草业学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (8): 86-97.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023303
苏东遥1(), 李永亮1, 董晴1, 赵心念1, 李晓宇1, 金晓东2, 王亚男2, 田树军1, 高玉红1(
), 孙新胜3(
E-mail: 2002444908@sohu.com基金资助:
Dong-yao SU1(), Yong-liang LI1, Qing DONG1, Xin-nian ZHAO1, Xiao-yu LI1, Xiao-dong JIN2, Ya-nan WANG2, Shu-jun TIAN1, Yu-hong GAO1(
), Xin-sheng SUN3(
Yu-hong GAO,Xin-sheng SUN
针对目前养羊业中羔羊哺乳期腹泻和死亡高发的瓶颈难题,本试验将素土地面改造成发酵床,通过检测不同季节(冷季、温季和热季)发酵床的温度以及哺乳期羔羊腹泻率、生长、消化、血液理化等指标,研究羔羊哺乳初期采用发酵床饲养的效果。每个季节选择连续3批新产双羔的湖母羊(30只·批-1)及随母哺乳的羔羊,随机分到两栋建筑结构完全相同的羔羊舍,其中一栋舍采用发酵床(锯末∶稻壳=7∶3),另一栋舍为传统的素土地面,单栏饲养,饲养7 d后将所有羊转入半开放舍(素土地面)继续饲养至断奶(60 d)。结果表明:1)各季节发酵床表层温度均显著高于素土地面(P<0.05),尤其冷季,各时段分别较素土地面提高1.80(早)、0.97(午)和1.09 ℃(晚)。2)冷季和温季的各试验期(60 d)发酵床组羔羊的腹泻率均显著低于素土地面组(P<0.05),分别降低19.99%和28.09%,且羔羊日增重(ADG)分别提高15.04%和7.88%,但热季期两组羔羊的腹泻率和ADG差异均不显著(P>0.05)。3)冷季期羔羊出生7 d内采用发酵床饲养显著提高了羔羊断奶期的干物质、粗蛋白、粗脂肪和钙表观消化率(P<0.05),而热季期各种养分的表观消化率两组间均未达到显著差异(P>0.05)。4)从血液理化指标上,冷季期发酵床组羔羊的血清葡萄糖(GLU)、白蛋白、球蛋白含量以及全血中淋巴细胞百分比均显著高于素土地面组(P<0.05),温季期发酵床组的GLU含量也显著高于素土地面组(P<0.05),而热季期各项理想指标两组均未表现出显著性差异(P>0.05)。可见,出生一周内的哺乳羔羊在冷季和温季采用发酵床饲养模式可有效改善羔羊的生长和消化性能。
苏东遥, 李永亮, 董晴, 赵心念, 李晓宇, 金晓东, 王亚男, 田树军, 高玉红, 孙新胜. 发酵床对哺乳期湖羔羊生长、消化以及血液理化特性的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2024, 33(8): 86-97.
Dong-yao SU, Yong-liang LI, Qing DONG, Xin-nian ZHAO, Xiao-yu LI, Xiao-dong JIN, Ya-nan WANG, Shu-jun TIAN, Yu-hong GAO, Xin-sheng SUN. Effects of a fermentation bed on the growth, digestion, and blood physiological and biochemical indices of suckling Hu lambs[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(8): 86-97.
