Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 121-132.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020227
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Shu-qin LI1(), Zhen-jiang CHEN1, Tai-xiang CHEN1, Xiu-zhang LI2, Biao-biao MU3, Chun-jie LI1(
Chun-jie LI
Shu-qin LI, Zhen-jiang CHEN, Tai-xiang CHEN, Xiu-zhang LI, Biao-biao MU, Chun-jie LI. Bibliometric analysis of research on endophytic fungi in grasses and non-grasses based on the CNKI database[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(6): 121-132.
学科Discipline | 内生真菌论文数量 Number of published papers on endophytic fungi | 所占比例 Percentage (%) | 禾草内生真菌论文数量 Number of papers on endophytic fungi of grass | 所占比例 Percentage (%) |
生物Biology | 1153 | 21.62 | 45 | 11.94 |
作物Crop | 831 | 15.58 | 78 | 20.69 |
中药与方剂Traditional Chinese medicine and prescriptions | 755 | 14.16 | - | - |
植物保护Plant protection | 467 | 8.76 | 39 | 10.34 |
林学Forestry | 258 | 4.84 | 25 | 6.63 |
农业资源与环境Agricultural resources and environment | 225 | 4.22 | - | - |
化学工程Chemical engineering | 206 | 3.86 | - | - |
药学Pharmacy | 142 | 2.66 | - | - |
观赏园艺与园林Ornamental gardening and garden | 118 | 2.21 | - | - |
草学Grass science | 117 | 2.19 | 71 | 18.83 |
Table 1 Main discipline distribution of research papers on endophyte and grass endophyte in CNKI database during 1999-2019
学科Discipline | 内生真菌论文数量 Number of published papers on endophytic fungi | 所占比例 Percentage (%) | 禾草内生真菌论文数量 Number of papers on endophytic fungi of grass | 所占比例 Percentage (%) |
生物Biology | 1153 | 21.62 | 45 | 11.94 |
作物Crop | 831 | 15.58 | 78 | 20.69 |
中药与方剂Traditional Chinese medicine and prescriptions | 755 | 14.16 | - | - |
植物保护Plant protection | 467 | 8.76 | 39 | 10.34 |
林学Forestry | 258 | 4.84 | 25 | 6.63 |
农业资源与环境Agricultural resources and environment | 225 | 4.22 | - | - |
化学工程Chemical engineering | 206 | 3.86 | - | - |
药学Pharmacy | 142 | 2.66 | - | - |
观赏园艺与园林Ornamental gardening and garden | 118 | 2.21 | - | - |
草学Grass science | 117 | 2.19 | 71 | 18.83 |
期刊名称Journal title | 论文数量Number of published papers | 比例Percentage (%) |
天然产物研究与开Natural Product Research and Development | 97 | 16.70 |
安徽农业科学Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences | 86 | 14.80 |
菌物学报Mycosystema | 64 | 11.02 |
中国中药杂志China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica | 61 | 10.50 |
江苏农业科学Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences | 55 | 9.46 |
微生物学报Acta Microbological Sinica | 55 | 9.46 |
菌物研究Journal of Fungal Research | 46 | 7.92 |
中草药Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs | 46 | 7.92 |
草业科学Pratacultural Science | 37 | 6.37 |
中国药学杂志Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal | 34 | 5.85 |
Table 2 Top 10 journals in the CNKI database for endophytic fungi research during 1999 to 2019
期刊名称Journal title | 论文数量Number of published papers | 比例Percentage (%) |
天然产物研究与开Natural Product Research and Development | 97 | 16.70 |
安徽农业科学Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences | 86 | 14.80 |
菌物学报Mycosystema | 64 | 11.02 |
中国中药杂志China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica | 61 | 10.50 |
江苏农业科学Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences | 55 | 9.46 |
微生物学报Acta Microbological Sinica | 55 | 9.46 |
菌物研究Journal of Fungal Research | 46 | 7.92 |
中草药Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs | 46 | 7.92 |
草业科学Pratacultural Science | 37 | 6.37 |
中国药学杂志Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal | 34 | 5.85 |
机构名称Organization name | 论文数量Number of published papers | 比例Percentage (%) |
西北农林科技大学Northwest A&F University | 240 | 4.50 |
兰州大学Lanzhou University | 126 | 2.36 |
云南大学Yunnan University | 123 | 2.31 |
海南大学Hainan University | 98 | 1.84 |
南京师范大学Nanjing Normal University | 88 | 1.65 |
中山大学Sun Yat-Sen University | 78 | 1.46 |
浙江大学Zhejiang University | 75 | 1.41 |
南京农业大学Nanjing Agricultural University | 72 | 1.35 |
