 | 结荚初期Initial podding stage | 52.06±0.29c | 77.79 | 5.278±0.12b | 77.20 | 4594.1±61.79b | 81.87 | 58.13±0.32c | 69.38 |
08-27 | 结荚盛期Full podding stage | 65.14±0.31a | 100.00 | 6.710±0.09a | 98.89 | 5611.4±70.78a | 100.00 | 70.20±0.86b | 83.79 |
09-03 | 结荚末期Last podding stage | 61.70±0.24b | 94.72 | 6.785±0.09a | 100.00 | 4689.0±54.84b | 83.56 | 83.78±0.78a | 100.00 |
表5 沙壤质栗钙土田芸豆根系与地上部的动态变化
Table 5 Dynamic change of P. vulgaris’s roots and above-ground parts in sandy loamy chestnut soil
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 生育时期 Growth stage | 根系鲜重 Fresh root weight | 根系干重 Root dry weight | 叶面积 Leaf area | 地上部干重 Shoot dry weight | ||||
重量 Weight (g·2 plant -1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | 重量 Weight (g·2 plant-1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | 面积 Area (cm2·2 plant-1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | 重量 Weight (g·2 plant-1) | 比例 Percentage (%) | ||
07-30 | 抽蔓期Sprouting stage | 20.66±0.20f | 31.72 | 1.769±0.08e | 26.07 | 1603.3±37.62e | 28.57 | 14.69±0.21f | 17.53 |
08-06 | 初花期Initial flowerin stage | 27.51±0.26e | 42.23 | 2.507±0.10d | 36.95 | 2085.7±60.82d | 37.17 | 23.45±0.13e | 27.99 |
08-13 | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 43.36±0.25d | 66.56 | 4.041±0.07c | 59.56 | 3523.1±79.48c | 62.78 | 37.85±0.20d | 45.18 |
08-20 | 结荚初期Initial podding stage | 52.06±0.29c | 77.79 | 5.278±0.12b | 77.20 | 4594.1±61.79b | 81.87 | 58.13±0.32c | 69.38 |
08-27 | 结荚盛期Full podding stage | 65.14±0.31a | 100.00 | 6.710±0.09a | 98.89 | 5611.4±70.78a | 100.00 | 70.20±0.86b | 83.79 |
09-03 | 结荚末期Last podding stage | 61.70±0.24b | 94.72 | 6.785±0.09a | 100.00 | 4689.0±54.84b | 83.56 | 83.78±0.78a | 100.00 |
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 生育时期 Growth stage | 根系长度 Root length (cm·2 plant-1) | 根系表面积 Root surface area (cm2·2 plant-1) | 根系体积 Root volume (cm3·2 plant-1) | 根系平均直径 Roots average diameter (mm·2 plant-1) |
07-30 | 抽蔓期Sprouting stage | 9776.06±77.75f | 1232.33±18.77f | 16.69±0.12f | 0.41±0.006d |
08-06 | 初花期Initial flowering stage | 13138.78±63.12e | 1952.33±22.20e | 28.01±0.17e | 0.44±0.006bc |
08-13 | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 20266.01±73.17d | 2818.01±48.83d | 42.24±0.12d | 0.47±0.010a |
08-20 | 结荚初期Initial podding stage | 25612.54±132.42c | 3378.35±29.52c | 50.53±0.29c | 0.46±0.006ab |
08-27 | 结荚盛期Full podding stage | 31093.68±103.58a | 4188.11±51.96a | 63.43±0.13a | 0.46±0.010ab |
09-03 | 结荚末期 Last podding stage | 28024.58±119.24b | 3844.82±45.84b | 57.97±0.23b | 0.43±0.006c |
表6 沙壤质栗钙土田芸豆根系相关指标的动态变化
Table 6 Dynamic change of P. vulgaris’s root related indexes in sandy loamy chestnut soil
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 生育时期 Growth stage | 根系长度 Root length (cm·2 plant-1) | 根系表面积 Root surface area (cm2·2 plant-1) | 根系体积 Root volume (cm3·2 plant-1) | 根系平均直径 Roots average diameter (mm·2 plant-1) |
07-30 | 抽蔓期Sprouting stage | 9776.06±77.75f | 1232.33±18.77f | 16.69±0.12f | 0.41±0.006d |
08-06 | 初花期Initial flowering stage | 13138.78±63.12e | 1952.33±22.20e | 28.01±0.17e | 0.44±0.006bc |
08-13 | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 20266.01±73.17d | 2818.01±48.83d | 42.24±0.12d | 0.47±0.010a |
08-20 | 结荚初期Initial podding stage | 25612.54±132.42c | 3378.35±29.52c | 50.53±0.29c | 0.46±0.006ab |
08-27 | 结荚盛期Full podding stage | 31093.68±103.58a | 4188.11±51.96a | 63.43±0.13a | 0.46±0.010ab |
