草业学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 103-120.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020295
Corresponding author. E-mail: zhongy@gsau.edu.cn基金资助:
Xiao-qiang ZHAO1(), Yuan ZHONG1(
), Wen-qi ZHOU2
玉米叶面积的大小及分布特征不仅影响其光合效率、蒸腾速率,而且与其耐旱性、耐密性、抗倒伏性及产量形成紧密相关。深入剖析不同水旱环境下玉米不同生育时期不同叶位叶面积的分子遗传机理对玉米耐旱高产新品种的选育具有重要意义。本研究以构建的2套F2∶3群体为试材,在8种水分环境下,采用复合区间作图法(CIM)和基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图法(MCIM)对玉米相应叶(V18时期第10片叶、R1时期穗三叶)叶面积进行单环境和多环境联合QTL分析;参考玉米基因组B73 RefGen_v3挖掘稳定表达的QTLs (sQTLs)区间内的候选基因,并对其进行功能分析。结果表明,采用CIM法,单环境下2个生育时期2套F2∶3群体间总共定位到了7个玉米相应叶叶面积QTLs,主要受显性(81.0%)、部分显性(14.3%)和超显性(4.7%)等遗传效应的调控,其中在干旱环境下定位到了5个QTLs。采用MCIM法,在2套F2∶3群体间总共检测到6个相应叶叶面积的联合QTLs,其中1个表现为显著的QTL与环境的互作(QTL×E, Bin 2.08~2.09),1对QTLs (Bin 1.08~1.10与 Bin 2.08~2.09)参与了显著的加性与加性(AA)上位性互作。结合CIM和MCIM法进一步分析在2套F2∶3群体间检测到了6个sQTLs,其分别位于Bin 1.08~1.10、Bin 2.08~2.09、Bin 4.08~4.09、Bin 6.05、Bin 8.03和Bin 10.03处,并在这些sQTLs区间内确定了12个玉米叶发育相关候选基因。采用生物信息学,总共收集了75个玉米叶发育相关候选基因,通过系统进化树分析表明,这些候选基因划分为3大进化分支,且上述检测到的12个候选基因分布于这3大进化分支上。这些结果为系统地解析玉米不同生育时期不同水旱环境下相应叶叶面积的分子遗传机理提供理论依据,检测到的sQTLs可作为叶面积改良的重要染色体区段,检测到的候选基因为其进一步克隆、功能分析及育种应用提供了信息参考。
赵小强, 钟源, 周文期. 不同水分环境下玉米叶面积QTL定位及候选基因分析[J]. 草业学报, 2021, 30(5): 103-120.
Xiao-qiang ZHAO, Yuan ZHONG, Wen-qi ZHOU. QTL mapping and candidate gene analysis of leaf area in maize (Zea mays) under different watering environments[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(5): 103-120.
时期Stage | 环境 Environment | 双亲Parents | F1杂交种 F1 Hybrid (HLT) | F2∶3群体F2∶3 Population (POPLT,H2=59.76%~64.96%) | |||||
廊黄 Langhuang | TS141 | 均值 Mean | 变幅 Range | 变异系数 CV (%) | 偏度 Skewness | 峰度 Kurtosis | |||
V18 | E1 | 301.84±16.84C | 642.41±26.20B | 912.05±36.13A | 510.92±49.92 | 291.79~869.50 | 9.77 | -0.624 | -0.147 |
E2 | 285.20±20.17C | 463.53±21.72B | 668.23±31.11A | 455.85±46.04 | 257.14~826.57 | 10.10 | 0.370 | 0.245 | |
E3 | 319.29±20.33C | 667.80±24.29B | 964.37±32.28A | 547.90±46.85 | 328.50~895.18 | 8.55 | 0.462 | 0.103 | |
E4 | 289.95±18.16C | 480.04±22.75B | 763.19±30.40A | 449.26±49.17 | 260.02~831.84 | 10.95 | 0.911 | -0.069 | |
R1 | E1 | 510.06±30.42C | 937.51±40.46AB | 1191.58±41.62A | 611.86±65.30 | 340.30~1024.12 | 10.67 | 0.273 | 0.515 |
E2 | 437.83±34.70B | 540.78±43.22AB | 852.82±39.68A | 519.92±69.49 | 309.62~971.75 | 13.37 | 0.519 | -0.722 | |
E3 | 537.52±39.95C | 1014.05±42.13B | 1389.28±48.94A | 658.65±62.64 | 373.85~1159.13 | 9.51 | 0.070 | 0.116 | |
E4 | 479.83±40.12c | 601.03±43.77b | 952.71±45.05a | 541.16±68.81 | 359.81~989.07 | 12.72 | -0.114 | 0.531 | |
时期Stage | 环境 Environment | 双亲Parents | F1杂交种 F1 Hybrid (HCT) | F2∶3群体F2∶3 Population (POPCT, H2=64.06%~59.53%) | |||||
昌7-2 Chang7-2 | TS141 | 均值 Mean | 变幅 Range | 变异系数CV (%) | 偏度Skewness | 峰度Kurtosis | |||
V18 | E5 | 321.20±20.17C | 639.20±28.93B | 900.68±41.00A | 475.80±50.13 | 289.03~846.22 | 10.54 | 0.417 | 0.505 |
E6 | 300.59±23.10c | 491.12±29.56b | 697.30±38.86a | 430.78±48.80 | 248.49~812.16 | 11.33 | 0.084 | 0.622 | |
E7 | 326.42±24.52C | 687.88±25.11B | 930.63±45.25A | 527.41±53.96 | 319.75~864.51 | 10.23 | -0.336 | -0.916 | |