原料 Material | 含量 Content (%) | 营养水平2) Nutrient levels | 含量 Content |
玉米Corn | 10.0 | 代谢能ME (MJ·kg-1) | 14.25 |
豆粕Soybean meal | 8.9 | 干物质DM (%) | 97.60 |
花生秧Peanut seedling | 13.4 | 粗蛋白质CP (%) | 17.34 |
压片玉米SFC | 15.5 | 钙Ca (%) | 0.68 |
膨化玉米Extrude corn | 12.0 | 磷P (%) | 0.30 |
膨化大豆Extrude soybean | 17.7 | 中性洗涤纤维NDF (%) | 15.53 |
乳清粉Whey | 20.0 | 酸性洗涤纤维ADF (%) | 8.95 |
盐NaCl | 0.3 | ||
石粉Limestone | 0.2 | ||
预混料Premix1) | 2.0 | ||
合计Total | 100.0 |
表1 羔羊基础饲粮组成及营养水平(风干基础)
Table 1 Basic diet composition and nutritional level of lambs (air dry basis)
原料 Material | 含量 Content (%) | 营养水平2) Nutrient levels | 含量 Content |
玉米Corn | 10.0 | 代谢能ME (MJ·kg-1) | 14.25 |
豆粕Soybean meal | 8.9 | 干物质DM (%) | 97.60 |
花生秧Peanut seedling | 13.4 | 粗蛋白质CP (%) | 17.34 |
压片玉米SFC | 15.5 | 钙Ca (%) | 0.68 |
膨化玉米Extrude corn | 12.0 | 磷P (%) | 0.30 |
膨化大豆Extrude soybean | 17.7 | 中性洗涤纤维NDF (%) | 15.53 |
乳清粉Whey | 20.0 | 酸性洗涤纤维ADF (%) | 8.95 |
盐NaCl | 0.3 | ||
石粉Limestone | 0.2 | ||
预混料Premix1) | 2.0 | ||
合计Total | 100.0 |
图2 不同季节地面/发酵床温度变化*: 处理组表层与对照组存在显著性差异(P<0.05) Significant difference between the surface layer in treatment group and the control group (P<0.05); 不同小写字母表示同一时间段处理组不同深度(表层、中层和下层)差异显著(P<0.05)Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different depths (surface, middle and lower layers) (P<0.05) at same time period.
Fig.2 Temperature of control floor and fermentation bed in different seasons
时段 Period (d) | 冷季Cold season | 温季Warm season | 热季Hot season | |||
对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | |
1~7 | 15.32±0.53aA | 10.56±2.02bA | 10.74±1.30aA | 7.07±0.57bA | 7.35±0.40aA | 5.00±0.29bA |
8~15 | 10.25±0.90aB | 8.22±1.03bB | 8.30±1.06aB | 5.68±0.91bAB | 7.23±0.34aA | 3.05±0.07bB |
16~30 | 8.04±0.67aC | 6.84±1.97bB | 6.89±1.42aBC | 4.72±0.14bBC | 4.20±0.32aB | 3.42±0.23aAB |
31~45 | 6.07±2.31aD | 4.72±0.59bC | 5.61±3.76aCD | 4.06±4.08bBC | 3.73±0.25aB | 3.33±0.24aAB |
46~60 | 4.71±2.09aD | 4.00±0.53aC | 4.13±1.38aD | 3.71±2.03aC | 3.20±0.20aB | 2.66±0.56aB |
1~30 | 16.82±1.02a | 12.65±1.37b | 12.85±1.56a | 8.73±0.83b | 9.43±0.27a | 5.85±0.54a |
1~60 | 22.26±1.76a | 17.81±1.57b | 17.37±2.46a | 12.49±2.46b | 12.95±0.34a | 8.75±0.95a |
处理Treatment (T) | <0.01 | <0.01 | <0.01 | |||
时段Period (P) | <0.01 | <0.01 | <0.01 | |||
处理×时段T×P | 0.02 | 0.11 | 0.02 |
表2 发酵床对不同季节羔羊腹泻率的影响
Table 2 Effects of fermentation bed on diarrhea rate of lambs in different seasons (%)
