Effects of intercropping patterns on growth characters and yield of Angelica sinensis under continuous mono-cropping planting
- WANG Tian-tao, WANG Qi, WANG Hui-zhen, ZHANG En-he
2013, 22(2):
317 )
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In order to alleviate or overcome obstacles of continuous mono-cropping in Angelica sinensis planting, a controlled study was conducted on 2 years continuous mono-cropping of A. sinensis planting filed in Min County, Gansu Province at 2011. The five intercropping patterns were angelica/rape, angelica/broad bean, angelica/garlic, angelica/wheat and angelica/oat, respectively, and mono-cropping angelica was concerned as a control. The growth characters and yield of A. sinensis were studied under the 6 cropping patterns. The plant height of angelica was the highest in angelica/garlic planting at all the growth stages among all treatments. At the seedling and rootstock thickening stage, increases of dry matter of angelica above ground under angelica/garlic planting were 31.51% and 21.28%, respectively, compared with mono-cropping angelica planting. At the seedling, rootstock thickening and harvesting stage, increases of dry matter of angelica underground under angelica/garlic planting were 25.00%, 36.65% and 54.75%, respectively, and increases of root stem diameter of angelica under angelica/garlic planting were 12.26%,4.80% and 24.38%, respectively, compared with mono-cropping angelica planting. The dry matter of angelica above ground and underground decreased under angelica/oat planting. Compared with mono-cropping angelica planting, decreases of incidence of angelica Ditylenchus destructor were 46.05%, 43.31%, 25.24%, 2.34% and 12.82%, respectively, under angelica/rape, angelica/broad bean, angelica/garlic, angelica/wheat and angelica/oat planting, and increases of the first-class and the second-class of angelica were 118.62% and 27.82% under angelica/garlic planting. Yields of angelica reached 1 946 kg/hm2 under angelica/garlic planting, and increases of yields of angelica under angelica/garlic planting were 67.29%, 143.31%, 207.57%, 683.06% and 34.71%, respectively, compared with angelica/rape, angelica/broad bean, angelica/wheat, angelica/oat and mono-cropping angelica planting. Intercropping patterns had effects on the emergence rate and bolting percentage of angelica, but the effects were not significant. The intercropping pattern of angelica/garlic planting increased the yields, the first-class and the second-class of angelic, and decreased the incidence of D. destructor, so the angelica/garlic planting was the best intercropping pattern to alleviate or overcome the obstacles of continuous mono-cropping in A. sinensis planting in Min County, Gansu Province.