贵州大学Guizhou University | 65 | 1.22 |
吉林农业大学Jilin Agricultural University | 56 | 1.05 |
Table 3 Top 10 institutions in the number of papers related to endophytic fungi in CNKI data during 1999-2019
机构名称Organization name | 论文数量Number of published papers | 比例Percentage (%) |
西北农林科技大学Northwest A&F University | 240 | 4.50 |
兰州大学Lanzhou University | 126 | 2.36 |
云南大学Yunnan University | 123 | 2.31 |
海南大学Hainan University | 98 | 1.84 |
南京师范大学Nanjing Normal University | 88 | 1.65 |
中山大学Sun Yat-Sen University | 78 | 1.46 |
浙江大学Zhejiang University | 75 | 1.41 |
南京农业大学Nanjing Agricultural University | 72 | 1.35 |
贵州大学Guizhou University | 65 | 1.22 |
吉林农业大学Jilin Agricultural University | 56 | 1.05 |
基金项目 Fund | 论文数量 Number of published papers |
国家自然科学基金National Natural Science Foundation of China | 1163 |
国家重点基础研究发展规划National Key Basic Research and Development Plan | 147 |
国家高科技研究发展计划National High Tech Research and Development Plan | 100 |
高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金Special Scientific Research Fund for Doctoral Program in Colleges and Universities | 87 |
国家科技支撑计划National Science and Technology Support Plan | 79 |
广东省自然科学基金Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province | 73 |
海南省自然科学基金Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province | 54 |
Table 4 The main fund projects of papers related to endophyte research in CNKI database during 1999-2019
基金项目 Fund | 论文数量 Number of published papers |
国家自然科学基金National Natural Science Foundation of China | 1163 |
国家重点基础研究发展规划National Key Basic Research and Development Plan | 147 |
国家高科技研究发展计划National High Tech Research and Development Plan | 100 |
高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金Special Scientific Research Fund for Doctoral Program in Colleges and Universities | 87 |
国家科技支撑计划National Science and Technology Support Plan | 79 |
广东省自然科学基金Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province | 73 |
海南省自然科学基金Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province | 54 |
文献分类 Document classification | 题名 Article title | 作者 Author | 来源出版物 Publication | 发表年份 Published year | 被引频次 Citation frequency | 参考文献 Reference |
禾草内生真菌 Endophytic fungi of grass | 禾草-内生真菌共生体在草地农业系统中的作用。Roles of grass endophyte-netyphodium association in pastoral agriculture systems. | 南志标等 Nan Zhibiao et al | 生态学报 Acta Ecologica Sinica | 2004 | 172 | [ |
水分胁迫下内生真菌感染对黑麦草叶内保护酶系统活力的影响。Effect of endophyte infection on protective enzyme activities in leaves of Lolium perenne under water stress. | 陈世苹等 Chen Shiping et al | 应用与环境生物学报 Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology | 2001 | 142 | [ | |
水分胁迫下内生真菌感染对黑麦草叶内游离脯氨酸和脱落酸含量的影响。Effect of endophyte infection on the concentrations of free proline and ABA of leaves of Lolium perenne under water stress. | 陈世苹等 Chen Shiping et al | 生态学报 Acta Ecologica Sinica | 2001 | 87 | [ | |
内生真菌B3促进水稻生长的机理研究。Study on the mechanism of endophytic fungus B3 promoting rice growth | 袁志林等 Yuan Zhilin et al. | 江苏农业科学 Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences | 2004 | 81 | [ | |
干旱胁迫下内生真菌感染对黑麦草实验种群光合、蒸腾和水分利用的影响。Effects of endophyte infection on photosynthesis, transpiration and water use of Lolium perenne under drought stress. | 梁宇等 Liang Yu et al | 植物生态学报 Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology | 2001 | 68 | [ | |
内生真菌对醉马草抗旱性影响的研究。Effect of endophyte infection on drought resistance to drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians). | 李飞等 Li Fei et al | 兰州大学 Lanzhou University | 2007 | 63 | [ | |
内生真菌感染对黑麦草若干抗旱生理特征的影响。Effects of fungai endophyte infection on some physiological characteristics of Lolium perenne under drought conditions. | 任安芝等 Ren Anzhi et al | 应用与环境生物学报Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology | 2002 | 61 | [ | |
干旱胁迫下内生真菌感染对黑麦草叶内几种同工酶的影响。Effects of endophyte infection on POD SOD and PPO isozymes in perenneial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) under different water conditions. | 任安芝等 Ren Anzhi et al | 生态学报 Acta Ecologica Sinica | 2004 | 59 | [ | |