时段 Period (d) | 冷季Cold season | 温季Warm season | 热季Hot season | |||
对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | |
1~7 | 15.32±0.53aA | 10.56±2.02bA | 10.74±1.30aA | 7.07±0.57bA | 7.35±0.40aA | 5.00±0.29bA |
8~15 | 10.25±0.90aB | 8.22±1.03bB | 8.30±1.06aB | 5.68±0.91bAB | 7.23±0.34aA | 3.05±0.07bB |
16~30 | 8.04±0.67aC | 6.84±1.97bB | 6.89±1.42aBC | 4.72±0.14bBC | 4.20±0.32aB | 3.42±0.23aAB |
31~45 | 6.07±2.31aD | 4.72±0.59bC | 5.61±3.76aCD | 4.06±4.08bBC | 3.73±0.25aB | 3.33±0.24aAB |
46~60 | 4.71±2.09aD | 4.00±0.53aC | 4.13±1.38aD | 3.71±2.03aC | 3.20±0.20aB | 2.66±0.56aB |
1~30 | 16.82±1.02a | 12.65±1.37b | 12.85±1.56a | 8.73±0.83b | 9.43±0.27a | 5.85±0.54a |
1~60 | 22.26±1.76a | 17.81±1.57b | 17.37±2.46a | 12.49±2.46b | 12.95±0.34a | 8.75±0.95a |
处理Treatment (T) | <0.01 | <0.01 | <0.01 | |||
时段Period (P) | <0.01 | <0.01 | <0.01 | |||
处理×时段T×P | 0.02 | 0.11 | 0.02 |
时段 Periods (d) | 冷季Cold season | 温季Warm season | 热季Hot season | |||
对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | |
1~7 | 3.98±2.95aA | 3.80±3.71aA | 2.00±2.31aA | 0.70±1.39bA | 2.22±1.55aA | 1.87±1.19aA |
8~15 | 4.03±5.89aA | 3.92±0.50bA | 0.70±1.39aB | 0.00±0.00bB | 1.79±1.60aA | 0.00±0.00bB |
16~30 | 2.08±1.74aA | 1.44±1.77bB | 0.99±0.07aAB | 0.73±0.03aA | 0.62±0.08aB | 0.83±0.12aC |
1~30 | 9.77±3.63a | 8.90±1.88b | 3.65±1.37a | 1.42±1.55b | 4.57±1.18a | 2.68±0.55b |
处理Treatment | 0.52 | <0.01 | <0.01 | |||
时段Period | <0.01 | <0.01 | <0.01 | |||
处理×时段T×P | 0.89 | 0.15 | <0.01 |
表3 发酵床对不同季节羔羊死亡率的影响
Table 3 Effects of fermentation bed on mortality rate of lambs in different seasons (%)
时段 Periods (d) | 冷季Cold season | 温季Warm season | 热季Hot season | |||
对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | |
1~7 | 3.98±2.95aA | 3.80±3.71aA | 2.00±2.31aA | 0.70±1.39bA | 2.22±1.55aA | 1.87±1.19aA |
8~15 | 4.03±5.89aA | 3.92±0.50bA | 0.70±1.39aB | 0.00±0.00bB | 1.79±1.60aA | 0.00±0.00bB |
16~30 | 2.08±1.74aA | 1.44±1.77bB | 0.99±0.07aAB | 0.73±0.03aA | 0.62±0.08aB | 0.83±0.12aC |
1~30 | 9.77±3.63a | 8.90±1.88b | 3.65±1.37a | 1.42±1.55b | 4.57±1.18a | 2.68±0.55b |
处理Treatment | 0.52 | <0.01 | <0.01 | |||
时段Period | <0.01 | <0.01 | <0.01 | |||
处理×时段T×P | 0.89 | 0.15 | <0.01 |
指标 Index | 项目 Item | 冷季Cold season | 温季Warm season | 热季Hot season | |||
对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | ||
体重 Weight (kg) | d1 | 3.00±0.07aA | 2.89±0.07aA | 2.74±0.07aA | 3.11±0.11aA | 3.09±0.07aA | 3.29±0.09aA |