E8 | 296.96±26.39C | 519.23±24.15AB | 711.21±40.18A | 452.80±47.24 | 250.58~830.77 | 10.43 | 0.614 | -0.110 | |
R1 | E5 | 538.37±37.25B | 1015.16±46.02A | 1197.20±47.61A | 585.84±68.90 | 337.95~977.32 | 11.76 | 0.622 | 0.494 |
E6 | 436.80±39.11c | 643.80±41.05b | 908.57±41.19a | 507.44±63.25 | 315.48~969.04 | 12.46 | -0.191 | -1.002 | |
E7 | 552.29±32.48B | 1029.93±42.23A | 1013.00±45.37A | 631.42±69.74 | 394.12~1194.79 | 11.04 | -0.438 | 0.389 | |
E8 | 457.52±36.49c | 671.95±47.80b | 856.19±37.42a | 530.20±68.06 | 347.88~1018.21 | 12.84 | -0.714 | -0.116 |
表1 亲本、F1杂交种及F2∶3群体玉米相应叶的叶面积表型
Table 1 Performance of leaf area (LA) for corresponding leaves in parents, F1 hybrids, and F2∶3 populations
时期Stage | 环境 Environment | 双亲Parents | F1杂交种 F1 Hybrid (HLT) | F2∶3群体F2∶3 Population (POPLT,H2=59.76%~64.96%) | |||||
廊黄 Langhuang | TS141 | 均值 Mean | 变幅 Range | 变异系数 CV (%) | 偏度 Skewness | 峰度 Kurtosis | |||
V18 | E1 | 301.84±16.84C | 642.41±26.20B | 912.05±36.13A | 510.92±49.92 | 291.79~869.50 | 9.77 | -0.624 | -0.147 |
E2 | 285.20±20.17C | 463.53±21.72B | 668.23±31.11A | 455.85±46.04 | 257.14~826.57 | 10.10 | 0.370 | 0.245 | |
E3 | 319.29±20.33C | 667.80±24.29B | 964.37±32.28A | 547.90±46.85 | 328.50~895.18 | 8.55 | 0.462 | 0.103 | |
E4 | 289.95±18.16C | 480.04±22.75B | 763.19±30.40A | 449.26±49.17 | 260.02~831.84 | 10.95 | 0.911 | -0.069 | |
R1 | E1 | 510.06±30.42C | 937.51±40.46AB | 1191.58±41.62A | 611.86±65.30 | 340.30~1024.12 | 10.67 | 0.273 | 0.515 |
E2 | 437.83±34.70B | 540.78±43.22AB | 852.82±39.68A | 519.92±69.49 | 309.62~971.75 | 13.37 | 0.519 | -0.722 | |
E3 | 537.52±39.95C | 1014.05±42.13B | 1389.28±48.94A | 658.65±62.64 | 373.85~1159.13 | 9.51 | 0.070 | 0.116 | |
E4 | 479.83±40.12c | 601.03±43.77b | 952.71±45.05a | 541.16±68.81 | 359.81~989.07 | 12.72 | -0.114 | 0.531 | |
时期Stage | 环境 Environment | 双亲Parents | F1杂交种 F1 Hybrid (HCT) | F2∶3群体F2∶3 Population (POPCT, H2=64.06%~59.53%) | |||||
昌7-2 Chang7-2 | TS141 | 均值 Mean | 变幅 Range | 变异系数CV (%) | 偏度Skewness | 峰度Kurtosis | |||
V18 | E5 | 321.20±20.17C | 639.20±28.93B | 900.68±41.00A | 475.80±50.13 | 289.03~846.22 | 10.54 | 0.417 | 0.505 |
E6 | 300.59±23.10c | 491.12±29.56b | 697.30±38.86a | 430.78±48.80 | 248.49~812.16 | 11.33 | 0.084 | 0.622 | |
E7 | 326.42±24.52C | 687.88±25.11B | 930.63±45.25A | 527.41±53.96 | 319.75~864.51 | 10.23 | -0.336 | -0.916 | |
E8 | 296.96±26.39C | 519.23±24.15AB | 711.21±40.18A | 452.80±47.24 | 250.58~830.77 | 10.43 | 0.614 | -0.110 | |
R1 | E5 | 538.37±37.25B | 1015.16±46.02A | 1197.20±47.61A | 585.84±68.90 | 337.95~977.32 | 11.76 | 0.622 | 0.494 |
E6 | 436.80±39.11c | 643.80±41.05b | 908.57±41.19a | 507.44±63.25 | 315.48~969.04 | 12.46 | -0.191 | -1.002 | |
E7 | 552.29±32.48B | 1029.93±42.23A | 1013.00±45.37A | 631.42±69.74 | 394.12~1194.79 | 11.04 | -0.438 | 0.389 | |
E8 | 457.52±36.49c | 671.95±47.80b | 856.19±37.42a | 530.20±68.06 | 347.88~1018.21 | 12.84 | -0.714 | -0.116 |
图1 玉米叶面积的水旱变化率和杂种优势分析HI: F1杂种优势指数F1 heterosis index;RH: 相对杂种优势Relative heterosis;MH: 中亲优势Mid-parent heterosis;OH: 超亲优势Over-parent heterosis;ARR: F2∶3优势降低率F2∶3 advantage reduction rate.