禾草内生真菌生物碱的研究进展。Research progress of the endophytic alkaloids from Herba Gramineae. | 高嘉卉等 Gao Jiahui et al | 生态学报 Acta Ecologica Sinica | 2007 | 56 | [ | |
禾草类内生真菌的研究进展。A review of bioprotective alkaloids of grass-fungal endophyte symbioses. | 任安芝等 Ren Anzhi et al | 微生物学通报Microbiology China | 2004 | 55 | [ | |
非禾草内生真菌Endophytic fungi of non grass | 内生真菌研究进展。Advances of researches of endophytic fungi. | 郭良栋 Guo Liangdong | 菌物系统 Mycosystema | 2001 | 819 | [ |
兰科药用植物的5种内生真菌产生的植物激素。Studies on the hormones produced by 5 species of endophytic fungi isolated from medicinal plants (Orchidacea). | 张集慧等 Zhang Jihui et al | 中国医学科学院学报 Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae | 1999 | 446 | [ | |
长春花内生真菌的分离及其发酵产生药用成分的初步研究。Prelimiary study on the isolation of endophytic fungus of Catharanthus roseus and its fermentation to produce products of therapeutic value. | 张玲琪等 Zhang Lingqi et al | 中草药 Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs | 2000 | 350 | [ | |
植物内生真菌——类应用前景广泛的资源微生物。Endophytic fungi in plants-A kind of resource microorganism with wide application prospect. | 任安芝等 Ren Anzhi et al | 微生物学通报Microbiology China | 2001 | 324 | [ | |
美登木内生真菌产抗癌物质球毛壳甲素的分离及鉴定。Isolation and determination of the anti-cancer substance of chaetoglobosin a producing by endophytic fungus of in Maytenus hookeri. | 张玲琪等 Zhang Lingqi et al | 中国药学杂志 Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal | 2002 | 270 | [ | |
药用植物内生真菌及活性物质多样性研究进展。Research advances in the diversities of endophytic fungi in medicinal plants and their bioactive ingredients. | 孙剑秋等 Sun Jianqiu et al | 西北植物学报 Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica | 2006 | 239 | [ | |
几种药用植物内生真菌抗真菌活性的初步研究。Study on the antifungal activities of endophytic fungi isolated from several pharmaceutical plants. | 李桂玲等 Li Guiling et al | 微生物学通报Microbiology China | 2001 | 230 | [ | |
香蕉内生真菌、放线菌类群分析。Isolation of endophytic fungi and actinomycetes from banana (Musa paradisiaca) plants. | 曹理想等 Cao Lixiang et al | 中山大学学报 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni | 2003 | 206 | [ | |
一种产长春新碱内生真菌的初步研究。Preliminary study of a vincristine-producing endophytic fungus isolated from leaves of Catharanthus roseus. | 杨显志等 Yang Xianzhi et al | 中草药 Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs | 2004 | 199 | [ | |
中国南海红树内生真菌No.1403次级代谢物的研究。Studies on the secondary metabolites of mangrove fungus No.1403 from the south China sea. | 姜广策等 Jiang Guang ce et al | 中山大学学报Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni | 2000 | 194 | [ |
Table 5 Top 10 papers on the number of citations of a single paper related to endophytic fungi of grass and endophytic fungi of non grass in CNKI database in 1999-2019
文献分类 Document classification | 题名 Article title | 作者 Author | 来源出版物 Publication | 发表年份 Published year | 被引频次 Citation frequency | 参考文献 Reference |
禾草内生真菌 Endophytic fungi of grass | 禾草-内生真菌共生体在草地农业系统中的作用。Roles of grass endophyte-netyphodium association in pastoral agriculture systems. | 南志标等 Nan Zhibiao et al | 生态学报 Acta Ecologica Sinica | 2004 | 172 | [ |
水分胁迫下内生真菌感染对黑麦草叶内保护酶系统活力的影响。Effect of endophyte infection on protective enzyme activities in leaves of Lolium perenne under water stress. | 陈世苹等 Chen Shiping et al | 应用与环境生物学报 Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology | 2001 | 142 | [ | |
水分胁迫下内生真菌感染对黑麦草叶内游离脯氨酸和脱落酸含量的影响。Effect of endophyte infection on the concentrations of free proline and ABA of leaves of Lolium perenne under water stress. | 陈世苹等 Chen Shiping et al | 生态学报 Acta Ecologica Sinica | 2001 | 87 | [ | |
内生真菌B3促进水稻生长的机理研究。Study on the mechanism of endophytic fungus B3 promoting rice growth | 袁志林等 Yuan Zhilin et al. | 江苏农业科学 Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences | 2004 | 81 | [ | |
