Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 91-100.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2022173
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Jia-cheng ZHENG1(), Jie YU1(
), Fan LI1, Xiao-yi HUANG1, Jie-qin LI1, Hai-zhou CHEN3, Xin WANG1, Qiu-wen ZHAN1(
), Zhao-shi XU2(
Qiu-wen ZHAN,Zhao-shi XU
Jia-cheng ZHENG, Jie YU, Fan LI, Xiao-yi HUANG, Jie-qin LI, Hai-zhou CHEN, Xin WANG, Qiu-wen ZHAN, Zhao-shi XU. Functional characterization of the role of SbER10_X1 in regulating photosynthesis and biomass of sorghum forage[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(4): 91-100.
株系Line | 生长素IAA | 脱落酸ABA | 赤霉素GA3 |
WT | 3.49±0.14a | 3.16±0.07b | 0.24±0.01b |
SbERex 5 | 3.26±0.08a | 2.38±0.08c | 0.39±0.00a |
SbERin 6 | 3.58±0.20a | 10.95±0.08a | 0.18±0.00c |
Table 1 Endogenous hormone content of transgenic sorghum stem (n=6, ng·g-1)
株系Line | 生长素IAA | 脱落酸ABA | 赤霉素GA3 |
WT | 3.49±0.14a | 3.16±0.07b | 0.24±0.01b |
SbERex 5 | 3.26±0.08a | 2.38±0.08c | 0.39±0.00a |
SbERin 6 | 3.58±0.20a | 10.95±0.08a | 0.18±0.00c |
指标 Index | 株系 Lines | 年份 Year | 变异系数 Coefficient of variation | |
2020 | 2021 | |||
株高 Plant height (cm) | WT | 131.37±3.51b | 132.13±2.65b | 0.41 |
SbERex 5 | 156.31±3.14a | 154.54±1.53a | 0.81 | |
SbERin 6 | 120.16±2.08c | 116.73±3.51c | 3.21 | |
叶面积 Leaf area (cm2) | WT | 212.52±7.00b | 207.63±15.40b | 1.65 |
SbERex 5 | 232.79±10.70a | 231.94±18.15a | 0.26 | |
SbERin 6 | 195.46±12.06b | 197.71±10.90b | 0.85 | |
分蘖数 Tiller number | WT | 4.60±1.00b | 4.80±1.00b | 2.63 |
SbERex 5 | 7.60±1.15a | 8.00±0.58a | 3.63 | |
SbERin 6 | 4.40±0.58b | 4.30±0.58b | 1.63 | |
主茎粗 Main stem diameter (mm) | WT | 28.91±2.12a | 27.89±1.65a | 2.54 |
SbERex 5 | 30.95±1.34a | 30.71±2.00a | 0.55 | |
SbERin 6 | 28.33±3.82a | 28.97±4.99a | 1.58 | |
主茎穗长 Main stem spike length (cm) | WT | 32.17±1.53a | 32.32±0.58a | 0.33 |
SbERex 5 | 33.42±2.08a | 32.67±1.53a | 1.60 | |
SbERin 6 | 31.11±1.15a | 30.38±1.16a | 1.68 | |
单株产量 Yield per plant (g·plant-1) | WT | 31.36±3.84b | 31.27±3.80b | 0.20 |
SbERex 5 | 39.02±3.48a | 39.30±3.50a | 0.51 | |
SbERin 6 | 29.52±1.14b | 29.53±1.15b | 0.02 | |
单株生物量 Biomass per plant (g·plant-1) | WT | 386.35±20.40b | 382.45±35.90b | 0.72 |
SbERex 5 | 576.38±5.93a | 574.74±7.07a | 0.20 | |
SbERin 6 | 373.19±13.47b | 372.99±13.55b | 0.04 |
Table 2 Biomass-related traits of transgenic sorghum lines (n=10)
指标 Index | 株系 Lines | 年份 Year | 变异系数 Coefficient of variation | |
2020 | 2021 | |||
株高 Plant height (cm) | WT | 131.37±3.51b | 132.13±2.65b | 0.41 |
SbERex 5 | 156.31±3.14a | 154.54±1.53a | 0.81 | |
SbERin 6 | 120.16±2.08c | 116.73±3.51c | 3.21 | |
叶面积 Leaf area (cm2) | WT | 212.52±7.00b | 207.63±15.40b | 1.65 |
SbERex 5 | 232.79±10.70a | 231.94±18.15a | 0.26 | |
SbERin 6 | 195.46±12.06b | 197.71±10.90b | 0.85 | |
分蘖数 Tiller number | WT | 4.60±1.00b | 4.80±1.00b | 2.63 |
SbERex 5 | 7.60±1.15a | 8.00±0.58a | 3.63 | |
SbERin 6 | 4.40±0.58b | 4.30±0.58b | 1.63 | |
主茎粗 Main stem diameter (mm) | WT | 28.91±2.12a | 27.89±1.65a | 2.54 |
SbERex 5 | 30.95±1.34a | 30.71±2.00a | 0.55 | |
SbERin 6 | 28.33±3.82a | 28.97±4.99a | 1.58 | |
主茎穗长 Main stem spike length (cm) | WT | 32.17±1.53a | 32.32±0.58a | 0.33 |
SbERex 5 | 33.42±2.08a | 32.67±1.53a | 1.60 | |
SbERin 6 | 31.11±1.15a | 30.38±1.16a | 1.68 | |
单株产量 Yield per plant (g·plant-1) | WT | 31.36±3.84b | 31.27±3.80b | 0.20 |
SbERex 5 | 39.02±3.48a | 39.30±3.50a | 0.51 | |
SbERin 6 | 29.52±1.14b | 29.53±1.15b | 0.02 | |
单株生物量 Biomass per plant (g·plant-1) | WT | 386.35±20.40b | 382.45±35.90b | 0.72 |
SbERex 5 | 576.38±5.93a | 574.74±7.07a | 0.20 | |
SbERin 6 | 373.19±13.47b | 372.99±13.55b | 0.04 |
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