09-03 | 结荚末期 Last podding stage | 28024.58±119.24b | 3844.82±45.84b | 57.97±0.23b | 0.43±0.006c |
轻壤质栗钙土Light loamy chestnut soil | 沙壤质栗钙土Sandy loamy chestnut soil | ||||
监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 生育时期 Growth stage | 根冠比Root-shoot ratio | 监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 生育时期 Growth stage | 根冠比Root-shoot ratio |
07-01 | 抽蔓期Sprouting stage | 0.31 | 07-30 | 抽蔓期Sprouting stage | 0.12 |
07-08 | 初花期Initial flowering stage | 0.20 | 08-06 | 初花期Initial flowering stage | 0.11 |
07-16 | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 0.12 | 08-13 | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 0.11 |
07-23 | 结荚初期Initial podding stage | 0.12 | 08-20 | 结荚初期Initial podding stage | 0.09 |
07-31 | 结荚前期Early podding stage | 0.08 | 08-27 | 结荚盛期Full podding stage | 0.10 |
08-07 | 结荚盛期Full podding stage | 0.08 | 09-03 | 结荚末期Last podding stage | 0.08 |
08-14 | 结荚后期Late podding stage | 0.05 | |||
08-21 | 结荚末期Last podding stage | 0.04 |
表7 两种栗钙土田芸豆根冠比的动态变化
Table 7 Dynamic change of P. vulgaris’s root-shoot ratio in two kinds of chestnut soil
轻壤质栗钙土Light loamy chestnut soil | 沙壤质栗钙土Sandy loamy chestnut soil | ||||
监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 生育时期 Growth stage | 根冠比Root-shoot ratio | 监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 生育时期 Growth stage | 根冠比Root-shoot ratio |
07-01 | 抽蔓期Sprouting stage | 0.31 | 07-30 | 抽蔓期Sprouting stage | 0.12 |
07-08 | 初花期Initial flowering stage | 0.20 | 08-06 | 初花期Initial flowering stage | 0.11 |
07-16 | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 0.12 | 08-13 | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 0.11 |
07-23 | 结荚初期Initial podding stage | 0.12 | 08-20 | 结荚初期Initial podding stage | 0.09 |
07-31 | 结荚前期Early podding stage | 0.08 | 08-27 | 结荚盛期Full podding stage | 0.10 |
08-07 | 结荚盛期Full podding stage | 0.08 | 09-03 | 结荚末期Last podding stage | 0.08 |
08-14 | 结荚后期Late podding stage | 0.05 | |||
08-21 | 结荚末期Last podding stage | 0.04 |
项目 Items | 土层 Soil layer (cm) | 监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | |||||||
07-01 | 07-08 | 07-16 | 07-23 | 07-31 | 08-07 | 08-14 | 08-21 | ||
根鲜重 Fresh root weight | 0~10 | 10.81±0.15a | 13.11±0.06a | 19.36±0.23a | 23.14±0.10a | 27.60±0.10a | 26.16±0.11a | 19.90±0.12a | 24.36±0.15a |
10~20 | 10.26±0.07b | 9.32±0.08b | 15.65±0.11b | 16.31±0.06b | 16.75±0.10b | 15.11±0.07b | 13.98±0.07b | 11.58±0.09b | |
20~30 | 5.78±0.08c | 6.52±0.07c | 14.23±0.11b | 14.02±0.08c | 13.20±0.08c | 14.06±0.07c | 13.81±0.08b | 11.87±0.06c | |
30~40 | 2.40±0.03d | 2.10±0.04d | 7.43±0.07d | 10.55±0.08d | 12.23±0.07d | 13.75±0.07d | 12.17±0.06c | 8.84±0.06d | |
40~50 | - | 0.33±0.02e | 5.96±0.09e | 8.03±0.06e | 10.93±0.08e | 12.59±0.08e | 10.83±0.08d | 7.78±0.06e | |
50~60 | - | - | 1.14±0.04f | 8.25±0.05f | 9.22±0.04f | 9.29 ±0.05f | 6.53±0.08e | 7.67±0.05e | |
60~70 | - | - | - | 2.01±0.03g | 7.17±0.05g | 8.57±0.06g | 6.84±0.05f | 6.12±0.06f | |
70~80 | - | - | - | 0.45±0.02h | 4.23±0.05h | 5.69±0.04h | 5.09±0.05g | 5.12±0.03g | |
总计Total | 29.25 | 31.38 | 63.77 | 82.76 | 101.33 | 105.22 | 89.15 | 83.34 | |
根干重 Root dry weight | 0~10 | 0.810±0.016a | 1.063±0.022a | 1.750±0.012a | 2.365±0.013a | 2.512±0.015a | 2.626±0.011a | 2.317±0.015a | 2.802±0.011a |
10~20 | 0.650±0.008b | 0.669±0.015b | 1.267±0.014b | 1.423±0.017b | 1.407±0.009b | 1.384±0.009b | 1.432±0.014b | 1.293±0.012b | |
