Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (10): 55-73.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023460
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Xin-yue ZHOU1(), Qing-xue JIANG1, Hui-li JIA2, Lin MA1, Lu FAN1, Xue-min WANG1(
Xue-min WANG
Xin-yue ZHOU, Qing-xue JIANG, Hui-li JIA, Lin MA, Lu FAN, Xue-min WANG. Cloning and salt-tolerance functional analysis of alfalfa MsBBX20 gene[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(10): 55-73.
引物名称Primer name | 引物序列Primer sequence (5'→3′) | 用途Function |
MsBBX20-SP1 | AGGGTAGTCTTTGGAGTTGAGGTGA | 启动子克隆Promoter cloning |
MsActin2-F | 内参基因Reference genes | |
MsActin2-R | ||
Table 1 Primer information used in the experiment
引物名称Primer name | 引物序列Primer sequence (5'→3′) | 用途Function |
MsBBX20-SP1 | AGGGTAGTCTTTGGAGTTGAGGTGA | 启动子克隆Promoter cloning |
MsActin2-F | 内参基因Reference genes | |
MsActin2-R | ||
生物信息学工具 Bioinformatics tools | 网址 Website | 用途 Purpose |
Open reading frame finder | | 开放阅读框分析Open reading frame analysis |
SMART | | 蛋白质保守结构域分析Protein conserved domain analysis |
Expasy-ProtParam tool | | 蛋白质理化性质分析Analysis of physical and chemical properties of proteins |
PRABI | | 蛋白质二级结构分析Protein secondary structure analysis |
BLAST | | 同源蛋白序列分析Homologous protein sequence analysis |
DNAMAN | | 多序列比对Multiple sequence alignment |
Plant CARE | | 顺式作用元件分析Cis-acting element analysis |
MEGA | | 系统进化树构建Phylogenetic tree construction |
Table 2 Bioinformatics tools used
生物信息学工具 Bioinformatics tools | 网址 Website | 用途 Purpose |
Open reading frame finder | | 开放阅读框分析Open reading frame analysis |
SMART | | 蛋白质保守结构域分析Protein conserved domain analysis |
Expasy-ProtParam tool | | 蛋白质理化性质分析Analysis of physical and chemical properties of proteins |
PRABI | | 蛋白质二级结构分析Protein secondary structure analysis |
BLAST | | 同源蛋白序列分析Homologous protein sequence analysis |
DNAMAN | | 多序列比对Multiple sequence alignment |
Plant CARE | | 顺式作用元件分析Cis-acting element analysis |
MEGA | | 系统进化树构建Phylogenetic tree construction |
元件名称 Element name | 序列 Sequence | 数量 Amount | 功能 Function |
AE-box | AGAAACTT/AGAAACAT/AGAAACAA | 3 | 光响应模块的一部分Part of a module for light response |
CATT-motif | GCATTC | 2 | 光响应元件的一部分Part of a light responsive element |
G-Box | CACGTT | 2 | 参与光反应的顺式作用调节元件Cis-acting regulatory element involved in light responsiveness |
ABRE | ACGTG | 1 | 参与脱落酸响应的顺式作用元件Cis-acting elements involved in the abscisic acid response |
HSE | CCGAAA | 1 | 参与低温响应的顺式作用元件Cis-acting element involved in low-temperature responsiveness |
MBS | CGGTCA | 1 | MYB结合位点MYB binding site |
MRE | AACCTAA | 1 | 光诱导的MYB响应元件MYB binding site involved in light responsiveness |
Sp1 | CC(G/A)CCC | 1 | 光响应元件Light responsive element |
TATC-box | TATCCCA | 1 | 参与赤霉素反应的顺式作用元件Cis-acting element involved in gibberellin-responsiveness |
TC-rich repeats | ATTCTCTAAC | 1 | 参与防御和胁迫反应的顺式作用元件Cis-acting element involved in defense and stress responsiveness |
Circadian | CAANNNNATC | 2 | 参与昼夜节律顺行调控元件Cis-acting regulatory element involved in circadian control |
Table 3 Analysis of cis-acting elements in the promoter region of the MsBBX20 gene
元件名称 Element name | 序列 Sequence | 数量 Amount | 功能 Function |
AE-box | AGAAACTT/AGAAACAT/AGAAACAA | 3 | 光响应模块的一部分Part of a module for light response |
CATT-motif | GCATTC | 2 | 光响应元件的一部分Part of a light responsive element |
G-Box | CACGTT | 2 | 参与光反应的顺式作用调节元件Cis-acting regulatory element involved in light responsiveness |
ABRE | ACGTG | 1 | 参与脱落酸响应的顺式作用元件Cis-acting elements involved in the abscisic acid response |
HSE | CCGAAA | 1 | 参与低温响应的顺式作用元件Cis-acting element involved in low-temperature responsiveness |
MBS | CGGTCA | 1 | MYB结合位点MYB binding site |
MRE | AACCTAA | 1 | 光诱导的MYB响应元件MYB binding site involved in light responsiveness |
Sp1 | CC(G/A)CCC | 1 | 光响应元件Light responsive element |
TATC-box | TATCCCA | 1 | 参与赤霉素反应的顺式作用元件Cis-acting element involved in gibberellin-responsiveness |
TC-rich repeats | ATTCTCTAAC | 1 | 参与防御和胁迫反应的顺式作用元件Cis-acting element involved in defense and stress responsiveness |
Circadian | CAANNNNATC | 2 | 参与昼夜节律顺行调控元件Cis-acting regulatory element involved in circadian control |
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