Fig.1 Rate of change under water-stressed environment and heterosis analysis of leaf area of maize
群体 Population (QTL) | 染色体 Chromosome | 时期 Stage | 环境 Environment | QTL 位置 QTL position | LOD | 遗传效应 Genetic effect | 基因方式 Gene action | 贡献率 Contribution rate (R2 , %) | ||||
图距Graph distance (cM) | 区间 Interval | 加性 Additive | 显性 Dominance | |d/a| | 类型 Type | |||||||
POPLT | ||||||||||||
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | V18 | E2 | 109.6 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 5.47 | 1.58 | 1.62 | 1.03 | D | 8.11 | |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | V18 | E3 | 109.6 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 5.90 | -1.51 | 0.93 | 0.62 | PD | 9.79 | |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | R1 | E1 | 109.1 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 3.93 | 1.18 | -1.20 | 1.02 | D | 7.00 | |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | R1 | E2 | 109.1 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 4.11 | 1.30 | -1.24 | 0.95 | D | 7.13 | |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | R1 | E4 | 109.6 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 6.95 | 1.97 | -2.00 | 1.02 | D | 10.40 | |
qLA-Ch.2-1 | 2 | V18 | E3 | 44.7 | bnlg1909~bnlg1613 | 3.89 | -2.16 | 2.95 | 1.37 | OD | 5.60 | |
qLA-Ch.4-1 | 4 | V18 | E2 | 180.6 | umc2041~umc2287 | 3.03 | 0.27 | 0.12 | 0.44 | PD | 3.43 | |
qLA-Ch.4-1 | 4 | R1 | E2 | 180.6 | umc2041~umc2287 | 4.55 | 0.99 | -0.47 | 0.47 | PD | 6.12 | |
qLA-Ch.8-1 | 8 | V18 | E1 | 45.1 | bnlg1863~umc2075 | 4.00 | 1.19 | -1.25 | 1.05 | D | 6.94 | |
qLA-Ch.8-1 | 8 | V18 | E2 | 46.0 | bnlg1863~umc2075 | 4.32 | 1.49 | 1.61 | 1.08 | D | 7.22 | |
qLA-Ch.8-1 | 8 | R1 | E1 | 45.2 | bnlg1863~umc2075 | 3.75 | 1.22 | 1.14 | 0.93 | D | 7.38 | |
qLA-Ch.8-1 | 8 | R1 | E2 | 46.0 | bnlg1863~umc2075 | 4.49 | 1.37 | 1.51 | 1.10 | D | 8.41 | |
qLA-Ch.10-1 | 10 | V18 | E3 | 47.2 | bnlg1655~umc1345 | 3.84 | -1.28 | -1.15 | 0.89 | D | 7.51 | |
qLA-Ch.10-1 | 10 | R1 | E3 | 47.2 | bnlg1655~umc1345 | 6.10 | -1.71 | -1.77 | 1.04 | D | 11.84 | |
POPCT | ||||||||||||
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | V18 | E6 | 156.1 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 3.98 | -1.96 | -2.03 | 1.03 | D | 6.05 | |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | R1 | E6 | 156.1 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 5.00 | -1.89 | 2.10 | 1.11 | D | 6.89 | |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | R1 | E8 | 156.1 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 4.13 | -2.14 | -2.18 | 1.02 | D | 6.21 | |
qLA-Ch.6-1 | 6 | V18 | E7 | 90.4 | umc2040~bnlg1174a | 3.95 | -2.00 | -2.22 | 1.11 | D | 6.02 | |
qLA-Ch.6-1 | 6 | V18 | E8 | 90.4 | umc2040~bnlg1174a | 4.49 | 2.28 | 2.13 | 0.93 | D | 6.49 | |
qLA-Ch.6-1 | 6 | R1 | E6 | 90.4 | umc2040~bnlg1174a | 7.28 | -1.80 | -1.71 | 0.95 | D | 9.33 | |
qLA-Ch.6-1 | 6 | R1 | E8 | 90.4 | umc2040~bnlg1174a | 8.00 | -2.82 | -2.49 | 0.88 | D | 11.94 |
表2 单环境下采用CIM法对F2∶3群体相应叶叶面积QTLs检测
Table 2 QTLs for leaf area were detected in F2∶3 populations by single environment mapping with CIM
群体 Population (QTL) | 染色体 Chromosome | 时期 Stage | 环境 Environment | QTL 位置 QTL position | LOD | 遗传效应 Genetic effect | 基因方式 Gene action | 贡献率 Contribution rate (R2 , %) | ||||