d7 | 5.17±0.30aB | 5.27±0.32aB | 3.58±0.11aA | 4.32±0.14aA | 4.68±0.11aA | 4.94±0.13aA | |
d30 | 6.17±0.22aB | 6.36±0.20aB | 5.91±0.18aB | 7.51±0.29aB | 8.82±0.22aB | 9.94±0.24aB | |
d60 | 11.23±0.38aC | 11.39±0.38aC | 10.30±0.42aC | 12.58±0.58aC | 13.99±0.41aC | 15.09±0.50aC | |
处理Treatment | 0.84 | <0.01 | 0.12 | ||||
时段Period | <0.01 | <0.01 | <0.01 | ||||
处理×时段T×P | 0.99 | 0.38 | 0.76 | ||||
平均 日增重 Average daily gain (ADG, g·d-1) | 1~7 d | 106.67±10.6aA | 132.38±21.07aAB | 158.09±4.97aA | 160.48±2.52aA | 172.86±2.18aA | 177.14±6.54aA |
8~30 d | 103.04±6.04aA | 117.10±6.38aA | 143.04±1.57aA | 148.04±12.18bB | 180.51±13.22aB | 196.52±8.16aA | |
31~60 d | 148.44±13.56aB | 170.00±3.71bB | 159.67±10.73aA | 177.22±2.06bC | 178.89±1.13aB | 184.44±6.12bA | |
1~30 d | 102.22±8.02a | 123.00±10.71a | 143.55±1.93a | 153.33±15.07b | 173.00±14.36a | 195.89±14.40a | |
1~60 d | 123.00±4.54a | 141.50±4.42b | 151.72±2.07a | 163.67±8.00b | 176.83±0.44a | 186.72±3.20a | |
处理Treatment | 0.06 | 0.07 | 0.06 | ||||
时段Period | <0.01 | <0.01 | 0.06 | ||||
处理×时段T×P | 0.88 | 0.31 | 0.47 | ||||
平均日 采食量 Average daily feed intake (ADFI, g·d-1) | 1~7 d | - | - | - | - | - | - |
8~30 d | 38.56±0.47aA | 42.44±3.76aA | 36.75±0.63aA | 38.62±0.97aA | 37.24±0.92aA | 40.83±0.60aA | |
31~60 d | 449.21±14.96aB | 483.20±13.81aB | 420.50±11.25aB | 401.38±8.19aB | 357.32±3.62aB | 413.11±15.88aB | |
1~30 d | 30.38±0.75a | 33.95±3.00a | 28.93±0.64a | 31.03±0.67a | 29.79±0.73a | 32.80±0.61a | |
1~60 d | 196.23±6.41a | 210.80±5.92a | 183.93±4.82a | 175.73±3.51a | 156.85±1.55a | 180.76±6.81a | |
处理Treatment | 0.11 | 0.25 | <0.01 | ||||
时段Period | <0.01 | <0.01 | <0.01 | ||||
处理×时段T×P | 0.18 | 0.17 | 0.01 |
表4 发酵床对不同季节羔羊生长性能的影响
Table 4 Effects of fermentation bed on growth performance of lambs in different seasons
指标 Index | 项目 Item | 冷季Cold season | 温季Warm season | 热季Hot season | |||
对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | ||
体重 Weight (kg) | d1 | 3.00±0.07aA | 2.89±0.07aA | 2.74±0.07aA | 3.11±0.11aA | 3.09±0.07aA | 3.29±0.09aA |
d7 | 5.17±0.30aB | 5.27±0.32aB | 3.58±0.11aA | 4.32±0.14aA | 4.68±0.11aA | 4.94±0.13aA | |
d30 | 6.17±0.22aB | 6.36±0.20aB | 5.91±0.18aB | 7.51±0.29aB | 8.82±0.22aB | 9.94±0.24aB | |
d60 | 11.23±0.38aC | 11.39±0.38aC | 10.30±0.42aC | 12.58±0.58aC | 13.99±0.41aC | 15.09±0.50aC | |
处理Treatment | 0.84 | <0.01 | 0.12 | ||||
时段Period | <0.01 | <0.01 | <0.01 | ||||
处理×时段T×P | 0.99 | 0.38 | 0.76 | ||||
