Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (8): 25-36.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023370
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Wen-pan DU(), Gui-qin ZHAO(
), Ji-kuan CHAI, Li YANG, Jian-gui ZHANG, Yi-chao SHI, Guan-lu ZHANG
Gui-qin ZHAO
Wen-pan DU, Gui-qin ZHAO, Ji-kuan CHAI, Li YANG, Jian-gui ZHANG, Yi-chao SHI, Guan-lu ZHANG. Effects of root separation on aboveground biomass, soil nutrient contents, and root characters of intercropped oat and pea[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(8): 25-36.
时期 Stage | 处理 Treatment | pH | 有机质 Organic matter (g·kg-1) | 全氮 Total nitrogen (g·kg-1) | 有效磷Available phosphorus (mg·kg-1) | 全磷 Total phosphorus (g·kg-1) |
拔节期 Jointing stage | OD | 8.34a | 11.91h | 1.02g | 13.91f | 0.48ab |
IC | 8.31a | 13.32fg | 1.02g | 12.50gh | 0.42c | |
NS | 8.35a | 12.11gh | 1.11fg | 13.70fg | 0.41cd | |
PS | 8.32a | 10.32i | 1.11fg | 13.63fg | 0.53a | |
开花期 Flowering stage | OD | 8.39a | 12.13g | 1.14ef | 14.16f | 0.44bc |
IC | 8.34a | 14.47ef | 1.24cde | 17.59bc | 0.37e | |
NS | 8.33a | 14.45ef | 1.18def | 16.95bcd | 0.38de | |
PS | 8.40a | 12.61g | 1.16ef | 12.36h | 0.41cd | |
灌浆期 Grain filling stage | OD | 8.42a | 10.54i | 1.45b | 16.21cde | 0.27g |
IC | 8.25a | 18.71bc | 1.85a | 19.53a | 0.22h | |
NS | 8.32a | 17.74cd | 1.94a | 17.61bc | 0.22h | |
PS | 8.42a | 10.48i | 1.51b | 15.97de | 0.27g | |
成熟期 Mature stage | OD | 8.49a | 14.88e | 1.28cd | 14.09f | 0.41cd |
IC | 8.35a | 23.13a | 1.33c | 19.48a | 0.32f | |
NS | 8.39a | 20.20b | 1.16ef | 18.12ab | 0.31f | |
PS | 8.42a | 16.96d | 1.20def | 15.51e | 0.48b |
Table 1 Soil physicochemical properties of oat at different growth stages under different treatments
时期 Stage | 处理 Treatment | pH | 有机质 Organic matter (g·kg-1) | 全氮 Total nitrogen (g·kg-1) | 有效磷Available phosphorus (mg·kg-1) | 全磷 Total phosphorus (g·kg-1) |
拔节期 Jointing stage | OD | 8.34a | 11.91h | 1.02g | 13.91f | 0.48ab |
IC | 8.31a | 13.32fg | 1.02g | 12.50gh | 0.42c | |
NS | 8.35a | 12.11gh | 1.11fg | 13.70fg | 0.41cd | |
PS | 8.32a | 10.32i | 1.11fg | 13.63fg | 0.53a | |
开花期 Flowering stage | OD | 8.39a | 12.13g | 1.14ef | 14.16f | 0.44bc |
IC | 8.34a | 14.47ef | 1.24cde | 17.59bc | 0.37e | |
NS | 8.33a | 14.45ef | 1.18def | 16.95bcd | 0.38de | |
PS | 8.40a | 12.61g | 1.16ef | 12.36h | 0.41cd | |
灌浆期 Grain filling stage | OD | 8.42a | 10.54i | 1.45b | 16.21cde | 0.27g |
IC | 8.25a | 18.71bc | 1.85a | 19.53a | 0.22h | |
NS | 8.32a | 17.74cd | 1.94a | 17.61bc | 0.22h | |
PS | 8.42a | 10.48i | 1.51b | 15.97de | 0.27g | |
成熟期 Mature stage | OD | 8.49a | 14.88e | 1.28cd | 14.09f | 0.41cd |
IC | 8.35a | 23.13a | 1.33c | 19.48a | 0.32f | |
NS | 8.39a | 20.20b | 1.16ef | 18.12ab | 0.31f | |
PS | 8.42a | 16.96d | 1.20def | 15.51e | 0.48b |
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