20~30 | 0.309±0.008c | 0.515±0.012c | 1.169±0.013c | 1.262±0.012c | 1.063±0.014c | 1.214±0.011c | 1.474±0.014c | 1.279±0.011b | |
30~40 | 0.122±0.004d | 0.157±0.011d | 0.469±0.011d | 0.733±0.012d | 0.915±0.012d | 1.155±0.012d | 1.169±0.014d | 0.932±0.013c | |
40~50 | - | 0.017±0.002e | 0.365±0.007e | 0.566±0.011e | 0.847±0.012e | 1.119±0.014e | 0.945±0.013e | 0.770±0.013d | |
50~60 | - | - | 0.073±0.003f | 0.470±0.011f | 0.628±0.013f | 0.793±0.012f | 0.598±0.014f | 0.762±0.012d | |
60~70 | - | - | - | 0.147±0.009g | 0.505±0.011g | 0.740±0.011g | 0.705±0.013g | 0.661±0.011e | |
70~80 | - | - | - | 0.033±0.002h | 0.316±0.008h | 0.583±0.008h | 0.442±0.010h | 0.506±0.010f | |
总计Total | 1.891 | 2.421 | 5.093 | 6.999 | 8.193 | 9.614 | 9.082 | 9.005 |
表8 轻壤质栗钙土田芸豆根系生物量的垂直分布
Table 8 Vertical distribution of P. vulgaris’s root biomass in light loamy chestnut soil (g·2 plant-1)
项目 Items | 土层 Soil layer (cm) | 监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | |||||||
07-01 | 07-08 | 07-16 | 07-23 | 07-31 | 08-07 | 08-14 | 08-21 | ||
根鲜重 Fresh root weight | 0~10 | 10.81±0.15a | 13.11±0.06a | 19.36±0.23a | 23.14±0.10a | 27.60±0.10a | 26.16±0.11a | 19.90±0.12a | 24.36±0.15a |
10~20 | 10.26±0.07b | 9.32±0.08b | 15.65±0.11b | 16.31±0.06b | 16.75±0.10b | 15.11±0.07b | 13.98±0.07b | 11.58±0.09b | |
20~30 | 5.78±0.08c | 6.52±0.07c | 14.23±0.11b | 14.02±0.08c | 13.20±0.08c | 14.06±0.07c | 13.81±0.08b | 11.87±0.06c | |
30~40 | 2.40±0.03d | 2.10±0.04d | 7.43±0.07d | 10.55±0.08d | 12.23±0.07d | 13.75±0.07d | 12.17±0.06c | 8.84±0.06d | |
40~50 | - | 0.33±0.02e | 5.96±0.09e | 8.03±0.06e | 10.93±0.08e | 12.59±0.08e | 10.83±0.08d | 7.78±0.06e | |
50~60 | - | - | 1.14±0.04f | 8.25±0.05f | 9.22±0.04f | 9.29 ±0.05f | 6.53±0.08e | 7.67±0.05e | |
60~70 | - | - | - | 2.01±0.03g | 7.17±0.05g | 8.57±0.06g | 6.84±0.05f | 6.12±0.06f | |
70~80 | - | - | - | 0.45±0.02h | 4.23±0.05h | 5.69±0.04h | 5.09±0.05g | 5.12±0.03g | |
总计Total | 29.25 | 31.38 | 63.77 | 82.76 | 101.33 | 105.22 | 89.15 | 83.34 | |
根干重 Root dry weight | 0~10 | 0.810±0.016a | 1.063±0.022a | 1.750±0.012a | 2.365±0.013a | 2.512±0.015a | 2.626±0.011a | 2.317±0.015a | 2.802±0.011a |
10~20 | 0.650±0.008b | 0.669±0.015b | 1.267±0.014b | 1.423±0.017b | 1.407±0.009b | 1.384±0.009b | 1.432±0.014b | 1.293±0.012b | |
20~30 | 0.309±0.008c | 0.515±0.012c | 1.169±0.013c | 1.262±0.012c | 1.063±0.014c | 1.214±0.011c | 1.474±0.014c | 1.279±0.011b | |
30~40 | 0.122±0.004d | 0.157±0.011d | 0.469±0.011d | 0.733±0.012d | 0.915±0.012d | 1.155±0.012d | 1.169±0.014d | 0.932±0.013c | |
40~50 | - | 0.017±0.002e | 0.365±0.007e | 0.566±0.011e | 0.847±0.012e | 1.119±0.014e | 0.945±0.013e | 0.770±0.013d | |
50~60 | - | - | 0.073±0.003f | 0.470±0.011f | 0.628±0.013f | 0.793±0.012f | 0.598±0.014f | 0.762±0.012d | |
60~70 | - | - | - | 0.147±0.009g | 0.505±0.011g | 0.740±0.011g | 0.705±0.013g | 0.661±0.011e | |
70~80 | - | - | - | 0.033±0.002h | 0.316±0.008h | 0.583±0.008h | 0.442±0.010h | 0.506±0.010f | |
总计Total | 1.891 | 2.421 | 5.093 | 6.999 | 8.193 | 9.614 | 9.082 | 9.005 |
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根鲜重所占比例 Proportion of fresh root weight | 根干重所占比例 Proportion of dry root weight | ||||||
0~20 cm | 20~40 cm | 40~60 cm | 60~80 cm | 0~20 cm | 20~40 cm | 40~60 cm | 60~80 cm | |
07-01 | 72.03 | 27.97 | - | - | 77.21 | 22.79 | - | - |
07-08 | 71.48 | 27.47 | 1.05 | - | 71.54 | 27.76 | 0.70 | - |
