草业学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 174-185.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023151
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
孟超楠1(), 赵玉洁1(
), 陈佳欣1, 张旖璐1, 王彦佳1, 冯丽荣2, 孙玉刚1, 郭长虹1(
. E-mail: kaku3008@126.com基金资助:
Chao-nan MENG1(), Yu-jie ZHAO1(
), Jia-xin CHEN1, Yi-lu ZHANG1, Yan-jia WANG1, Li-rong FENG2, Yu-gang SUN1, Chang-hong GUO1(
Chang-hong GUO
为了获得优良的固氮菌,并评价其对青贮玉米的促生效果,本研究采用稀释涂布平板法,利用阿须贝氏固体培养基从青贮玉米根际土壤中分离筛选到10株固氮菌,对其固氮能力进行分析,结果表明,菌株ZL-2和ZL-13的固氮能力较强,菌株ZL-2的固氮量为1.07 μg·mL-1,ZL-13的固氮量为0.95 μg·mL-1。通过细菌形态学、16S rDNA序列分析和生理生化特征,确定菌株ZL-2为生癌肠杆菌和ZL-13为成团泛菌。对2株固氮菌的促生特性进行分析,结果表明,2个菌株具有泌铵能力、溶磷能力、产嗜铁素能力和合成吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)的能力。盆栽试验结果表明,接种固氮菌ZL-2和ZL-13能够显著提高青贮玉米的株高、根长、地上和地下干、鲜重(P<0.05)。田间试验结果表明,2株固氮菌单接种和双接种均能提高青贮玉米的株高、茎粗、产量、粗蛋白含量和全磷含量(P<0.05)。接种2株固氮菌的青贮玉米,其氮代谢和氨同化相关基因(ZmAMT-4、ZmAMTB、ZmGOGAT2和ZmGS1-3)的表达量显著提高(P<0.05)。因此,2株固氮菌具有较好的促生特性,在提高青贮玉米的产量和品质方面发挥了重要作用,是开发微生物菌剂的优质菌种资源。
孟超楠, 赵玉洁, 陈佳欣, 张旖璐, 王彦佳, 冯丽荣, 孙玉刚, 郭长虹. 2株青贮玉米根际固氮菌的筛选鉴定及促生作用研究[J]. 草业学报, 2024, 33(3): 174-185.
Chao-nan MENG, Yu-jie ZHAO, Jia-xin CHEN, Yi-lu ZHANG, Yan-jia WANG, Li-rong FENG, Yu-gang SUN, Chang-hong GUO. Screening and identification of two strains of nitrogen-fixing bacteria from the silage maize rhizosphere and their roles in plant growth promotion[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(3): 174-185.
基因名称 Gene name | 正向引物序列 Forward primer sequence (5′→3′) | 反向引物序列 Reverse primer sequence (5′→3′) |
表1 引物序列
Table 1 Primer sequence
基因名称 Gene name | 正向引物序列 Forward primer sequence (5′→3′) | 反向引物序列 Reverse primer sequence (5′→3′) |
图1 菌株的固氮能力不同小写字母表示不同处理之间差异显著(P<0.05)。下同。 Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different treatments (P<0.05). The same below.
Fig.1 Nitrogen fixation capacity of strains
指标 Index | 菌株 Strains | |
ZL-2 | ZL-13 | |
甲基红 Methyl red | - | + |
伏普 Voges-proskaue | + | + |
吲哚 Indole | + | + |
葡萄糖 Glucose | + | - |
柠檬酸盐 Citrate | + | + |
接触酶 Catalase | + | + |
淀粉水解 Starch hydrolysis | + | + |
硫化氢 H2S | - | - |
明胶液化 Gelatin liquefaction | - | - |
脲酶 Urease | + | - |
革兰氏染色 Gram stain | - | - |
表2 菌株ZL-2和ZL-13生理生化特征
Table 2 Physiological and biochemical characteristics of strains ZL-2 and ZL-13
指标 Index | 菌株 Strains | |
ZL-2 | ZL-13 | |
甲基红 Methyl red | - | + |
伏普 Voges-proskaue | + | + |
吲哚 Indole | + | + |
葡萄糖 Glucose | + | - |
柠檬酸盐 Citrate | + | + |
接触酶 Catalase | + | + |
淀粉水解 Starch hydrolysis | + | + |
硫化氢 H2S | - | - |
明胶液化 Gelatin liquefaction | - | - |
脲酶 Urease | + | - |
革兰氏染色 Gram stain | - | - |
图3 菌株ZL-2和ZL-13泌铵、溶磷、产嗜铁素及合成IAA能力同一色氨酸浓度下比较不同菌株合成IAA的差异性。Differences in IAA synthesis were compared among different strains at the same tryptophan concentration. *表示差异在P<0.05水平显著,**表示差异在P<0.01水平显著,***表示差异在P<0.001水平显著。* stands for significant difference at P<0.05 level, ** stands for significant difference at P<0.01, *** stands for significant difference at P<0.001.