图距Graph distance (cM) | 区间 Interval | 加性 Additive | 显性 Dominance | |d/a| | 类型 Type | |||||||
POPLT | ||||||||||||
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | V18 | E2 | 109.6 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 5.47 | 1.58 | 1.62 | 1.03 | D | 8.11 | |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | V18 | E3 | 109.6 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 5.90 | -1.51 | 0.93 | 0.62 | PD | 9.79 | |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | R1 | E1 | 109.1 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 3.93 | 1.18 | -1.20 | 1.02 | D | 7.00 | |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | R1 | E2 | 109.1 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 4.11 | 1.30 | -1.24 | 0.95 | D | 7.13 | |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | R1 | E4 | 109.6 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 6.95 | 1.97 | -2.00 | 1.02 | D | 10.40 | |
qLA-Ch.2-1 | 2 | V18 | E3 | 44.7 | bnlg1909~bnlg1613 | 3.89 | -2.16 | 2.95 | 1.37 | OD | 5.60 | |
qLA-Ch.4-1 | 4 | V18 | E2 | 180.6 | umc2041~umc2287 | 3.03 | 0.27 | 0.12 | 0.44 | PD | 3.43 | |
qLA-Ch.4-1 | 4 | R1 | E2 | 180.6 | umc2041~umc2287 | 4.55 | 0.99 | -0.47 | 0.47 | PD | 6.12 | |
qLA-Ch.8-1 | 8 | V18 | E1 | 45.1 | bnlg1863~umc2075 | 4.00 | 1.19 | -1.25 | 1.05 | D | 6.94 | |
qLA-Ch.8-1 | 8 | V18 | E2 | 46.0 | bnlg1863~umc2075 | 4.32 | 1.49 | 1.61 | 1.08 | D | 7.22 | |
qLA-Ch.8-1 | 8 | R1 | E1 | 45.2 | bnlg1863~umc2075 | 3.75 | 1.22 | 1.14 | 0.93 | D | 7.38 | |
qLA-Ch.8-1 | 8 | R1 | E2 | 46.0 | bnlg1863~umc2075 | 4.49 | 1.37 | 1.51 | 1.10 | D | 8.41 | |
qLA-Ch.10-1 | 10 | V18 | E3 | 47.2 | bnlg1655~umc1345 | 3.84 | -1.28 | -1.15 | 0.89 | D | 7.51 | |
qLA-Ch.10-1 | 10 | R1 | E3 | 47.2 | bnlg1655~umc1345 | 6.10 | -1.71 | -1.77 | 1.04 | D | 11.84 | |
POPCT | ||||||||||||
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | V18 | E6 | 156.1 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 3.98 | -1.96 | -2.03 | 1.03 | D | 6.05 | |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | R1 | E6 | 156.1 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 5.00 | -1.89 | 2.10 | 1.11 | D | 6.89 | |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | R1 | E8 | 156.1 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 4.13 | -2.14 | -2.18 | 1.02 | D | 6.21 | |
qLA-Ch.6-1 | 6 | V18 | E7 | 90.4 | umc2040~bnlg1174a | 3.95 | -2.00 | -2.22 | 1.11 | D | 6.02 | |
qLA-Ch.6-1 | 6 | V18 | E8 | 90.4 | umc2040~bnlg1174a | 4.49 | 2.28 | 2.13 | 0.93 | D | 6.49 | |
qLA-Ch.6-1 | 6 | R1 | E6 | 90.4 | umc2040~bnlg1174a | 7.28 | -1.80 | -1.71 | 0.95 | D | 9.33 | |
qLA-Ch.6-1 | 6 | R1 | E8 | 90.4 | umc2040~bnlg1174a | 8.00 | -2.82 | -2.49 | 0.88 | D | 11.94 |
图3 F2∶3群体(POPLT)检测到的QTLs及上位性效应QTLs在遗传连锁图谱上的分布?●?▲分别表示V18时期检测到的QTL,R1时期检测到的QTL,联合QTL和QTL×E 位点。下同。?●?▲represented the QTL at V18 stage, the QTL at R1 stage, joint QTL, QTL×E. The same below.
Fig.3 Distribution of QTLs and epistatic QTLs on the corresponding linkage genetic map in F2∶3 (POPLT) population
图4 F2∶3群体(POPCT)检测到的QTLs及上位性效应QTLs在遗传连锁图谱上的分布虚线表示加性与加性(AA)上位性互作。Dotted line indicated epistatic interaction with additive by additive (AA) effect.