平均 日增重 Average daily gain (ADG, g·d-1) | 1~7 d | 106.67±10.6aA | 132.38±21.07aAB | 158.09±4.97aA | 160.48±2.52aA | 172.86±2.18aA | 177.14±6.54aA |
8~30 d | 103.04±6.04aA | 117.10±6.38aA | 143.04±1.57aA | 148.04±12.18bB | 180.51±13.22aB | 196.52±8.16aA | |
31~60 d | 148.44±13.56aB | 170.00±3.71bB | 159.67±10.73aA | 177.22±2.06bC | 178.89±1.13aB | 184.44±6.12bA | |
1~30 d | 102.22±8.02a | 123.00±10.71a | 143.55±1.93a | 153.33±15.07b | 173.00±14.36a | 195.89±14.40a | |
1~60 d | 123.00±4.54a | 141.50±4.42b | 151.72±2.07a | 163.67±8.00b | 176.83±0.44a | 186.72±3.20a | |
处理Treatment | 0.06 | 0.07 | 0.06 | ||||
时段Period | <0.01 | <0.01 | 0.06 | ||||
处理×时段T×P | 0.88 | 0.31 | 0.47 | ||||
平均日 采食量 Average daily feed intake (ADFI, g·d-1) | 1~7 d | - | - | - | - | - | - |
8~30 d | 38.56±0.47aA | 42.44±3.76aA | 36.75±0.63aA | 38.62±0.97aA | 37.24±0.92aA | 40.83±0.60aA | |
31~60 d | 449.21±14.96aB | 483.20±13.81aB | 420.50±11.25aB | 401.38±8.19aB | 357.32±3.62aB | 413.11±15.88aB | |
1~30 d | 30.38±0.75a | 33.95±3.00a | 28.93±0.64a | 31.03±0.67a | 29.79±0.73a | 32.80±0.61a | |
1~60 d | 196.23±6.41a | 210.80±5.92a | 183.93±4.82a | 175.73±3.51a | 156.85±1.55a | 180.76±6.81a | |
处理Treatment | 0.11 | 0.25 | <0.01 | ||||
时段Period | <0.01 | <0.01 | <0.01 | ||||
处理×时段T×P | 0.18 | 0.17 | 0.01 |
指标 Index | 项目 Item | 冷季Cold season | 温季Warm season | 热季Hot season | |||
对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | ||
体高 Body height | d1 | 34.04±0.39aA | 34.58±0.39aA | 30.00±0.30aA | 30.27±0.42aA | 37.04±0.29aA | 38.50±0.39aA |
d7 | 34.91±0.30aA | 35.74±1.00aA | 31.46±0.35aA | 32.35±0.48bA | 39.02±0.35aA | 40.17±0.41aA | |
1~7 d | 0.95±0.42a | 1.10±0.52b | 1.20±0.52a | 1.45±0.17b | 2.37±0.23a | 2.46±0.45a | |
处理Treatment | 0.27 | 0.35 | 0.05 | ||||
时段Period | 0.12 | 0.02 | 0.01 | ||||
处理×时段T×P | 0.81 | 0.61 | 0.80 | ||||
体长 Body length | d1 | 28.63±0.39aA | 28.67±0.38aA | 32.34±0.33aA | 32.97±0.38aA | 32.01±0.30aA | 32.86±0.39aA |
d7 | 29.74±0.39aA | 29.86±0.47aA | 33.63±0.40aA | 34.45±0.47aA | 34.90±0.37aB | 35.74±0.40aB | |
1~7 d | 1.30±0.31a | 1.38±0.52a | 1.62±0.34a | 1.65±0.12a | 2.42±0.34a | 2.75±0.53b | |
处理Treatment | 0.89 | 0.25 | 0.18 | ||||
时段Period | 0.08 | 0.04 | <0.01 | ||||
处理×时段T×P | 0.95 | 0.87 | 0.99 | ||||
胸围 Chest circumference | d1 | 35.01±0.35aA | 34.31±0.38aA | 34.00±0.31aA | 34.94±0.39aA | 32.52±0.27aA | 34.17±0.37aA |
d7 | 36.08±0.41aA | 35.50±0.42aA | 35.46±0.35aA | 36.65±0.46bA | 35.27±0.34aB | 37.15±0.36aB | |