Fig.3 Ammonium secretion, phosphorus solubilization, iron carrier and IAA production abilities of strains ZL-2 and ZL-13
处理组 Treatment | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 根长 Root length (cm) | 地上鲜重 Fresh weight of shoot (g·plant-1) | 地下鲜重 Fresh weight of roots (g·plant-1) | 地上干重 Dry weight of shoot (g·plant-1) | 地下干重 Dry weight of roots (g·plant-1) |
CK | 52.34±2.91c | 21.26±0.93c | 19.20±1.37b | 4.84±0.44b | 2.66±0.38b | 1.78±0.05b |
ZL-2 | 76.50±3.64a | 29.82±0.31b | 29.78±0.20a | 7.31±0.06a | 4.12±0.02a | 2.61±0.05a |
ZL-13 | 71.78±2.82b | 32.80±0.96a | 28.94±0.23a | 7.45±0.01a | 3.93±0.03a | 2.63±0.02a |
表3 接种菌株ZL-2和ZL-13对青贮玉米幼苗生物量的影响
Table 3 Effect of strains ZL-2 and ZL-13 inoculated on the biomass of silage maize seedlings
处理组 Treatment | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 根长 Root length (cm) | 地上鲜重 Fresh weight of shoot (g·plant-1) | 地下鲜重 Fresh weight of roots (g·plant-1) | 地上干重 Dry weight of shoot (g·plant-1) | 地下干重 Dry weight of roots (g·plant-1) |
CK | 52.34±2.91c | 21.26±0.93c | 19.20±1.37b | 4.84±0.44b | 2.66±0.38b | 1.78±0.05b |
ZL-2 | 76.50±3.64a | 29.82±0.31b | 29.78±0.20a | 7.31±0.06a | 4.12±0.02a | 2.61±0.05a |
ZL-13 | 71.78±2.82b | 32.80±0.96a | 28.94±0.23a | 7.45±0.01a | 3.93±0.03a | 2.63±0.02a |
处理组 Treatment | 株高 Plant height (m) | 茎粗 Stem diameter (mm) | 鲜重 Fresh weight (kg·plant-1) | 干重 Dry weight (kg·plant-1) |
CK | 2.77±0.03c | 34.56±0.34c | 1.77±0.15c | 1.16±0.11c |
ZL-2 ZL-13 | 3.10±0.03ab 3.07±0.04b | 39.36±0.25b 39.20±0.41b | 2.13±0.05ab 2.05±0.04b | 1.42±0.06ab 1.35±0.03b |
ZL-2+ZL-13 | 3.15±0.09a | 40.04±0.54a | 2.19±0.02a | 1.50±0.06a |
表4 接种固氮菌对田间青贮玉米生物量的影响
Table 4 Effect of nitrogen-fixing strains inoculated on the biomass of silage maize in the field
处理组 Treatment | 株高 Plant height (m) | 茎粗 Stem diameter (mm) | 鲜重 Fresh weight (kg·plant-1) | 干重 Dry weight (kg·plant-1) |
CK | 2.77±0.03c | 34.56±0.34c | 1.77±0.15c | 1.16±0.11c |
ZL-2 ZL-13 | 3.10±0.03ab 3.07±0.04b | 39.36±0.25b 39.20±0.41b | 2.13±0.05ab 2.05±0.04b | 1.42±0.06ab 1.35±0.03b |
ZL-2+ZL-13 | 3.15±0.09a | 40.04±0.54a | 2.19±0.02a | 1.50±0.06a |
图6 接种菌株ZL-2和ZL-13对青贮玉米根、茎、叶中氮代谢和氨同化基因相对表达量的影响
Fig.6 Effects of strains ZL-2 and ZL-13 inoculated on the relative expression of nitrogen metabolism and ammonia assimilation genes in roots, stems and leaves of silage maize
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