草业学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (8): 119-126.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020308
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
郭丰辉1,2(), 丁勇1, 马文静3, 李贤松1, 李西良1(
), 侯向阳1,2(
Corresponding author. E-mail: houxy16@vip.126.com, lixiliang0824@126.com基金资助:
Feng-hui GUO1,2(), Yong DING1, Wen-jing MA3, Xian-song LI1, Xi-liang LI1(
), Xiang-yang HOU1,2(
Xi-liang LI,Xiang-yang HOU
郭丰辉, 丁勇, 马文静, 李贤松, 李西良, 侯向阳. 母体放牧经历对羊草克隆后代干旱敏感性的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2021, 30(8): 119-126.
Feng-hui GUO, Yong DING, Wen-jing MA, Xian-song LI, Xi-liang LI, Xiang-yang HOU. Maternal grazing exposure altered the responses of Leymus chinensis cloned offspring to drought environment[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(8): 119-126.
图1 放牧与围封羊草单株性状及子株数对干旱的响应CK: 对照处理Control treatment; DT: 干旱处理Drought treatment; NG: 围封样地来源羊草L. Chinensis collected from enclosed plot; GZ: 放牧样地来源羊草L. Chinensis collected from grazing plot; P: 双因素方差分析结果The result of Two-way ANOVA; NO: 该指标无法满足双因素方差分析条件The index cannot meet the conditions of Two-way ANOVA;*: 对照和干旱处理间差异显著Significant difference between control and drought treatment; PI, ?: 放牧或围封羊草在干旱处理下的可塑性指数及变化量大小The plasticity index and variation of GZ or NG to drought treatment; 不同小写字母表示在对照或干旱处理下放牧与围封羊草之间存在显著差异Different lowercase letters indicate that there are significant differences between NG and GZ under control or drought treatment.
Fig.1 The responses of GZ and NG to drought treatment in terms of individual characters and ramet number
根茎性状 Rhizome characters | 来源 Source | 对照 CK | 干旱处理 DT | 交互作用 Interaction | PI (%) | ? | |
F | P | ||||||
总根茎长度 Total rhizome length (cm) | NG | 161.91±6.75Aa | 11.12±3.62Ba | 16.74 | <0.001 | 93.13 | 150.79 |
GZ | 101.66±9.50Ab | 2.15±1.14Ba | 97.89 | 99.51 | |||
总根茎节间数 Total rhizome number | NG | 55.00±4.21Aa | 5.50±1.66Ba | 4.06 | 0.05 | 90.00 | 49.50 |
GZ | 37.11±4.27Ab | 1.40±0.75Ba | 96.23 | 35.71 | |||
最长根茎长度 The longest rhizome (cm) | NG | 54.64±5.98Aa | 9.72±2.97Ba | 1.41 | 0.24 | 82.21 | 44.92 |
GZ | 38.28±4.15Ab | 2.15±1.14Bb | 94.38 | 36.13 | |||
最长根茎节间数 The largest internode number | NG | 18.00±1.94Aa | 4.50±1.23Ba | 0.12 | 0.73 | 75.00 | 13.50 |
GZ | 14.11±1.50Aa | 1.40±0.75Bb | 90.08 | 12.71 | |||
节间长 The internode length (cm) | NG | 3.05±0.18Aa | 2.09±0.30Ba | NO | NO | 31.48 | 0.96 |
GZ | 2.83±0.17Aa | 1.56±0.06Ba | 44.88 | 1.27 |
表1 放牧与围封羊草根茎性状对干旱的响应
Table 1 The responses of GZ and NG to drought treatment in terms of rhizome characters
根茎性状 Rhizome characters | 来源 Source | 对照 CK | 干旱处理 DT | 交互作用 Interaction | PI (%) | ? | |
F | P | ||||||
总根茎长度 Total rhizome length (cm) | NG | 161.91±6.75Aa | 11.12±3.62Ba | 16.74 | <0.001 | 93.13 | 150.79 |
GZ | 101.66±9.50Ab | 2.15±1.14Ba | 97.89 | 99.51 | |||
总根茎节间数 Total rhizome number | NG | 55.00±4.21Aa | 5.50±1.66Ba | 4.06 | 0.05 | 90.00 | 49.50 |
GZ | 37.11±4.27Ab | 1.40±0.75Ba | 96.23 | 35.71 | |||
最长根茎长度 The longest rhizome (cm) | NG | 54.64±5.98Aa | 9.72±2.97Ba | 1.41 | 0.24 | 82.21 | 44.92 |
GZ | 38.28±4.15Ab | 2.15±1.14Bb | 94.38 | 36.13 | |||
最长根茎节间数 The largest internode number | NG | 18.00±1.94Aa | 4.50±1.23Ba | 0.12 | 0.73 | 75.00 | 13.50 |
GZ | 14.11±1.50Aa | 1.40±0.75Bb | 90.08 | 12.71 | |||
节间长 The internode length (cm) | NG | 3.05±0.18Aa | 2.09±0.30Ba | NO | NO | 31.48 | 0.96 |
GZ | 2.83±0.17Aa | 1.56±0.06Ba | 44.88 | 1.27 |
图4 放牧和围封羊草生物量分配对干旱的响应百分数代表生物量分配Percentiles indicate biomass allocation.
Fig.4 The responses of GZ and NG to drought treatment in terms of biomass allocation
生物量分配 Biomass allocation | 来源 Source | 交互作用Interaction | PI (%) | ? (%) | |
F | P | ||||
地上Aboveground | NG | 7.335 | 0.011 | 15 | 8 |
GZ | -18 | -10 | |||
根系Root | NG | NO | NO | -68 | -15 |
GZ | 7 | 2 | |||
根茎Rhizome | NG | 0.249 | 0.621 | 27 | 7 |
GZ | 50 | 8 |
表2 羊草生物量分配双因素方差分析
Table 2 Two-way ANOVA of L. chinensis biomass allocation
生物量分配 Biomass allocation | 来源 Source | 交互作用Interaction | PI (%) | ? (%) | |
F | P | ||||
地上Aboveground | NG | 7.335 | 0.011 | 15 | 8 |
GZ | -18 | -10 | |||
根系Root | NG | NO | NO | -68 | -15 |
GZ | 7 | 2 | |||
根茎Rhizome | NG | 0.249 | 0.621 | 27 | 7 |
GZ | 50 | 8 |
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