07-16 | 54.90 | 33.97 | 11.13 | - | 59.24 | 32.16 | 8.60 | - |
07-23 | 47.67 | 29.69 | 19.67 | 2.97 | 54.12 | 28.50 | 14.80 | 2.57 |
07-31 | 43.77 | 25.10 | 19.89 | 11.25 | 47.83 | 24.14 | 18.00 | 10.02 |
08-07 | 39.22 | 26.43 | 20.79 | 13.55 | 41.71 | 24.64 | 19.89 | 13.76 |
08-14 | 38.00 | 29.14 | 19.47 | 13.38 | 41.28 | 29.10 | 16.99 | 12.63 |
08-21 | 43.12 | 24.85 | 18.54 | 13.49 | 45.48 | 24.55 | 17.01 | 12.96 |
表9 轻壤质栗钙土田芸豆各层根系鲜干重所占比例
Table 9 Proportion of fresh and dry root weight in each layer of P. vulgaris in light loamy chestnut soil (%)
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根鲜重所占比例 Proportion of fresh root weight | 根干重所占比例 Proportion of dry root weight | ||||||
0~20 cm | 20~40 cm | 40~60 cm | 60~80 cm | 0~20 cm | 20~40 cm | 40~60 cm | 60~80 cm | |
07-01 | 72.03 | 27.97 | - | - | 77.21 | 22.79 | - | - |
07-08 | 71.48 | 27.47 | 1.05 | - | 71.54 | 27.76 | 0.70 | - |
07-16 | 54.90 | 33.97 | 11.13 | - | 59.24 | 32.16 | 8.60 | - |
07-23 | 47.67 | 29.69 | 19.67 | 2.97 | 54.12 | 28.50 | 14.80 | 2.57 |
07-31 | 43.77 | 25.10 | 19.89 | 11.25 | 47.83 | 24.14 | 18.00 | 10.02 |
08-07 | 39.22 | 26.43 | 20.79 | 13.55 | 41.71 | 24.64 | 19.89 | 13.76 |
08-14 | 38.00 | 29.14 | 19.47 | 13.38 | 41.28 | 29.10 | 16.99 | 12.63 |
08-21 | 43.12 | 24.85 | 18.54 | 13.49 | 45.48 | 24.55 | 17.01 | 12.96 |
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根鲜重所占比例 Proportion of fresh root weight | 根干重所占比例 Proportion of dry root weight | ||||||||
0~20 cm | 0~30 cm | 0~40 cm | 0~50 cm | 0~60 cm | 0~20 cm | 0~30 cm | 0~40 cm | 0~50 cm | 0~60 cm | |
07-01 | 72.03 | 91.79 | - | - | - | 77.21 | 93.55 | - | - | - |
07-08 | 71.48 | 92.26 | - | - | - | 71.54 | 92.81 | - | - | - |
07-16 | 54.90 | 77.21 | 88.87 | - | - | 59.24 | 82.19 | 91.40 | - | - |
07-23 | 47.67 | 64.61 | 77.36 | 87.06 | - | 54.12 | 72.15 | 82.63 | 90.71 | - |
07-31 | 43.77 | 56.79 | 68.86 | 79.65 | 88.75 | 47.83 | 60.81 | 71.98 | 82.31 | 89.98 |
08-07 | 39.22 | 52.59 | 65.65 | 77.62 | 86.45 | 41.71 | 54.34 | 66.35 | 77.99 | 86.24 |
08-14 | 38.00 | 53.49 | 67.15 | 79.29 | 86.62 | 41.28 | 57.51 | 70.38 | 80.79 | 87.37 |
08-21 | 43.47 | 57.37 | 67.97 | 77.31 | 86.51 | 45.48 | 59.68 | 70.03 | 78.58 | 87.04 |
表10 轻壤质栗钙土田0~60 cm土层芸豆根系鲜干重占比
Table 10 Proportion of fresh and dry root weight in 0-60 cm soil layer of P. vulgaris in light loamy chestnut soil (%)
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根鲜重所占比例 Proportion of fresh root weight | 根干重所占比例 Proportion of dry root weight | ||||||||
0~20 cm | 0~30 cm | 0~40 cm | 0~50 cm | 0~60 cm | 0~20 cm | 0~30 cm | 0~40 cm | 0~50 cm | 0~60 cm | |
07-01 | 72.03 | 91.79 | - | - | - | 77.21 | 93.55 | - | - | - |
07-08 | 71.48 | 92.26 | - | - | - | 71.54 | 92.81 | - | - | - |
07-16 | 54.90 | 77.21 | 88.87 | - | - | 59.24 | 82.19 | 91.40 | - | - |
07-23 | 47.67 | 64.61 | 77.36 | 87.06 | - | 54.12 | 72.15 | 82.63 | 90.71 | - |
07-31 | 43.77 | 56.79 | 68.86 | 79.65 | 88.75 | 47.83 | 60.81 | 71.98 | 82.31 | 89.98 |
08-07 | 39.22 | 52.59 | 65.65 | 77.62 | 86.45 | 41.71 | 54.34 | 66.35 | 77.99 | 86.24 |
08-14 | 38.00 | 53.49 | 67.15 | 79.29 | 86.62 | 41.28 | 57.51 | 70.38 | 80.79 | 87.37 |
08-21 | 43.47 | 57.37 | 67.97 | 77.31 | 86.51 | 45.48 | 59.68 | 70.03 | 78.58 | 87.04 |
图2 轻壤质栗钙土田芸豆根系长度、表面积、体积的垂直分布不同小写字母表示同一日期不同土层间差异显著(P<0.05),下同。Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among different soil layers of the same date (P<0.05), the same below.