1~7 d | 1.20±0.72a | 1.43±0.64b | 1.82±0.24a | 1.85±0.45a | 2.84±0.42a | 2.97±0.52a | |
处理Treatment | 0.30 | 0.10 | 0.02 | ||||
时段Period | 0.09 | 0.03 | <0.01 | ||||
处理×时段T×P | 0.92 | 0.83 | 0.85 |
表5 不同季节发酵床对7日龄羔羊体尺的影响
Table 5 Effects of fermentation bed on body size of 7-day lambs in different seasons (cm)
指标 Index | 项目 Item | 冷季Cold season | 温季Warm season | 热季Hot season | |||
对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | ||
体高 Body height | d1 | 34.04±0.39aA | 34.58±0.39aA | 30.00±0.30aA | 30.27±0.42aA | 37.04±0.29aA | 38.50±0.39aA |
d7 | 34.91±0.30aA | 35.74±1.00aA | 31.46±0.35aA | 32.35±0.48bA | 39.02±0.35aA | 40.17±0.41aA | |
1~7 d | 0.95±0.42a | 1.10±0.52b | 1.20±0.52a | 1.45±0.17b | 2.37±0.23a | 2.46±0.45a | |
处理Treatment | 0.27 | 0.35 | 0.05 | ||||
时段Period | 0.12 | 0.02 | 0.01 | ||||
处理×时段T×P | 0.81 | 0.61 | 0.80 | ||||
体长 Body length | d1 | 28.63±0.39aA | 28.67±0.38aA | 32.34±0.33aA | 32.97±0.38aA | 32.01±0.30aA | 32.86±0.39aA |
d7 | 29.74±0.39aA | 29.86±0.47aA | 33.63±0.40aA | 34.45±0.47aA | 34.90±0.37aB | 35.74±0.40aB | |
1~7 d | 1.30±0.31a | 1.38±0.52a | 1.62±0.34a | 1.65±0.12a | 2.42±0.34a | 2.75±0.53b | |
处理Treatment | 0.89 | 0.25 | 0.18 | ||||
时段Period | 0.08 | 0.04 | <0.01 | ||||
处理×时段T×P | 0.95 | 0.87 | 0.99 | ||||
胸围 Chest circumference | d1 | 35.01±0.35aA | 34.31±0.38aA | 34.00±0.31aA | 34.94±0.39aA | 32.52±0.27aA | 34.17±0.37aA |
d7 | 36.08±0.41aA | 35.50±0.42aA | 35.46±0.35aA | 36.65±0.46bA | 35.27±0.34aB | 37.15±0.36aB | |
1~7 d | 1.20±0.72a | 1.43±0.64b | 1.82±0.24a | 1.85±0.45a | 2.84±0.42a | 2.97±0.52a | |
处理Treatment | 0.30 | 0.10 | 0.02 | ||||
时段Period | 0.09 | 0.03 | <0.01 | ||||
处理×时段T×P | 0.92 | 0.83 | 0.85 |
养分 Nutrients | 冷季Cold season | 温季Warm season | 热季Hot season | |||
对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | |
干物质Dry matter (DM) | 58.63±0.87a | 61.44±0.80b | 62.96±0.73a | 62.99±0.62a | 68.02±2.00a | 68.95±2.02a |
粗蛋白Crude protein (CP) | 50.51±3.57a | 52.61±2.82b | 55.45±2.17a | 56.82±2.19a | 61.82±2.43a | 62.23±3.14a |
粗脂肪Ether extract (EE) | 68.51±3.47a | 70.26±6.52b | 72.65±5.18a | 74.64±3.57b | 78.64±4.50a | 78.92±5.04a |
中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) | 38.54±1.38a | 38.64±3.48a | 40.38±3.07a | 42.93±2.67a | 45.35±2.74a | 46.39±3.47a |
酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber (ADF) | 30.82±1.07a | 31.25±2.95a | 31.48±1.83a | 35.76±1.68a | 33.18±2.93a | 34.89±2.50a |
