草业学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 226-237.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024070
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
E-mail: chengyx@imu.edu.cn基金资助:
Zhen-hao ZHANG1(), Zi-yu JIA1, Xin-yu LI1, Yun-xiang CHENG1,2(
Yun-xiang CHENG
荒漠草原混合放牧家畜的行为特征对草地资源的可持续利用具有重要意义。本研究在内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟镶黄旗的荒漠草原牛羊混合放牧牧场开展。试验选取了畜群中的4头牛与8只羊,通过分别佩戴载有三轴加速度传感器的GPS定位项圈,分析了混牧牛羊放牧时间(GTIME)与放牧活动水平(GODBA)的时间动态,并探讨了牛羊放牧行为特征对草地资源月份变化的响应模式。结果表明,荒漠草原混牧牛羊的GTIME与GODBA呈显著正相关关系(R2>0.60),且牛羊的GODBA对草地资源的响应模式存在差异。其中,牛受到地上生物量的正向调控(P<0.05),受到Shannon指数的负向调控(P<0.01)。而羊则受到地上生物量与毒杂草重要值的负向调控(P<0.001),以及Shannon指数与牧草粗蛋白含量的正向调控(P<0.001)。并且,混牧牛羊24 h的行为模式均表现出“多峰”特征,且随月份变化有收缩的趋势。同时,牛羊不同行为之间的活动水平存在显著差异,且羊的活动水平整体高于牛(P<0.05)。
张振豪, 贾子玉, 李鑫宇, 程云湘. 荒漠草原混牧牛羊的放牧行为特征[J]. 草业学报, 2025, 34(1): 226-237.
Zhen-hao ZHANG, Zi-yu JIA, Xin-yu LI, Yun-xiang CHENG. Grazing behavior traits of cattle and sheep on mixed pasture in desert steppe[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2025, 34(1): 226-237.
图1 研究区位置与家畜分布该图基于自然资源部标准地图服务网站蒙S(2020)030号标准地图制作,底图无修改。b为2021-2022年试验期内的日均气温变化。c为试验区海拔分布格局。d为2021-2022年生长季混牧牛羊在牧场内的空间分布;色带表示牛羊在牧场内出现的频率(0~100%),数值越大表示出现频率越高。The Figure is based on standard map No. MengS(2020)030 of the standard map service website of the Ministry of Natural Resources. The base map is not modified. b shows the daily mean air temperature change during the experimental period in 2021 and 2022. c shows the distribution pattern of altitude in the experimental area. d shows the spatial distribution of cattle and sheep in the mixed pasture during the growing seasons of 2021 and 2022. The color band represents the frequency of cattle and sheep in the pasture (0-100%), and the larger the value, the higher the frequency.
Fig.1 Location of the study area and livestock distribution
物种 Species | 分类类别 Classification types | 模型精度Accuracy | ||
XGBoost | SVM | CART | ||
牛Cattle | 二分类Binary classification | 96.44 | 95.80 | 93.86 |
多分类Multiple classification | 77.00 | 73.00 | 74.70 | |
羊Sheep | 二分类Binary classification | 94.16 | 96.27 | 93.52 |
多分类Multiple classification | 75.61 | 72.85 | 73.58 |
表1 机器学习模型分类精确度
Table 1 Classification accuracy of machine learning model (%)
物种 Species | 分类类别 Classification types | 模型精度Accuracy | ||
XGBoost | SVM | CART | ||
牛Cattle | 二分类Binary classification | 96.44 | 95.80 | 93.86 |
多分类Multiple classification | 77.00 | 73.00 | 74.70 | |
羊Sheep | 二分类Binary classification | 94.16 | 96.27 | 93.52 |
多分类Multiple classification | 75.61 | 72.85 | 73.58 |
图2 混牧牛羊不同行为下的活动水平G:重力加速度单位(9.80 m·s-2)。不同大写字母表示同一放牧行为不同物种间差异显著(P<0.05),不同小写字母表示同一物种不同放牧行为间差异显著(P<0.05)。G: Gravitational acceleration unit (9.80 m·s-2). Different uppercase letters indicate significant difference between different species of the same grazing behaviors (P<0.05), and different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different grazing behaviors of the same species (P<0.05).