Fig.2 Vertical distribution of root length, surface area and volume of P. vulgaris in light loamy chestnut soil
项目 Items | 土层 Soil layer (cm) | 监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | |||||
07-30 | 08-06 | 08-13 | 08-20 | 08-27 | 09-03 | ||
根鲜重 Fresh root weight | 0~10 | 9.01±0.08a | 13.01±0.08a | 17.12±0.09a | 18.97±0.09a | 20.24±0.12a | 21.66±0.12a |
10~20 | 5.92±0.06b | 8.11±0.04b | 15.54±0.06b | 16.30±0.08b | 17.81±0.09b | 15.27±0.10b | |
20~30 | 3.97±0.06c | 4.22±0.06c | 7.84±0.05c | 9.69±0.07c | 14.71±0.06c | 12.44±0.05c | |
30~40 | 1.76±0.03d | 1.74±0.05d | 2.19±0.04d | 4.72±0.03d | 6.39±0.06d | 9.09±0.05d | |
40~50 | - | 0.43±0.04e | 0.67±0.04e | 2.38±0.03e | 3.81±0.07e | 3.24±0.04e | |
50~60 | - | - | - | - | 2.18±0.04f | - | |
总计Total | 20.66 | 27.51 | 43.36 | 52.06 | 65.14 | 61.70 | |
根干重 Root dry weight | 0~10 | 0.798±0.011a | 1.262±0.009a | 1.629±0.008a | 2.159±0.009a | 2.441±0.009a | 2.621±0.007a |
10~20 | 0.507±0.008b | 0.719±0.006b | 1.471±0.006b | 1.615±0.008b | 1.935±0.009b | 1.701±0.006b | |
20~30 | 0.316±0.007c | 0.365±0.005c | 0.716±0.010c | 0.891±0.005c | 1.377±0.007c | 1.288±0.005c | |
30~40 | 0.148±0.006d | 0.126±0.005d | 0.172±0.004d | 0.420±0.005d | 0.549±0.005d | 0.878±0.007d | |
40~50 | - | 0.035±0.002e | 0.053±0.004e | 0.193±0.004e | 0.263±0.006e | 0.297±0.005e | |
50~60 | - | - | - | - | 0.145±0.004f | - | |
总计Total | 1.769 | 2.507 | 4.041 | 5.278 | 6.710 | 6.785 |
表11 沙壤质栗钙土田芸豆根系生物量的垂直分布
Table 11 Vertical distribution of P. vulgaris’s root biomass in sandy loamy chestnut soil (g·2 plant-1)
项目 Items | 土层 Soil layer (cm) | 监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | |||||
07-30 | 08-06 | 08-13 | 08-20 | 08-27 | 09-03 | ||
根鲜重 Fresh root weight | 0~10 | 9.01±0.08a | 13.01±0.08a | 17.12±0.09a | 18.97±0.09a | 20.24±0.12a | 21.66±0.12a |
10~20 | 5.92±0.06b | 8.11±0.04b | 15.54±0.06b | 16.30±0.08b | 17.81±0.09b | 15.27±0.10b | |
20~30 | 3.97±0.06c | 4.22±0.06c | 7.84±0.05c | 9.69±0.07c | 14.71±0.06c | 12.44±0.05c | |
30~40 | 1.76±0.03d | 1.74±0.05d | 2.19±0.04d | 4.72±0.03d | 6.39±0.06d | 9.09±0.05d | |
40~50 | - | 0.43±0.04e | 0.67±0.04e | 2.38±0.03e | 3.81±0.07e | 3.24±0.04e | |
50~60 | - | - | - | - | 2.18±0.04f | - | |
总计Total | 20.66 | 27.51 | 43.36 | 52.06 | 65.14 | 61.70 | |
根干重 Root dry weight | 0~10 | 0.798±0.011a | 1.262±0.009a | 1.629±0.008a | 2.159±0.009a | 2.441±0.009a | 2.621±0.007a |
10~20 | 0.507±0.008b | 0.719±0.006b | 1.471±0.006b | 1.615±0.008b | 1.935±0.009b | 1.701±0.006b | |
20~30 | 0.316±0.007c | 0.365±0.005c | 0.716±0.010c | 0.891±0.005c | 1.377±0.007c | 1.288±0.005c | |
30~40 | 0.148±0.006d | 0.126±0.005d | 0.172±0.004d | 0.420±0.005d | 0.549±0.005d | 0.878±0.007d | |
40~50 | - | 0.035±0.002e | 0.053±0.004e | 0.193±0.004e | 0.263±0.006e | 0.297±0.005e | |
50~60 | - | - | - | - | 0.145±0.004f | - | |
总计Total | 1.769 | 2.507 | 4.041 | 5.278 | 6.710 | 6.785 |
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根鲜重所占比例Proportion of fresh root weight | 根干重所占比例Proportion of dry root weight | ||||||||||