钙 Ca | 43.57±2.38a | 45.92±3.18b | 46.92±2.19a | 44.72±3.82a | 43.96±1.83a | 45.38±3.05a |
磷 P | 38.46±3.48a | 37.19±2.92a | 39.72±1.93a | 38.92±2.72a | 38.16±2.08a | 39.85±2.47a |
表6 发酵床对羔羊表观消化率的影响
Table 6 Effects of fermentation bed on apparent nutrients digestibility of lambs (%)
养分 Nutrients | 冷季Cold season | 温季Warm season | 热季Hot season | |||
对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | |
干物质Dry matter (DM) | 58.63±0.87a | 61.44±0.80b | 62.96±0.73a | 62.99±0.62a | 68.02±2.00a | 68.95±2.02a |
粗蛋白Crude protein (CP) | 50.51±3.57a | 52.61±2.82b | 55.45±2.17a | 56.82±2.19a | 61.82±2.43a | 62.23±3.14a |
粗脂肪Ether extract (EE) | 68.51±3.47a | 70.26±6.52b | 72.65±5.18a | 74.64±3.57b | 78.64±4.50a | 78.92±5.04a |
中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) | 38.54±1.38a | 38.64±3.48a | 40.38±3.07a | 42.93±2.67a | 45.35±2.74a | 46.39±3.47a |
酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber (ADF) | 30.82±1.07a | 31.25±2.95a | 31.48±1.83a | 35.76±1.68a | 33.18±2.93a | 34.89±2.50a |
钙 Ca | 43.57±2.38a | 45.92±3.18b | 46.92±2.19a | 44.72±3.82a | 43.96±1.83a | 45.38±3.05a |
磷 P | 38.46±3.48a | 37.19±2.92a | 39.72±1.93a | 38.92±2.72a | 38.16±2.08a | 39.85±2.47a |
项目 Items | 冷季Cold season | 温季Warm season | 热季Hot season | |||
对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | |
白细胞数目Leucocyte (×109·L-1) | 6.35±0.96a | 5.81±0.36a | 5.22±0.53a | 5.31±0.88a | 5.28±1.95a | 4.78±0.36a |
中性粒细胞百分比Neutrophil (%) | 7.70±2.16a | 12.33±0.34a | 13.10±2.65a | 9.53±3.85a | 11.55±2.37a | 9.83±3.33a |
淋巴细胞百分比Lymphocyte (%) | 54.73±5.01a | 65.58±5.74b | 62.23±7.68a | 68.07±11.29a | 70.78±4.97a | 69.66±10.52a |
单核细胞百分比Monocyte (%) | 2.50±0.88a | 2.83±0.75a | 1.90±0.25a | 2.33±0.89a | 1.30±0.21a | 1.90±1.15a |
嗜酸性粒细胞百分比Eosinophil (%) | 23.48±4.76a | 29.30±4.54a | 22.03±4.82a | 19.07±6.42a | 19.62±2.74a | 23.73±3.26a |
嗜碱性粒细胞百分比Basophil (%) | 0.75±0.13a | 0.80±0.10a | 0.73±0.15a | 1.00±0.25a | 0.75±0.21a | 0.53±0.26a |
红细胞数目Erythrocyte (×1012·L-1) | 8.78±0.45a | 9.57±0.47a | 8.28±0.77a | 8.27±0.59a | 7.16±0.85a | 7.75±0.64a |
血红蛋白浓度Hemoglobin (g·L-1) | 113.75±6.50a | 123.33±5.78a | 109.67±10.27a | 112.33±8.95a | 101.00±13.08a | 91.00±17.69a |
表7 发酵床对7日龄羔羊全血常规生理指标的影响
Table 7 Effects of fermentation bed on blood physiological parameters of 7-day lambs
项目 Items | 冷季Cold season | 温季Warm season | 热季Hot season | |||
对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | |
白细胞数目Leucocyte (×109·L-1) | 6.35±0.96a | 5.81±0.36a | 5.22±0.53a | 5.31±0.88a | 5.28±1.95a | 4.78±0.36a |
中性粒细胞百分比Neutrophil (%) | 7.70±2.16a | 12.33±0.34a | 13.10±2.65a | 9.53±3.85a | 11.55±2.37a | 9.83±3.33a |
淋巴细胞百分比Lymphocyte (%) | 54.73±5.01a | 65.58±5.74b | 62.23±7.68a | 68.07±11.29a | 70.78±4.97a | 69.66±10.52a |
单核细胞百分比Monocyte (%) | 2.50±0.88a | 2.83±0.75a | 1.90±0.25a | 2.33±0.89a | 1.30±0.21a | 1.90±1.15a |
嗜酸性粒细胞百分比Eosinophil (%) | 23.48±4.76a | 29.30±4.54a | 22.03±4.82a | 19.07±6.42a | 19.62±2.74a | 23.73±3.26a |
嗜碱性粒细胞百分比Basophil (%) | 0.75±0.13a | 0.80±0.10a | 0.73±0.15a | 1.00±0.25a | 0.75±0.21a | 0.53±0.26a |
红细胞数目Erythrocyte (×1012·L-1) | 8.78±0.45a | 9.57±0.47a | 8.28±0.77a | 8.27±0.59a | 7.16±0.85a | 7.75±0.64a |
血红蛋白浓度Hemoglobin (g·L-1) | 113.75±6.50a | 123.33±5.78a | 109.67±10.27a | 112.33±8.95a | 101.00±13.08a | 91.00±17.69a |
项目 Items | 冷季Cold season | 温季 Warm season | 热季Hot season | |||
对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | |
葡萄糖Glucose (GLU,mmol·L-1) | 6.16±0.35a | 6.61±0.24b | 5.20±0.49a | 6.39±0.27b | 3.93±0.40a | 4.21±0.27a |
总蛋白Total protein (TP, g·L-1) | 56.87±5.29a | 55.46±1.08a | 55.07±2.78a | 54.09±1.92a | 66.50±2.72a | 70.86±1.53a |
白蛋白Albumin (ALB, g·L-1) | 20.48±0.64a | 23.15±0.72b | 19.29±0.24a | 18.92±0.55a | 23.01±0.61a | 20.38±0.60a |
球蛋白Globulin (GLB, g·L-1) | 37.50±2.45a | 50.49±1.20b | 35.78±2.61a | 35.16±2.47a | 36.39±5.55a | 32.32±1.40a |
尿素氮Urea nitrogen (UN, mmol·L-1) | 6.09±0.68a | 5.56±0.61a | 4.34±0.65a | 6.05±1.45b | 6.17±0.69a | 6.28±0.71a |
表8 发酵床对7日龄羔羊血清生化指标的影响
Table 8 Effects of fermentation bed on biochemical parameters in serum of 7-day lambs
项目 Items | 冷季Cold season | 温季 Warm season | 热季Hot season | |||
对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | 对照Control | 处理Treatment | |
葡萄糖Glucose (GLU,mmol·L-1) | 6.16±0.35a | 6.61±0.24b | 5.20±0.49a | 6.39±0.27b | 3.93±0.40a | 4.21±0.27a |
总蛋白Total protein (TP, g·L-1) | 56.87±5.29a | 55.46±1.08a | 55.07±2.78a | 54.09±1.92a | 66.50±2.72a | 70.86±1.53a |
白蛋白Albumin (ALB, g·L-1) | 20.48±0.64a | 23.15±0.72b | 19.29±0.24a | 18.92±0.55a | 23.01±0.61a | 20.38±0.60a |
球蛋白Globulin (GLB, g·L-1) | 37.50±2.45a | 50.49±1.20b | 35.78±2.61a | 35.16±2.47a | 36.39±5.55a | 32.32±1.40a |
尿素氮Urea nitrogen (UN, mmol·L-1) | 6.09±0.68a | 5.56±0.61a | 4.34±0.65a | 6.05±1.45b | 6.17±0.69a | 6.28±0.71a |
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