Fig.2 ODBA under different behaviors of mixed-grazing cattle and sheep
图3 混牧牛羊行为特征的时间动态a,b分别表示牛和羊活动水平(ODBA)的24 h动态。c,d分别表示牛和羊放牧活动水平(GODBA)的月份动态,同一颜色不同小写字母表示家畜不同月份间差异显著(P<0.05)。e,f分别表示牛和羊放牧时间(GTIME)的月份动态,R表示家畜放牧时间与时间序列的相关系数,P表示相关系数显著性。a and b represent the 24 hours overall dynamic body acceleration (ODBA) dynamics of cattle and sheep, respectively. c and d represent the montly dynamics of grazing overall dynamic body acceleration (GODBA) of cattle and sheep, respectively. The same color lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different months of the same livestock (P<0.05). e and f represent the monthly dynamics of grazing time (GTIME) of cattle and sheep, respectively. R denotes the correlation coefficient of grazing time and time series, and P denotes the correlation coefficient significance.
Fig.3 Temporal dynamics of behavioral characteristics of mixed-grazing cattle and sheep
指标 Indexes | 2021 | 2022 | ||||
7月July | 8月August | 9月September | 7月July | 8月August | 9月September | |
地上生物量Above ground biomass (AGB, g·m-2) | 40.12±4.96a | 50.72±9.55a | 58.02±8.52a | 41.07±6.35ab | 50.56±5.07a | 37.26±6.03b |
粗脂肪Ether extract (EE, g·100 g-1) | 2.27±0.15a | 2.65±0.16a | 2.44±0.04a | 1.81±0.07a | 2.02±0.08a | 1.91±0.10a |
粗蛋白Crude protein (CP, g·100 g-1) | 16.46±0.98a | 17.75±0.86a | 17.25±1.12a | 16.05±1.18b | 19.52±1.15a | 16.26±1.09b |
中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fibre (NDF, g·100 g-1) | 54.74±0.40b | 56.70±0.26a | 57.01±0.42a | 38.66±1.56ab | 36.64±1.39b | 41.48±1.26a |
酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fibre (ADF, g·100 g-1) | 36.55±0.27a | 37.00±0.30a | 37.16±0.23a | 32.91±1.72a | 32.83±1.28a | 34.68±1.24a |
香农指数Shannon index | 2.12±0.055a | 2.28±0.071a | 2.25±0.060a | 2.00±0.046a | 1.96±0.059ab | 1.83±0.047b |
均匀度指数Pielou index | 0.89±0.005a | 0.88±0.013ab | 0.86±0.009b | 0.85±0.009a | 0.85±0.011a | 0.84±0.011a |
禾本科重要值Graminae important value | 0.251±0.11a | 0.235±0.08a | 0.248±0.06a | 0.180±0.08b | 0.195±0.11ab | 0.243±0.12a |
百合科重要值Liliaceae important value | 0.252±0.16a | 0.280±0.15a | 0.261±0.13a | 0.218±0.15ab | 0.261±0.18a | 0.177±0.16b |
豆科重要值Leguminosae important value | 0.154±0.10a | 0.138±0.08a | 0.177±0.10a | 0.130±0.11a | 0.085±0.10a | 0.108±0.16a |
旋花科重要值Convolvulaceae important value | 0.148±0.09a | 0.083±0.07ab | 0.062±0.09b | 0.116±0.13a | 0.091±0.09a | 0.140±0.15a |
菊科重要值Compositae important value | 0.060±0.06a | 0.007±0.02b | 0.014±0.02b | 0.022±0.03a | 0.011±0.02a | 0.011±0.02a |
毒杂草重要值Poisonous weeds important value | 0.065±0.09a | 0.085±0.10a | 0.077±0.10a | 0.069±0.13a | 0.074±0.14a | 0.071±0.15a |