0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 20~30 cm | 30~40 cm | 40~50 cm | 50~60 cm | 0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 20~30 cm | 30~40 cm | 40~50 cm | 50~60 cm | |
07-30 | 43.61 | 28.65 | 19.22 | 8.52 | - | - | 45.11 | 28.66 | 17.86 | 8.37 | - | - |
08-06 | 47.29 | 29.48 | 15.74 | 6.29 | 1.56 | - | 49.34 | 26.09 | 14.56 | 5.03 | 1.40 | - |
08-13 | 39.39 | 35.76 | 18.04 | 5.04 | 1.54 | - | 40.56 | 36.82 | 16.43 | 4.78 | 1.41 | - |
08-20 | 36.44 | 31.31 | 18.61 | 9.07 | 4.57 | - | 40.91 | 30.60 | 16.88 | 7.96 | 3.66 | - |
08-27 | 31.07 | 27.34 | 22.58 | 9.81 | 5.85 | 3.35 | 36.38 | 28.84 | 20.52 | 8.18 | 3.92 | 2.16 |
09-03 | 35.11 | 24.75 | 20.16 | 14.73 | 5.25 | - | 41.26 | 27.15 | 16.86 | 11.15 | 3.58 | - |
表12 沙壤质栗钙土田芸豆各层根系鲜干重所占比例
Table 12 Proportion of fresh and dry root weight in each layer of P. vulgaris in sandy loamy chestnut soil (%)
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根鲜重所占比例Proportion of fresh root weight | 根干重所占比例Proportion of dry root weight | ||||||||||
0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 20~30 cm | 30~40 cm | 40~50 cm | 50~60 cm | 0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 20~30 cm | 30~40 cm | 40~50 cm | 50~60 cm | |
07-30 | 43.61 | 28.65 | 19.22 | 8.52 | - | - | 45.11 | 28.66 | 17.86 | 8.37 | - | - |
08-06 | 47.29 | 29.48 | 15.74 | 6.29 | 1.56 | - | 49.34 | 26.09 | 14.56 | 5.03 | 1.40 | - |
08-13 | 39.39 | 35.76 | 18.04 | 5.04 | 1.54 | - | 40.56 | 36.82 | 16.43 | 4.78 | 1.41 | - |
08-20 | 36.44 | 31.31 | 18.61 | 9.07 | 4.57 | - | 40.91 | 30.60 | 16.88 | 7.96 | 3.66 | - |
08-27 | 31.07 | 27.34 | 22.58 | 9.81 | 5.85 | 3.35 | 36.38 | 28.84 | 20.52 | 8.18 | 3.92 | 2.16 |
09-03 | 35.11 | 24.75 | 20.16 | 14.73 | 5.25 | - | 41.26 | 27.15 | 16.86 | 11.15 | 3.58 | - |
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根鲜重所占比例Proportion of fresh root weight | 根干重所占比例Proportion of dry root weight | ||||
0~20 cm | 0~30 cm | 0~40 cm | 0~20 cm | 0~30 cm | 0~40 cm | |
07-30 | 72.27 | 91.48 | - | 73.77 | 91.63 | - |
08-06 | 76.77 | 92.11 | 98.44 | 79.02 | 93.58 | 98.60 |
08-13 | 75.32 | 93.40 | 98.45 | 76.71 | 94.43 | 98.69 |
08-20 | 69.79 | 86.98 | 95.29 | 74.03 | 89.94 | 96.21 |
08-27 | 58.41 | 80.99 | 90.80 | 65.22 | 85.74 | 93.92 |
09-03 | 59.85 | 80.02 | 94.75 | 63.70 | 82.68 | 95.62 |
表13 沙壤质栗钙土田0~40 cm土层芸豆根系鲜干重占比
Table 13 Proportion of fresh and dry weight in 0-40 cm soil layer of P. vulgaris in sandy loamy chestnut soil (%)
监测日期 Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根鲜重所占比例Proportion of fresh root weight | 根干重所占比例Proportion of dry root weight | ||||
0~20 cm | 0~30 cm | 0~40 cm | 0~20 cm | 0~30 cm | 0~40 cm | |
07-30 | 72.27 | 91.48 | - | 73.77 | 91.63 | - |
08-06 | 76.77 | 92.11 | 98.44 | 79.02 | 93.58 | 98.60 |
08-13 | 75.32 | 93.40 | 98.45 | 76.71 | 94.43 | 98.69 |
08-20 | 69.79 | 86.98 | 95.29 | 74.03 | 89.94 | 96.21 |
08-27 | 58.41 | 80.99 | 90.80 | 65.22 | 85.74 | 93.92 |