Fig.4 Distribution of QTLs and epistatic QTLs on the corresponding linkage genetic map in F2∶3 (POPCT) population
群体 Population | 染色体 Chromosome | 时期 Stage | QTL位置QTL position | A | AE1/AE5 | AE2/AE6 | AE3/AE7 | AE4/AE8 | h2 (A) (%) | h2 (AE) (%) | ||
图距 Graph distance (cM) | 区间距离 Interval distance (Mb) | 区间 Interval | ||||||||||
POPLT | ||||||||||||
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | V18 | 109.3 | 17.51 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 0.99 | - | - | - | - | 6.58 | - |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | R1 | 109.5 | 17.51 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 0.63 | - | - | - | - | 4.84 | - |
qLA-J2-1 | 2 | R1 | 77.8 | 14.79 | bnlg1233~bnlg1520 | -1.90 | - | 0.66 | - | - | 9.20 | 4.52 |
qLA-Ch.8-1 | 8 | V18 | 46.0 | 0.39 | bnlg1863~umc2075 | 1.03 | - | - | - | - | 6.68 | - |
qLA-Ch.8-1 | 8 | R1 | 45.8 | 0.39 | bnlg1863~umc2075 | 0.78 | - | - | - | - | 5.04 | - |
POPCT | ||||||||||||
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | V18 | 156.0 | 17.51 | mmc0041~phi308707 | -0.70 | - | - | - | - | 4.89 | - |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | R1 | 156.1 | 17.51 | mmc0041~phi308707 | -0.84 | - | - | - | - | 5.02 | - |
qLA-J2-1 | 2 | R1 | 116.8 | 14.79 | bnlg1233~bnlg1520 | -1.43 | - | - | - | - | 6.00 | - |
qLA-Ch.6-1 | 6 | V18 | 90.4 | 11.12 | umc2040~bnlg1174a | -0.66 | - | - | - | - | 4.82 | - |
qLA-Ch.6-1 | 6 | R1 | 90.4 | 11.12 | umc2040~bnlg1174a | -0.91 | - | - | - | - | 5.09 | - |
表3 多环境下采用MCIM法对F2∶3群体相应叶叶面积联合QTLs及QTL×E分析
Table 3 Joint QTLs and QTL×E for leaf area were detected in F2∶3 populations under multiple environments by MCIM
群体 Population | 染色体 Chromosome | 时期 Stage | QTL位置QTL position | A | AE1/AE5 | AE2/AE6 | AE3/AE7 | AE4/AE8 | h2 (A) (%) | h2 (AE) (%) | ||
图距 Graph distance (cM) | 区间距离 Interval distance (Mb) | 区间 Interval | ||||||||||
POPLT | ||||||||||||
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | V18 | 109.3 | 17.51 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 0.99 | - | - | - | - | 6.58 | - |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | R1 | 109.5 | 17.51 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 0.63 | - | - | - | - | 4.84 | - |
qLA-J2-1 | 2 | R1 | 77.8 | 14.79 | bnlg1233~bnlg1520 | -1.90 | - | 0.66 | - | - | 9.20 | 4.52 |
qLA-Ch.8-1 | 8 | V18 | 46.0 | 0.39 | bnlg1863~umc2075 | 1.03 | - | - | - | - | 6.68 | - |
qLA-Ch.8-1 | 8 | R1 | 45.8 | 0.39 | bnlg1863~umc2075 | 0.78 | - | - | - | - | 5.04 | - |
POPCT | ||||||||||||
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | V18 | 156.0 | 17.51 | mmc0041~phi308707 | -0.70 | - | - | - | - | 4.89 | - |
qLA-Ch.1-1 | 1 | R1 | 156.1 | 17.51 | mmc0041~phi308707 | -0.84 | - | - | - | - | 5.02 | - |
qLA-J2-1 | 2 | R1 | 116.8 | 14.79 | bnlg1233~bnlg1520 | -1.43 | - | - | - | - | 6.00 | - |
qLA-Ch.6-1 | 6 | V18 | 90.4 | 11.12 | umc2040~bnlg1174a | -0.66 | - | - | - | - | 4.82 | - |
qLA-Ch.6-1 | 6 | R1 | 90.4 | 11.12 | umc2040~bnlg1174a | -0.91 | - | - | - | - | 5.09 | - |
sQTLs区间 sQTLs interval | 基因数量Number of gene | 基因 ID Gene ID | 分子功能 Molecular function | 生物进程 Biological process | 细胞组分 Cell component |
mmc0041~ phi308707 | 146 | GRMZM2G014392 | 氧化还原酶活性Oxidoreductase activity | 脱落酸生物合成/氧化还原过程Abscisic acid biosynthetic process/oxidation-reduction process | 叶绿体/质体/叶绿体基质Chloroplast/plastid/chloroplast stroma |