其他杂类草重要值Other forbs important value | 0.073±0.04b | 0.172±0.06a | 0.163±0.09a | 0.202±0.14a | 0.283±0.13a | 0.249±0.15a |
表2 牧草营养品质与群落物种组成的月份动态
Table 2 Monthly dynamics of nutritional quality and community species composition of pasture forages
指标 Indexes | 2021 | 2022 | ||||
7月July | 8月August | 9月September | 7月July | 8月August | 9月September | |
地上生物量Above ground biomass (AGB, g·m-2) | 40.12±4.96a | 50.72±9.55a | 58.02±8.52a | 41.07±6.35ab | 50.56±5.07a | 37.26±6.03b |
粗脂肪Ether extract (EE, g·100 g-1) | 2.27±0.15a | 2.65±0.16a | 2.44±0.04a | 1.81±0.07a | 2.02±0.08a | 1.91±0.10a |
粗蛋白Crude protein (CP, g·100 g-1) | 16.46±0.98a | 17.75±0.86a | 17.25±1.12a | 16.05±1.18b | 19.52±1.15a | 16.26±1.09b |
中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fibre (NDF, g·100 g-1) | 54.74±0.40b | 56.70±0.26a | 57.01±0.42a | 38.66±1.56ab | 36.64±1.39b | 41.48±1.26a |
酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fibre (ADF, g·100 g-1) | 36.55±0.27a | 37.00±0.30a | 37.16±0.23a | 32.91±1.72a | 32.83±1.28a | 34.68±1.24a |
香农指数Shannon index | 2.12±0.055a | 2.28±0.071a | 2.25±0.060a | 2.00±0.046a | 1.96±0.059ab | 1.83±0.047b |
均匀度指数Pielou index | 0.89±0.005a | 0.88±0.013ab | 0.86±0.009b | 0.85±0.009a | 0.85±0.011a | 0.84±0.011a |
禾本科重要值Graminae important value | 0.251±0.11a | 0.235±0.08a | 0.248±0.06a | 0.180±0.08b | 0.195±0.11ab | 0.243±0.12a |
百合科重要值Liliaceae important value | 0.252±0.16a | 0.280±0.15a | 0.261±0.13a | 0.218±0.15ab | 0.261±0.18a | 0.177±0.16b |
豆科重要值Leguminosae important value | 0.154±0.10a | 0.138±0.08a | 0.177±0.10a | 0.130±0.11a | 0.085±0.10a | 0.108±0.16a |
旋花科重要值Convolvulaceae important value | 0.148±0.09a | 0.083±0.07ab | 0.062±0.09b | 0.116±0.13a | 0.091±0.09a | 0.140±0.15a |
菊科重要值Compositae important value | 0.060±0.06a | 0.007±0.02b | 0.014±0.02b | 0.022±0.03a | 0.011±0.02a | 0.011±0.02a |
毒杂草重要值Poisonous weeds important value | 0.065±0.09a | 0.085±0.10a | 0.077±0.10a | 0.069±0.13a | 0.074±0.14a | 0.071±0.15a |
其他杂类草重要值Other forbs important value | 0.073±0.04b | 0.172±0.06a | 0.163±0.09a | 0.202±0.14a | 0.283±0.13a | 0.249±0.15a |
图4 混牧牛羊放牧行为特征的影响因素a,c为多元线性回归模型。b,d为对数回归模型。R2为模型拟合优度。a and c are multiple linear regression models. b and d are logarithmic regression models. R2 indicates the model goodness-of-fit. ***: P<0.001; **: P<0.01; *: P<0.05.
Fig.4 Factors on grazing behavioral characteristics of mixed-grazing cattle and sheep
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[1] | 贺世龙, 叶贺, 李静, 张雅玲, 德海山, 红梅. 不同时限氮沉降和降水变化对荒漠草原中小型土壤节肢动物群落结构与多样性的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2024, 33(9): 140-154. |
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