09-03 | 59.85 | 80.02 | 94.75 | 63.70 | 82.68 | 95.62 |
监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根系鲜重Fresh root weight | ||||
50~30 cm | 30~10 cm | 10~10 cm | 10~30 cm | 30~50 cm | |
07-01 | 3.06±0.08c | 8.95±0.08b | 13.04±0.08a | 2.86±0.05d | 1.34±0.04e |
07-08 | 1.40±0.07d | 5.93±0.05b | 18.71±0.10a | 3.49±0.06c | 1.35±0.05d |
07-16 | 4.18±0.12e | 7.73±0.08d | 29.44±0.11a | 13.72±0.08b | 8.70±0.06c |
07-23 | 3.28±0.07e | 11.55±0.07c | 35.66±0.16a | 24.47±0.11b | 7.80±0.07d |
07-31 | 1.55±0.05e | 15.22±0.08c | 43.93±0.09a | 27.14±0.08b | 13.49±0.10d |
08-07 | 7.37±0.09e | 24.08±0.12b | 36.94±0.09a | 23.27±0.08c | 13.56±0.12d |
08-14 | 10.25±0.12d | 17.89±0.08c | 31.79±0.10a | 19.17±0.07b | 10.05±0.10e |
08-21 | 6.88±0.06e | 13.22±0.09c | 33.24±0.11a | 20.61±0.09b | 9.89±0.08d |
监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根系干重Root dry weight | ||||
50~30 cm | 30~10 cm | 10~10 cm | 10~30 cm | 30~50 cm | |
07-01 | 0.180±0.008c | 0.552±0.007b | 0.915±0.007a | 0.171±0.004c | 0.073±0.004d |
07-08 | 0.105±0.006d | 0.503±0.007b | 1.438±0.009a | 0.286±0.006c | 0.089±0.004e |
07-16 | 0.252±0.006e | 0.589±0.008d | 2.530±0.011a | 1.084±0.006b | 0.638±0.006c |
07-23 | 0.227±0.006e | 0.935±0.008c | 3.444±0.012a | 1.877±0.006b | 0.516±0.004d |
07-31 | 0.114±0.005e | 1.201±0.008c | 3.817±0.010a | 2.049±0.012b | 1.012±0.007d |
08-07 | 0.569±0.007e | 2.127±0.007b | 3.707±0.008a | 1.956±0.010c | 1.185±0.007d |
08-14 | 0.918±0.008e | 1.731±0.009c | 3.584±0.010a | 1.895±0.007b | 0.954±0.007d |
08-21 | 0.652±0.006e | 1.374±0.008c | 3.769±0.008a | 2.285±0.007b | 0.925±0.011d |
表14 轻壤质栗钙土田芸豆侧向不同范围内的根系生物量
Table 14 Root biomass of P. vulgaris in different lateral ranges in light loamy chestnut soil field (g·2 plant-1)
监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根系鲜重Fresh root weight | ||||
50~30 cm | 30~10 cm | 10~10 cm | 10~30 cm | 30~50 cm | |
07-01 | 3.06±0.08c | 8.95±0.08b | 13.04±0.08a | 2.86±0.05d | 1.34±0.04e |
07-08 | 1.40±0.07d | 5.93±0.05b | 18.71±0.10a | 3.49±0.06c | 1.35±0.05d |
07-16 | 4.18±0.12e | 7.73±0.08d | 29.44±0.11a | 13.72±0.08b | 8.70±0.06c |
07-23 | 3.28±0.07e | 11.55±0.07c | 35.66±0.16a | 24.47±0.11b | 7.80±0.07d |
07-31 | 1.55±0.05e | 15.22±0.08c | 43.93±0.09a | 27.14±0.08b | 13.49±0.10d |
08-07 | 7.37±0.09e | 24.08±0.12b | 36.94±0.09a | 23.27±0.08c | 13.56±0.12d |
08-14 | 10.25±0.12d | 17.89±0.08c | 31.79±0.10a | 19.17±0.07b | 10.05±0.10e |
08-21 | 6.88±0.06e | 13.22±0.09c | 33.24±0.11a | 20.61±0.09b | 9.89±0.08d |
监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根系干重Root dry weight | ||||
50~30 cm | 30~10 cm | 10~10 cm | 10~30 cm | 30~50 cm | |
07-01 | 0.180±0.008c | 0.552±0.007b | 0.915±0.007a | 0.171±0.004c | 0.073±0.004d |
07-08 | 0.105±0.006d | 0.503±0.007b | 1.438±0.009a | 0.286±0.006c | 0.089±0.004e |
07-16 | 0.252±0.006e | 0.589±0.008d | 2.530±0.011a | 1.084±0.006b | 0.638±0.006c |
07-23 | 0.227±0.006e | 0.935±0.008c | 3.444±0.012a | 1.877±0.006b | 0.516±0.004d |