GRMZM2G073725 | 分子内转移酶/UDP-阿糖吡喃糖酶活性Intramolecular transferase activity/UDP-arabinopyranose mutase activity | 纤维素生物合成过程/细胞壁组织/植物细胞壁组织或生物发生Cellulose biosynthetic process/cell wall organization/plant-type cell wall organization or biogenesis | 组织或生物发生/高尔基体/胞间连丝Cellulose biosynthetic process/plant-type cell wall organization or biogenesis/golgi apparatus/plasmodesma | ||
GRMZM2G017087 | DNA/RNA/蛋白结合DNA/RNA/protein binding | 转录调节/DNA模板/胞间质转运Regulation of transcription/DNA-templated/plasmodesmata-mediated intercellular transport | 细胞质/胞间连丝/微管细胞骨架Cytoplasm/plasmodesma/microtubule cytoskeleton | ||
bnlg1233~ bnlg1520 | 104 | GRMZM2G140667 | 过氧化物酶活性Peroxidase activity | 氧化应激反应/细胞氧化解毒Response to oxidative stress/cellular oxidant detoxification | 叶绿体/类囊体Chloroplast/thylakoid |
GRMZM2G005990 | 二氢叶酸还原酶活性/戊二酸合酶活性Dihydrofolate reductase activity/hymidylate synthase activity | dTMP生物合成/单碳代谢dTMP biosynthetic process/one-carbon metabolic process | - | ||
umc2041~ umc22870 | 139 | GRMZM2G094497 | ATP结合ATP binding | ATP水解耦合质子转运/质子转运/ATP代谢过程ATP hydrolysis coupled proton transport/proton transport/ATP metabolic process | 质子运输V型ATP酶/V1结构域Proton-transporting V-type ATPase/V1domain |
GRMZM2G074122 | 催化活性/苯醇丙酮酸羧化酶活性Catalytic activity/hosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity | 三羧酸循环/碳固定Tricarboxylic acid cycle/carbon fixation | - | ||
GRMZM2G162434 | DNA结合DNA binding | - | - | ||
GRMZM2G116079 | 金属离子结合 Metalion binding | - | - | ||
umc2040~ bnlg1174a | 24 | GRMZM2G039113 | - | - | 细胞质/细胞骨架Cytoplsm/cytoskeleton |
umc2040~ bnlg1174a | 2 | GRMZM2G119169 | 核糖体结构组成Structural constituent of ribosome | 翻译Translation | 核糖体/核糖体大亚基/细胞内核糖体蛋白复合体Ribosome/large ribosomal subunit/intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex |
umc2040~ bnlg1174a | 48 | GRMZM2G163437 | ATP结合/葡萄糖-1-1磷酸腺苷转移酶活性ATP binding/glucose-1-phosphate adenylytransferase activity | 核糖体生物合成/淀粉生物合成Glycogen biosynthetic process/starch biosynthetic process | 叶绿体/质体Chloroplast/plastid |
表4 叶面积sQTLs区间内候选基因检测及功能分析
Table 4 Candidate genes were detected and corresponding function were analyzed in sQTLs intervals for leaf area
sQTLs区间 sQTLs interval | 基因数量Number of gene | 基因 ID Gene ID | 分子功能 Molecular function | 生物进程 Biological process | 细胞组分 Cell component |
mmc0041~ phi308707 | 146 | GRMZM2G014392 | 氧化还原酶活性Oxidoreductase activity | 脱落酸生物合成/氧化还原过程Abscisic acid biosynthetic process/oxidation-reduction process | 叶绿体/质体/叶绿体基质Chloroplast/plastid/chloroplast stroma |
GRMZM2G073725 | 分子内转移酶/UDP-阿糖吡喃糖酶活性Intramolecular transferase activity/UDP-arabinopyranose mutase activity | 纤维素生物合成过程/细胞壁组织/植物细胞壁组织或生物发生Cellulose biosynthetic process/cell wall organization/plant-type cell wall organization or biogenesis | 组织或生物发生/高尔基体/胞间连丝Cellulose biosynthetic process/plant-type cell wall organization or biogenesis/golgi apparatus/plasmodesma | ||
GRMZM2G017087 | DNA/RNA/蛋白结合DNA/RNA/protein binding | 转录调节/DNA模板/胞间质转运Regulation of transcription/DNA-templated/plasmodesmata-mediated intercellular transport | 细胞质/胞间连丝/微管细胞骨架Cytoplasm/plasmodesma/microtubule cytoskeleton | ||
bnlg1233~ bnlg1520 | 104 | GRMZM2G140667 | 过氧化物酶活性Peroxidase activity | 氧化应激反应/细胞氧化解毒Response to oxidative stress/cellular oxidant detoxification | 叶绿体/类囊体Chloroplast/thylakoid |
GRMZM2G005990 | 二氢叶酸还原酶活性/戊二酸合酶活性Dihydrofolate reductase activity/hymidylate synthase activity | dTMP生物合成/单碳代谢dTMP biosynthetic process/one-carbon metabolic process | - | ||
umc2041~ umc22870 | 139 | GRMZM2G094497 | ATP结合ATP binding | ATP水解耦合质子转运/质子转运/ATP代谢过程ATP hydrolysis coupled proton transport/proton transport/ATP metabolic process | 质子运输V型ATP酶/V1结构域Proton-transporting V-type ATPase/V1domain |