干旱胁迫下内生真菌感染对黑麦草实验种群光合、蒸腾和水分利用的影响。Effects of endophyte infection on photosynthesis, transpiration and water use of Lolium perenne under drought stress. | 梁宇等 Liang Yu et al | 植物生态学报 Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology | 2001 | 68 | [ | |
内生真菌对醉马草抗旱性影响的研究。Effect of endophyte infection on drought resistance to drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians). | 李飞等 Li Fei et al | 兰州大学 Lanzhou University | 2007 | 63 | [ | |
内生真菌感染对黑麦草若干抗旱生理特征的影响。Effects of fungai endophyte infection on some physiological characteristics of Lolium perenne under drought conditions. | 任安芝等 Ren Anzhi et al | 应用与环境生物学报Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology | 2002 | 61 | [ | |
干旱胁迫下内生真菌感染对黑麦草叶内几种同工酶的影响。Effects of endophyte infection on POD SOD and PPO isozymes in perenneial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) under different water conditions. | 任安芝等 Ren Anzhi et al | 生态学报 Acta Ecologica Sinica | 2004 | 59 | [ | |
禾草内生真菌生物碱的研究进展。Research progress of the endophytic alkaloids from Herba Gramineae. | 高嘉卉等 Gao Jiahui et al | 生态学报 Acta Ecologica Sinica | 2007 | 56 | [ | |
禾草类内生真菌的研究进展。A review of bioprotective alkaloids of grass-fungal endophyte symbioses. | 任安芝等 Ren Anzhi et al | 微生物学通报Microbiology China | 2004 | 55 | [ | |
非禾草内生真菌Endophytic fungi of non grass | 内生真菌研究进展。Advances of researches of endophytic fungi. | 郭良栋 Guo Liangdong | 菌物系统 Mycosystema | 2001 | 819 | [ |
兰科药用植物的5种内生真菌产生的植物激素。Studies on the hormones produced by 5 species of endophytic fungi isolated from medicinal plants (Orchidacea). | 张集慧等 Zhang Jihui et al | 中国医学科学院学报 Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae | 1999 | 446 | [ | |
长春花内生真菌的分离及其发酵产生药用成分的初步研究。Prelimiary study on the isolation of endophytic fungus of Catharanthus roseus and its fermentation to produce products of therapeutic value. | 张玲琪等 Zhang Lingqi et al | 中草药 Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs | 2000 | 350 | [ | |
植物内生真菌——类应用前景广泛的资源微生物。Endophytic fungi in plants-A kind of resource microorganism with wide application prospect. | 任安芝等 Ren Anzhi et al | 微生物学通报Microbiology China | 2001 | 324 | [ | |
美登木内生真菌产抗癌物质球毛壳甲素的分离及鉴定。Isolation and determination of the anti-cancer substance of chaetoglobosin a producing by endophytic fungus of in Maytenus hookeri. | 张玲琪等 Zhang Lingqi et al | 中国药学杂志 Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal | 2002 | 270 | [ | |
药用植物内生真菌及活性物质多样性研究进展。Research advances in the diversities of endophytic fungi in medicinal plants and their bioactive ingredients. | 孙剑秋等 Sun Jianqiu et al | 西北植物学报 Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica | 2006 | 239 | [ | |
几种药用植物内生真菌抗真菌活性的初步研究。Study on the antifungal activities of endophytic fungi isolated from several pharmaceutical plants. | 李桂玲等 Li Guiling et al | 微生物学通报Microbiology China | 2001 | 230 | [ | |
香蕉内生真菌、放线菌类群分析。Isolation of endophytic fungi and actinomycetes from banana (Musa paradisiaca) plants. | 曹理想等 Cao Lixiang et al | 中山大学学报 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni | 2003 | 206 | [ | |
一种产长春新碱内生真菌的初步研究。Preliminary study of a vincristine-producing endophytic fungus isolated from leaves of Catharanthus roseus. | 杨显志等 Yang Xianzhi et al | 中草药 Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs | 2004 | 199 | [ | |
中国南海红树内生真菌No.1403次级代谢物的研究。Studies on the secondary metabolites of mangrove fungus No.1403 from the south China sea. | 姜广策等 Jiang Guang ce et al | 中山大学学报Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni | 2000 | 194 | [ |
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李春杰, 姚祥, 南志标. 醉马草内生真菌共生体研究进展. 植物生态学报, 2018, 42(8): 793-805. | |
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孙剑秋, 郭良栋, 臧威, 等. 药用植物内生真菌及活性物质多样性研究进展. 西北植物学报, 2006(7): 1505-1519. | |
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张集慧, 王春兰, 郭顺星, 等. 兰科药用植物的5种内生真菌产生的植物激素. 中国医学科学院学报, 1999(6): 49-54. | |
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