07-31 | 0.114±0.005e | 1.201±0.008c | 3.817±0.010a | 2.049±0.012b | 1.012±0.007d |
08-07 | 0.569±0.007e | 2.127±0.007b | 3.707±0.008a | 1.956±0.010c | 1.185±0.007d |
08-14 | 0.918±0.008e | 1.731±0.009c | 3.584±0.010a | 1.895±0.007b | 0.954±0.007d |
08-21 | 0.652±0.006e | 1.374±0.008c | 3.769±0.008a | 2.285±0.007b | 0.925±0.011d |
监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根系鲜重Fresh root weight | ||||
50~30 cm | 30~10 cm | 10~10 cm | 10~30 cm | 30~50 cm | |
07-30 | 1.16±0.04d | 4.73±0.08c | 8.20±0.07a | 5.37±0.05b | 1.20±0.04d |
08-06 | 1.57±0.05e | 5.55±0.08c | 10.62±0.14a | 7.98±0.05b | 1.79±0.04d |
08-13 | 5.24±0.05d | 10.66±0.11b | 14.30±0.07a | 9.26±0.05c | 3.90±0.04e |
08-20 | 6.17±0.04d | 9.72±0.07c | 17.12±0.16a | 13.37±0.06b | 5.69±0.04e |
08-27 | 9.47±0.07d | 13.64±0.07c | 17.76±0.22b | 18.40±0.11a | 5.87±0.04e |
09-03 | 8.28±0.05e | 10.99±0.06d | 16.70±0.09a | 13.49±0.06b | 12.24±0.04c |
监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根系干重Root dry weight | ||||
50~30 cm | 30~10 cm | 10~10 cm | 10~30 cm | 30~50 cm | |
07-30 | 0.083±0.004d | 0.394±0.004c | 0.742±0.007a | 0.456±0.005b | 0.094±0.004d |
08-06 | 0.124±0.005e | 0.491±0.006c | 0.995±0.006a | 0.751±0.006b | 0.146±0.003d |
08-13 | 0.456±0.004d | 0.986±0.007b | 1.364±0.007a | 0.871±0.006c | 0.364±0.005e |
08-20 | 0.577±0.007d | 0.971±0.007c | 1.844±0.008a | 1.362±0.006b | 0.523±0.005e |
08-27 | 0.836±0.007d | 1.322±0.009c | 2.095±.0.010a | 1.886±0.007b | 0.571±0.007e |
09-03 | 0.781±0.008e | 1.151±0.007d | 1.898±0.009a | 1.554±0.006b | 1.336±0.006c |
表15 沙壤质栗钙土田芸豆侧向不同范围内的根系生物量
Table 15 Root biomass of P. vulgaris in different lateral ranges in sandy loamy chestnut soil field (g·2 plant-1)
监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根系鲜重Fresh root weight | ||||
50~30 cm | 30~10 cm | 10~10 cm | 10~30 cm | 30~50 cm | |
07-30 | 1.16±0.04d | 4.73±0.08c | 8.20±0.07a | 5.37±0.05b | 1.20±0.04d |
08-06 | 1.57±0.05e | 5.55±0.08c | 10.62±0.14a | 7.98±0.05b | 1.79±0.04d |
08-13 | 5.24±0.05d | 10.66±0.11b | 14.30±0.07a | 9.26±0.05c | 3.90±0.04e |
08-20 | 6.17±0.04d | 9.72±0.07c | 17.12±0.16a | 13.37±0.06b | 5.69±0.04e |
08-27 | 9.47±0.07d | 13.64±0.07c | 17.76±0.22b | 18.40±0.11a | 5.87±0.04e |
09-03 | 8.28±0.05e | 10.99±0.06d | 16.70±0.09a | 13.49±0.06b | 12.24±0.04c |
监测日期Date of collection (月-日Month-day) | 根系干重Root dry weight | ||||
50~30 cm | 30~10 cm | 10~10 cm | 10~30 cm | 30~50 cm | |
07-30 | 0.083±0.004d | 0.394±0.004c | 0.742±0.007a | 0.456±0.005b | 0.094±0.004d |
08-06 | 0.124±0.005e | 0.491±0.006c | 0.995±0.006a | 0.751±0.006b | 0.146±0.003d |
08-13 | 0.456±0.004d | 0.986±0.007b | 1.364±0.007a | 0.871±0.006c | 0.364±0.005e |
08-20 | 0.577±0.007d | 0.971±0.007c | 1.844±0.008a | 1.362±0.006b | 0.523±0.005e |
08-27 | 0.836±0.007d | 1.322±0.009c | 2.095±.0.010a | 1.886±0.007b | 0.571±0.007e |
09-03 | 0.781±0.008e | 1.151±0.007d | 1.898±0.009a | 1.554±0.006b | 1.336±0.006c |
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