GRMZM2G074122 | 催化活性/苯醇丙酮酸羧化酶活性Catalytic activity/hosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity | 三羧酸循环/碳固定Tricarboxylic acid cycle/carbon fixation | - | ||
GRMZM2G162434 | DNA结合DNA binding | - | - | ||
GRMZM2G116079 | 金属离子结合 Metalion binding | - | - | ||
umc2040~ bnlg1174a | 24 | GRMZM2G039113 | - | - | 细胞质/细胞骨架Cytoplsm/cytoskeleton |
umc2040~ bnlg1174a | 2 | GRMZM2G119169 | 核糖体结构组成Structural constituent of ribosome | 翻译Translation | 核糖体/核糖体大亚基/细胞内核糖体蛋白复合体Ribosome/large ribosomal subunit/intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex |
umc2040~ bnlg1174a | 48 | GRMZM2G163437 | ATP结合/葡萄糖-1-1磷酸腺苷转移酶活性ATP binding/glucose-1-phosphate adenylytransferase activity | 核糖体生物合成/淀粉生物合成Glycogen biosynthetic process/starch biosynthetic process | 叶绿体/质体Chloroplast/plastid |
sQTLs区间 sQTLs interval | 基因数量Number of gene | 基因 ID Gene ID | KEGG注释 KEGG annotation | Nr注释 Nr annotation (玉米Z. mays) | 功能 Function |
mmc0041~ phi308707 | 146 | GRMZM2G014392 | ABA/类胡萝卜素/次生代谢物生物合成Abscisic acid biosynthesis/carotenoids biosynthesis of secondary metabolites | Viviparous 14 | 水亏缺下ABA作用参与叶片生长Leaf growth via ABA under water deficit |
GRMZM2G073725 | 氨基酸糖/核苷酸糖代谢Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism | 高尔基相关蛋白se-wap41 Golgi associated protein se-wap41 | 乙烯信号作用下参与干旱胁迫反应Drought stress response via ethylene signal | ||
GRMZM2G017087 | 氨基酸代谢Metabolism of amino acids | Knotted 1 | 维持分生组织稳态/促进叶片形成Meristem homeostasis/leaf formation | ||
bnlg1233~ bnlg1520 | 104 | GRMZM2G140667 | 抗坏血酸和醛糖代谢/谷胱甘肽代谢Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism/glutathione metabolism | 抗坏血酸盐过氧化物酶2 Ascorbate peroxidase 2 | 干旱胁迫下维持叶片叶绿素量Chlorophyll content was maintained under drought stress |
GRMZM2G005990 | 叶酸生物合成/四氢叶酸生物合成Folate biosynthesis/tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis | 双功能二氢叶酸还原酶-胸腺酸合成酶Bifunctional dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase | 碳代谢Carbon metabolism | ||
umc2041~ umc2287 | 139 | GRMZM2G094497 | 代谢途径/氧化磷酸化Metabolic pathways/oxidative phosphorylation | 空泡ATP合酶B亚基Vacuolar ATP synthase subunit B | 液泡ATP合酶亚基B Vacuolar ATP synthase subunit B |
GRMZM2G074122 | C4 -二羧酸循环/NAD-苹果酸酶代谢C4-dicarboxylic acid cycle/NAD-malic enzyme type | 磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧化酶1亚型Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase isoform 1 | 光合作用/C4植物中参与固碳作用Photosynthesis/carbon fixation in C4 plants | ||
GRMZM2G162434 | 组织特异性生物系统Organism-specific biosystem | 转录因子MYB30 Transcription factor MYB30 | 生长发育/代谢调控/细胞形态/胁迫应答Growth and development/metabolic regulation/cell morphology/stress response | ||
GRMZM2G116079 | 细胞色素代谢外源性物质Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome | 假定的锌指蛋白Putative zinc finger protein30 | 调控细胞分化Cell differentiation | ||
umc2040~ bnlg1174a | 24 | GRMZM2G039113 | 囊泡运输SNARE作用SNARE interactions in vesicular transport | Tangled 1 | 细胞骨架排列/细胞分裂/叶片发育Cytoskeletal arrangement/cell division/leaf development |
bnlg1863~ umc2075 | 2 | GRMZM2G119169 | 核糖体生物合成、组织特异性生物系统Ribosome biosynthesis/organism-specific biosystem | 60S核糖体蛋白L17 60S ribosomal protein L17 | 组织特异性表达Tissue specific expression |
bnlg1655~ umc1345 | 48 | GRMZM2G163437 | 氨基酸/核苷酸糖代谢Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism | ADP葡糖糖焦磷酸化酶小亚基叶1 ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase small subunit leaf 1 | 促进光合作用和碳代谢Photosynthesis and carbon metabolism |
表5 叶面积sQTLs区间内候选基因检测及功能注释
Table 5 Candidate genes were detected and corresponding function were annotated in sQTLs intervals for leaf area
sQTLs区间 sQTLs interval | 基因数量Number of gene | 基因 ID Gene ID | KEGG注释 KEGG annotation | Nr注释 Nr annotation (玉米Z. mays) | 功能 Function |
mmc0041~ phi308707 | 146 | GRMZM2G014392 | ABA/类胡萝卜素/次生代谢物生物合成Abscisic acid biosynthesis/carotenoids biosynthesis of secondary metabolites | Viviparous 14 | 水亏缺下ABA作用参与叶片生长Leaf growth via ABA under water deficit |
GRMZM2G073725 | 氨基酸糖/核苷酸糖代谢Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism | 高尔基相关蛋白se-wap41 Golgi associated protein se-wap41 | 乙烯信号作用下参与干旱胁迫反应Drought stress response via ethylene signal | ||
GRMZM2G017087 | 氨基酸代谢Metabolism of amino acids | Knotted 1 | 维持分生组织稳态/促进叶片形成Meristem homeostasis/leaf formation | ||
bnlg1233~ bnlg1520 | 104 | GRMZM2G140667 | 抗坏血酸和醛糖代谢/谷胱甘肽代谢Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism/glutathione metabolism | 抗坏血酸盐过氧化物酶2 Ascorbate peroxidase 2 | 干旱胁迫下维持叶片叶绿素量Chlorophyll content was maintained under drought stress |
GRMZM2G005990 | 叶酸生物合成/四氢叶酸生物合成Folate biosynthesis/tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis | 双功能二氢叶酸还原酶-胸腺酸合成酶Bifunctional dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase | 碳代谢Carbon metabolism | ||
umc2041~ umc2287 | 139 | GRMZM2G094497 | 代谢途径/氧化磷酸化Metabolic pathways/oxidative phosphorylation | 空泡ATP合酶B亚基Vacuolar ATP synthase subunit B | 液泡ATP合酶亚基B Vacuolar ATP synthase subunit B |
GRMZM2G074122 | C4 -二羧酸循环/NAD-苹果酸酶代谢C4-dicarboxylic acid cycle/NAD-malic enzyme type | 磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧化酶1亚型Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase isoform 1 | 光合作用/C4植物中参与固碳作用Photosynthesis/carbon fixation in C4 plants | ||
GRMZM2G162434 | 组织特异性生物系统Organism-specific biosystem | 转录因子MYB30 Transcription factor MYB30 | 生长发育/代谢调控/细胞形态/胁迫应答Growth and development/metabolic regulation/cell morphology/stress response | ||
GRMZM2G116079 | 细胞色素代谢外源性物质Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome | 假定的锌指蛋白Putative zinc finger protein30 | 调控细胞分化Cell differentiation | ||
umc2040~ bnlg1174a | 24 | GRMZM2G039113 | 囊泡运输SNARE作用SNARE interactions in vesicular transport | Tangled 1 | 细胞骨架排列/细胞分裂/叶片发育Cytoskeletal arrangement/cell division/leaf development |
bnlg1863~ umc2075 | 2 | GRMZM2G119169 | 核糖体生物合成、组织特异性生物系统Ribosome biosynthesis/organism-specific biosystem | 60S核糖体蛋白L17 60S ribosomal protein L17 | 组织特异性表达Tissue specific expression |
bnlg1655~ umc1345 | 48 | GRMZM2G163437 | 氨基酸/核苷酸糖代谢Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism | ADP葡糖糖焦磷酸化酶小亚基叶1 ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase small subunit leaf 1 | 促进光合作用和碳代谢Photosynthesis and carbon metabolism |
环境 Environment | 时期 Stage | QTL (i) | 区间 Interval (i) | Bin (i) | QTL (j) | 区间 Interval (j) | Bin (j) | AA | h2 (AA) (%) |
E6 | R1 | qLS-Ch.1-1 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 1.08~1.10 | qLS-J2-1 | bnlg1233~bnlg1520 | 2.08~2.09 | -0.68 | 4.83 |
表6 多环境下F2∶3(POPCT)群体相应叶叶面积上位性QTLs分析
Table 6 Epistatic interactions among QTLs for leaf area were analyzed in F2∶3 (POPCT) populations under multiple environments
环境 Environment | 时期 Stage | QTL (i) | 区间 Interval (i) | Bin (i) | QTL (j) | 区间 Interval (j) | Bin (j) | AA | h2 (AA) (%) |
E6 | R1 | qLS-Ch.1-1 | mmc0041~phi308707 | 1.08~1.10 | qLS-J2-1 | bnlg1233~bnlg1520 | 2.08~2.09 | -0.68 | 4.83 |
图5 玉米75个叶发育候选基因的氨基酸序列系统进化树基因后面标有**表示为本研究检测到的相应基因。The ** on the back of the gene indicated that the gene is the detected gene in this study.
Fig.5 Phylogenetic tree of 75 candidate genes for leaf development via corresponding amino acid sequence in maize
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